View Full Version : Most Disappointing Movie of the Year

02-06-2005, 04:48 PM
Mine was The Village. Mind you I skipped Elektra, Blade 3 and Catwoman.

Onto my reasons why:

Technical: Too many fixed camera angles, blocking of actors looks like it was designed for the stage, not cinema and the acting was either wooden or over acted. Also I found the pallate of the movie to be as bland and tasteless as the inside of a 1980's McDonalds.

Scripting: Low key, slow paced with occasional moments of stupendiously poor scripting. Generally boring.

Plot: Saw the "mysterious hook" coming from the very first sighting of the "monsters" onward. I was watching it with my brother and the dialogue went thus...

Bro: I hope they don't have the monsters being guys in red suits.

A few minutes pass...

Me: I have a bad feeling...

Bro: What?

Me: Remember what you were saying about the monsters - well what if the whole movie is in the modern time and they just want to keep people isolated in their little pioneer village?

Bro: I hope not.... But I can see where you are coming from.

The rest of the interminably long movie passes, blind girl is lost in the woods with a "monster" hanging around.

Bro: Come on, this is to try and keep idiots guessing - it's obviously just another guy in a suit.

Me: Oh for sure.

The last few painful minutes of the movie tick by, M. Night Shamylan does his obligatory stupid cameo, I am proved entirely correct.

Some tips to M. Night:

1: Hire a better cinematographer.
2: Get better scripts.
3: There is a difference between suspenseful and boring; guess which side of the line your movies fall on.
4: No matter how much you try to hide it the underlying allegorical messages of Signs and The Village are as clear as day and nearly as stupid.
5: When making a suspense/horror film DO NOT use Scooby Doo as primary source material.
6: Blind people stumbling lost in the woods isn't interesting or scary. It wasn't even interesting or scary when stupid people stumbled through the woods in Blair Witch. Now it's just done to death.

SanSoo Student
02-06-2005, 11:03 PM
Sadly enough I did go see Catwoman, it paid off though because my date was pretty hot. She thought the movie was a pile of cr@p also.

Other than that, I would have to say Blade 3 even suked when I was watching the movie half drunk. Most of the comedy in that movie was forced and redundant, and the action wasn't anything new.

Judge Pen
02-07-2005, 06:55 AM
Alexander, but I didn't go see Catwoman or the Village.

Oliver Stone has lost his edge.

David Jamieson
02-07-2005, 08:00 AM
Oliver Stone has lost his edge.

He is one in a line of many who serve as an example of what happens when hollywood takes a trip to the same well too many times.

There are many many talented people who are just shut out of the process.

Indie film is the only place you're gonna find something new and interesting consistently.

Hollywood is like an old ***** at this point. still has one or two tricks left in her, but ultimately, it mostly ****s dust and looks like a painted up something else. :p

02-07-2005, 11:27 AM
I like catwoman, electra and blade 3.

Cat gives your the mystic power of agility, flexibility, nite vision, knee jerk response, jump from high landing on 4 feet, --- and the 9 lives.

Cat steps are used in CMA.

the big cat, the tiger claws are used in a lot of Qin Na.

What am I saying?

I like the movies.

White chick or guys pretending to be girls made me throwing up.

02-07-2005, 11:57 AM
I don't really get dissapointed in movies anymore, usuallly. House of Flying Daggers managed to do it though, that movie sucked. I"d rather watch Alone in the Dark again then House of FLying Daggers!

02-07-2005, 12:00 PM
Alone in the dark.

It is ok.

the family children are cursed with the devil.


02-07-2005, 01:23 PM
:confused: You confuse me sometimes SPJ.

We went and saw the movie last night. I very rarely get dissapointed in movies, mostly because I tend to lower my expectations so the movie is atleast entertaining. Alone in the Dark, was a little worse then I thought it woud be, reminds me of the monster movies they play on the USA channel on saturday afternoons. Cheesy, no real plot or character developement. The gore was low key, a few scenes but for the most part it was way more tame then I expected. The monsters were ok, obvious reip-offs of Alien.
Apparently it's based on a videogame, that would explain why the name soudned familiar but I'm not familiar with the videogame so can't make a comparison.

02-07-2005, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by red5angel
:confused: You confuse me sometimes SPJ.

We went and saw the movie last night. I very rarely get dissapointed in movies, mostly because I tend to lower my expectations so the movie is atleast entertaining. Alone in the Dark, was a little worse then I thought it woud be, reminds me of the monster movies they play on the USA channel on saturday afternoons. Cheesy, no real plot or character developement. The gore was low key, a few scenes but for the most part it was way more tame then I expected. The monsters were ok, obvious reip-offs of Alien.
Apparently it's based on a videogame, that would explain why the name soudned familiar but I'm not familiar with the videogame so can't make a comparison.

it looks nothing like the game i remember. but then again pirate zombies in a mansion seems too much pirates of carabean vs resident evil. even though AITD has been around before RE. L(

i would say the village was bad. i didnt see alexander, troy, blade 3, or catwomen.

Judge Pen
02-08-2005, 07:18 AM
I wasn't disappointed in Troy. I wasn't expecting too much, though.

Ming Yue
02-08-2005, 08:43 AM
you guys have convinced me to miss "the village". I'm not such a big fan of M. Shamalamadingdong anyway, but your comments sealed it.

Anyone seen 'the grudge'? I dig a good horror movie and have been wondering about that one...

I was dissapointed in 'Garden State'.. the characters were too distant and I wound up just not caring at all.

02-08-2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Ming Yue
Anyone seen 'the grudge'? I dig a good horror movie and have been wondering about that one... It's OK, but the ending was just a rehash of every horror movie since Friday the 13th Part 1. It did have a couple of creepy moments, though.

I'm curious to see the original Japanese version.

I was dissapointed in 'Garden State'.. the characters were too distant and I wound up just not caring at all. Yeah, it had potential, but they didn't develop any of the characters with any depth. The father/son relationship was completely glossed over, and yet it was supposed to be the centerpoint of the movie.

02-08-2005, 09:07 AM

Sadness is always focused by Japanese movies.

The "wrong" spirits will haunt the place where "wrongness" happened. The same "wrong" will repeat over and over.

The only way to "calm" the spirits may need the Buddhist, Daoists or whatever the spirits believed when alive. Use his or her most fond or loved objects or events to remind them the love and goodness and help them to "cross over" to the other realm.

Evil may not be corrected by more evil.

Only love and forgiveness will overcome evil.

The house and the spirits need closure.

The spirits are dragging innocent to the darkness.

A Buddhist or Daoist monks that saved a lot of lives and meditated a lot. Only monks with a lot of love, goodness will weather and drag the "grudge" to the bright and goodness.

Recite Diamond Sutra etc to remind the spirits and make then "think".

In short, "wrongness" may not be corrected by more "wrongness".

It is a bad Yuan.

Only goodness and love will overcome.

This is the general theory of folklores.

A stronger belief in goodness and love will overcome the thoughts of evils and injustice.

Oh Miiii Tooor Phoooo.

San Zai. San Zai.

Goodness for goodness sake.

Ming Yue
02-08-2005, 09:12 AM
I wanted to like A Day Without a Mexican (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377744/), but didn't. Handled differently, it could have been good.

I did like Dummy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0246592/), nice over the top performance from Milla Jovovich, predictable but sweet story.

any comment on Gong Fu (http://indie.imdb.com/title/tt0373074/) (Kung Fu Hustle)?

EDIT: ok nevermind.. I just saw the thread dedicated to Kung Fu hustle...

02-08-2005, 06:25 PM

The most disappointing movie for me was Alien vs Predator. It had too many humans. I would have preferred to see Predator and Alien dialogue with English subtitles. But then again, Hollywood has never been so visionary.


02-08-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by Ming Yue

Anyone seen 'the grudge'? I dig a good horror movie and have been wondering about that one...


I saw it right after "The Village" after that piece of crap anything can look vaguely decent and "The Grudge" is OK - it's derivative (a remake of an older Japanese film) and pedestrian but it's vaguely entertaining.