View Full Version : Baji and Bak Mei(white eyebrow)

01-28-2005, 09:07 PM
Hey Guys
I am studying Baji chuan . I have a karate background. I have come across opportunities also to study Bak Mei, and Hsing Yi? Baqua. I know baji share similarities with hsing yi. Thus would be redundant? Wondering how would Bak Mei( white Eye brow) compliment if any? What would pluses and minuses of above martial arts with baji? I am told that Bak Mei had similiars with karate ( esp okinawan styles)??
Any help is appreciated

01-28-2005, 10:44 PM
I think that it is better just focus on your study On Ba Ji for now.

You may make comparative study later.

I studied Ba Ji in late 1970's.

Before I studied Tai Ji, Ba Gua and Xing Yi.

May be a couple of years down road.

For each school, I had to start over. And not thinking about other school at the time.

Best of luck.