View Full Version : kung fu styles and san da

Sim Koning
02-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Hey guys, what kung fu styles out there do you think translate well into san da? I'm having alot of luck using Jow ga because it is so "kickboxing" like to begin with, but what others out there do you think work well in that format? Do you think a style like Wing Chun could work in san shou for example?

Your thoughts please

02-07-2005, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Sim Koning
Hey guys, what kung fu styles out there do you think translate well into san da? I'm having alot of luck using Jow ga because it is so "kickboxing" like to begin with, but what others out there do you think work well in that format? Do you think a style like Wing Chun could work in san shou for example?

Your thoughts please

Of course they can...The real problem is that most people are being taught by those who've got little to no fight experience either in or outside of the ring. This leads to a slow degeneration in skills to theory and conjecture.

norther practitioner
02-07-2005, 11:10 PM
train your style, your drills, and spar, thats what it takes...

but if you want to fight san da, practice techs that fall into san da rules.... namean

02-08-2005, 09:19 AM
"Of course they can...The real problem is that most people are being taught by those who've got little to no fight experience either in or outside of the ring. This leads to a slow degeneration in skills to theory and conjecture."

So true SiuHung, so true... :D

Any style should be able to use it's techniques in SanDa/SanShou/Kuoshu/whatever formats so long as you understand what you can use following the rules and what you can't.

As SiuHung mentioned you have to have proper training with someone who knows what they're doing.


Ray Pina
02-08-2005, 12:17 PM
"The real problem is that most people are being taught by those who've got little to no fight experience either in or outside of the ring. This leads to a slow degeneration in skills to theory and conjecture"

This post is so true. It answers all the other million posts of "this style vs that style." If what you got comes from someone who has made it work, then there's a chance that he can help you make it work for you (period).

02-09-2005, 07:19 AM

David Jamieson
02-09-2005, 09:12 AM
shrimp up, hone up your boxing skills. :p

You can use any style. You may need to shorten up your stuff though. Big wide frame stuff does not do well in close range hand to hand. You can maybe slip in one or two things like that (open hip long range kicks for instance), but your close range stuff needs focus.

Sim Koning
03-02-2005, 09:24 AM
yes, been doing Jow Gar for about 6 years under Chan Sifu. I'm also doing BJJ and San Shou