View Full Version : Tsunami mocking

01-28-2005, 11:29 AM
since most of you are asianphiles
maybe you are aware of this :

January 21, 2005
Racist Hot 97 Skit Mocking Tsunami Victims
For the last week Hot 97 has been running a hideously unfunny and offensive skit named "Tsunami Song," that ridicules the victims of the Tsunami as "ch*nks" whose children will now be sold into child slavery. It's being played on the station's morning show, hosted by Miss Jones.

It's also featured on their website, on the right side of the page.

EDIT: the mp3 link is not working from their site anymore, but they're not gonna cover this up that easily. The fine citizens at okayplayer.com saved a copy here for evidence. Also check their discussion of the song here and here

You may know that one of that show's other hosts, Miss Info, is Asian. She voiced her displeasure with the skit and got into a heated on-air argument with Miss Jones about it. But so far Hot 97 hasn't acknowledged that there's anything wrong with it, and they continue to air it everyday.

As a New Yorker, as a radio person, and as a hip-hop fan I am ashamed and disgusted that Hot 97 is allowing this to broadcast on their airwaves. If you feel the same way you can let them know here:

HOT 97
395 Hudson St. 7th Fl.
New York, NY 10014

(212) 229-9797


01-28-2005, 11:32 AM
[hot 97]well if those people learned how to swim maybe we wouldnt have so many deaths.[/hot 97]

im kidding, that was uncalled for.

oh repost man, do a search on the forums.

01-28-2005, 11:34 AM
out of curiousity whats your ethnic background shaolin?

Ming Yue
01-28-2005, 11:38 AM
Hot 97 morning crew suspended


01-28-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Face2Fist
out of curiousity whats your ethnic background shaolin?

i was joking man. i sometimes like to cross that line though.

im 50% german, the rest is polish and danish mix. why? :D

01-28-2005, 12:13 PM
im 50% german, the rest is polish and danish mix. why? :D [/B][/QUOTE]

i m sorry to hear that!

01-28-2005, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Face2Fist
im 50% german, the rest is polish and danish mix. why? :D

i m sorry to hear that!
joke [/B][/QUOTE]


i was joking about the comment. i think you see that. i feel very bad what happened over there.

01-28-2005, 12:33 PM
:mad: :mad: **ucking rediculous

suspended only ! they should be fired, then drawn and quartered then their family should eat their remains :mad: ;)

There's shock value and then theres just stupid mother**uckers. Over 200,000 people have died and the numbers are still climbing ! and these iidiots can't find anything better to do!?

01-28-2005, 01:19 PM
This kind of cr@p is the reason why the rest of the world hates america. Those of us that put out that evil vibe should all be delt with in a communist fashion.

01-28-2005, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by wolfen
I haven't seen it and wont bother but my POV on Black humor is that those who can enjoy it are the better developed human being.
And probably more capable of genuine compassion as opposed to stand-offish sympathy. Very much like the distinction between the low level of guilt reactions versus the high level of shame reations to an event.
Those who can enjoy Black Humor are usually deeper and more affected by the pain, whatever pain.
The naysayers are the emotionally distant ones who get involved but not fully down to the gritty. They like images and concepts as barriers to reality of direct knowing.

wtf? black humor!! HA!
let me see, hmmmm! black humor, huh! ok, so its fine for me to make jokes about the millions of slaves that died on their way from africa or how ethopian children were dying in the 80s. because i feel their pain and am genuinely compassion about their struggle and misfortune.

sh*t! i can make joke about MLK getting shot! its the same as the tsunami.. the big uproar wasnt the many deaths, but the racist comments made syaing ch*nk and chinaman!! in case you didnt know, its lie saying n*gger! but hey its all in good fun right?

Ming Yue
01-28-2005, 01:26 PM
Wolfen, you're way off the mark.

Morbid humor can be therapeutic to those who are immersed in horrible situations - police, people who work in morgues, firemen, EMTs, soldiers. They joke to maintain thier sanity. They joke amongst themselves and know why they do it.

People who sit fat and rich in radio stations and make money off of the death of thousands of innocent people are the opposite of compassionate. It's evil.

This is money grubbing at it's worst and is inexcusable.

01-28-2005, 01:35 PM
I agree with ming yue 100%
it's not like people weren't telling them it's insensitive,
they just didn't care.

01-28-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Starchaser107
I agree with ming yue 100%
it's not like people weren't telling them it's insensitive,
they just didn't care.

Dito and Roger that. Some people like to live in a world where the only thing that really counts is what is directly effecting them, these radio broadcasters are just such people. Idiots, the whole lot of them that condone such behavior. I seriously hope that there are some severe authorative reactions to what these individuals passed as entertainment humor. It is discusting.

01-29-2005, 06:36 AM
Yeah I agree with Ming Yue.

01-30-2005, 01:54 AM
I heard the clip... its not humorous in the least, I mean i've heard politically incorrect jokes that are funny and you feel guilty laughing at them. This one was just stupid.
At the start of the clip i heard one of the dj's who is part-asian made a point of the fact that she didn't participate in making the song because she thought it was offensive and one of the other ones cracked the ****s at her. I'll try to find the link.

01-30-2005, 02:04 AM
fight between miss info & miss jones, followed by tsunami song (http://students.washington.edu/jeesuk/longer_hot97_tsunami.mp3)

Tsunami song (http://www.djthailo.com/Music/USA_For_Indonesia.mp3)

Response by Chinese-American rapper, Jin (http://www.alljin.com/Audio/Exclusives/jin-tsunami_response.mp3)

Interview with Jin about the song (http://www.alljin.com/Audio/Exclusives/HOT97InterviewTsunami.mp3)

Ming Yue
01-30-2005, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by wolfen
Todd Lynns viewpoint:

"I'm just a comedian. It wasn't a diabolical plot or nothin' like that. It's just that you get so desensitized by tragedy and when you do you don't think straight."

what a cop out. Nice displacement too - I hate when people use the word "you" when they should be saying "I". :rolleyes:

I think they should have to fly to Indonesia and distribute supplies, maybe build shelters for a few weeks.

01-30-2005, 12:45 PM
that would be crap if Miss Info was fired for a skit she made clear she had no part of...

Also, morbid humor is okay when you're standing knee deep in sediment digging graves for your friends and family...but when you thousands of miles away, sitting in a still standing home, watching it on TV, you have no right to crack jokes about it.

01-30-2005, 01:07 PM
Also, Miss Jones lended her vocals to the track...she's not just a racist when she's angry.

01-30-2005, 08:44 PM
I think the reaction was not extreme at all. How would the American public have reacted if they had made jokes about the victims of S11 on radio. This sort of "humour" (and I use the term loosely) is the luxury of people with their heads so far up their behinds and so far removed from any of the world's tragedies that they are incapable of empathising with a kid in a third world country who lost her family and is going to spend most of her life as a sex slave... And what ****s me more is that people are going to defend these guys based on the right to free speech. People get so high and mighty about their rights these days that they forget about their responsibilities.

01-31-2005, 04:37 AM
As with all things it's about context. The N word commonly used as a derogatory word for those of African, for example, descent is very common in Hip Hop, and is especially used by black rappers. But if me and my other white friends had a radio show and decided to make a rap song about lynchings of black people in the South using the N word and making light of black people being tortured and burned and their kids being left without fathers, it would most certainly notbe appropriate.

02-03-2005, 03:45 AM
9/11 pails in comparison to the Tsunami...

Black Humor isn't right a month after wards...regardless of whatever "black humor" you may post, Wolfen.

Matter of fact, I think your "black humor" may contain some racist connotations....

02-03-2005, 04:46 AM
Firstly even black humour would not be appropriate at the moment. Secondly this has nothing in common with humour, it's not even a bad joke.

Example of very bad humour:

Q:Why are ny's firemen the finest.. A:because they can pass through a sieve
-Now that is in extremely bad taste and insensitive, but its identifiable as humour (very stupid, bad humour). It is at least conceivable that someone may find something similar funny, if the subject matter was changed. It contains an element commonly recognised in jokes, in this case a play on the ambiguity of the word "fine". If we were talking about this joke, the "black humour" argument may have some (little) merit.

Compared to an exerpt from the Hot97 tsunami song:

"Go find your mommy,
I just saw her float by, a tree right through her head, and now your children will be sold to child slavery"
-Call me stupid but I don't recognise any humour in it :confused:

Ming Yue
02-03-2005, 05:20 AM
plain and simple, I don't see how you can possibly defend this on any level.

people are still dying.

02-03-2005, 10:23 AM
first of all its not called black humor
its "DARK HUMOR"!!!

secondly i think wolfen is just trying to get a raise out of people in this thread...

02-03-2005, 10:33 AM
first of all its not called black humor

actually it can be called either. Certain extremely sensitive types may not like it and prefer to call it "dark" but they are interchangeable and often are.

02-04-2005, 08:44 AM
they should have been fired. it's like making fun of slaves brought over from africa to US or people who died on 9/11. it was a great tragedy. it's people like them that caused the event on 9/11. you would see one of the dj who was black make fun of slavery now, but if someone else made fun of it, he would use his radio to call that person a racist, but it's ok for him to make fun of another race and human tragedy.