View Full Version : The best example...

02-12-2005, 07:57 AM
I have heard many people say that it is not the art, Kung Fu, MMA or whatever, it is the person that defines how good a fighter they become. I think this is true.

I pinched this clip from the a Wing Chun tread, if you have seen it before, sorry, (Although I have watched it a few times and still enjoyed it) if not, watch it, its good.

TKD gets a lot of sh*t, however check this guy out:


interested to hear your comments, not many commented on the wing chun thread.



02-12-2005, 08:51 AM
He was quite good by any standard.

Hard to tell how much was skill and how much was aggression.

His kicks were good but then you go to any TKD event and you see good kicks. It was hard to tell how good his opposition was and how good they made him look. At least one was a real pushover.

The part where he fought in what looked like san shou was poor to say the least. He for some reason dropped the great kicking and aggressive punching and when for sub par pick ups (was edited so couldn’t see his entry).

To sum up, a good guy who is doing good for TKD.

02-12-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by william
I have heard many people say that it is not the art, Kung Fu, MMA or whatever, it is the person that defines how good a fighter they become. I think this is true.

I pinched this clip from the a Wing Chun tread, if you have seen it before, sorry, (Although I have watched it a few times and still enjoyed it) if not, watch it, its good.

TKD gets a lot of sh*t, however check this guy out:


interested to hear your comments, not many commented on the wing chun thread.



I didn't download the clip, too big, but I do have thoughts on your post. IMO I believe the art is what really makes the difference, opposite to what you think. But there are always exceptions to the rule. I teach and train in Wing Chun, and believe it to be the most effective art IMO, anyone is free to disagree and that's okay to, it's just my opinion. But just because one is skilled in this art, it doesn't mean they are the "deadliest" man alive, just due to the fact that there are some that are very gifted and skilled in what they do, whatever MA they practice, plus they probably train hard and love to do it also, which helps in their ability to use what they train in. But if you had that same person practice a more effective art then that person would be a better fighter, true? For example, would Bruce Lee have been as effective a fighter if he first learned TKD instead of Wing Chun? Since Bruce's first art was the one that influenced his JKD the most, I believe if TKD was that influence he would not have been as effective as he was.

Just some thoughts..


02-12-2005, 09:17 AM
Bruce Lee?...effective?....in what way?

How would his films have been worse if he had taken TKD and not WC?

If I remember rightly, and i'm no WC or BL groupy, BL didnt even get that far into WC!

And on another point. Every one thinks that their art is the most evective......ofton against a huge weight of evidance to the contrary.

02-12-2005, 09:39 AM
Lets not let this thread get high-jacked with "which art is best" discussion. I do agree how that ok, the style does count, but there is a lot of personal variation.

Lets keep this thread to comments about the clip.

Before I whatched this clip, I too had sl*gged of TKD after having done it for a year or so and not been impressed, now I see that with the right person it can be pretty effective, how that guy would fair on the street? who knows, but judging by his aggression levels I would say he'd do ok...



02-12-2005, 10:23 AM
Good fighter. His attacks explode and fly like Praying Mantis.


02-12-2005, 11:14 AM
Said it on this forum before, but we have some real hard core TKD guys in my city (I think that the standard is a bit better in the UK) and I have never had a bad opinion of TKD based on the guys that I have trained/sparred with.

02-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Tae Kwon Do has a bad rep because of poor instructors giving sub-par instruction and people doing only "Olympic-style" sparring (no head punches or takedowns allowed). Some of the best fighters I've trained with were TKD guys who fought in kickboxing matches regularly.

Tae Kwon Do traditionally has all the same techniques as say, Kyokushin Karate. Kyokushin fighters are excellent. This is because of their concentration on hardcore realistic training and sparring methods. These are methods which any style could employ to great benefit.

As far as Wing Chun being the "most effective" style out there, I've seen very experienced WC guys get their azzes kicked by first year boxers and kickboxers.

It's not the style. It's the training

Pork Chop
02-12-2005, 04:17 PM
looks like he was competing using full force/contact from tae kwon do competitions all the way up to MMA.

anywhere that kind of environment exists is bound to produce good fighters, regardless of the style.

02-13-2005, 09:58 AM