View Full Version : Tom Cameron

Ming Yue
01-28-2005, 02:06 PM
A local radio program that discusses the paranormal is having an interview with this guy this weekend. Through some friends, I know the folks that are hosting this and I'm tempted to warn them that it's hooey, but they're all about the hooey, so I'm keeping my mouth shut.
Master Tom Cameron is one of the world’s top experts in Dim Mak, the ancient Chinese Death Touch. He is capable of knocking a person down without any physical contact, and his ability has been documented on international TV by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. Cameron is an instructor who uses his skills to enhance corporate security. He is one of western society’s leading researchers of how chi and bio energy can be controlled. Cameron, "The Human Stun Gun", has been involved in martial arts for over thirty years and has developed the ability to knock down, knock out or shut an attacker's organs off. The technique requires little more than a touch and in many instances just the intent without physical contact is sufficient.

Cameron is apparently planning to "effect listeners' chi" over the airwaves. Nice.

I hadn't heard of Tom Cameron before this. (obviously I don't follow Ripley's :rolleyes: ) Anyone know anything else about him?

01-28-2005, 02:22 PM
Haven't heard of that one...

norther practitioner
01-28-2005, 03:36 PM
Is this on the radio!?

oo, oo, please tell me the radio station, this could be fun...

Hello NP from Asheville, you are on with Master Cameron..

Yeah, um, with this death touch, how do you know it works, have you killed someone?

lol, this could be fun.

Ming Yue
01-28-2005, 03:44 PM
oh you know I'm calling in. :D

It's tomorrow night from 7-9 on WWNC (it's the local clear channel right wing wackjob station - I find it amusing that they have this paranormal show on every week.)

I plan to suggest that I drive down to the station so he can knock me down with his chi - as he repeatedly claims he can do. The station is 10 minutes from my house.

norther practitioner
01-28-2005, 04:00 PM
You should.. and get some tape...

I wonder if the radio waves would interfere.