View Full Version : A new school in Montreal!

old jong
10-18-2001, 04:08 PM
Yes guys!...I'm working pretty hard on this project.I'm opening a Wing Chun class in Montreal!
My Sifu (Patrick Gordon)as been litteraly on my back,harassing me (Just kidding Sifu!) for a long time about starting to teach (what I know of!) Augustine Fong's system in my town.
I have the place.I started some publicity.I'm working on a web site (I will post it here as soon as it is done) All I miss is the students!!! :D
It will be a very humble place in the beginning but I hope I will make it a good place to learn and practice.It will open very soon!
Email: fgwingchun@hotmail.com ;)

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Chang Style Novice
10-18-2001, 05:08 PM
Congratulations! May all your students suffer horribly - and love every minute of it.

I am the Grand Ultimate Silk Pyjama

10-18-2001, 06:06 PM
My buddy just opened a wing chung school here in Toronto,he said setting it up was hard as a b***h.
Good Luck!!
May your students be plenty!!

Its not what goes in a man that defile's him, its what comes out.

old jong
10-18-2001, 06:44 PM
Thanks guys.
I know it will not be easy for some times but I'm not in a hurry.I don't do this for money or for earning a living.I think it is good at a certain stage in kung fu to start teaching more seriously.
And yes!...I will make them suffer horribly! ;) :D

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