View Full Version : Reality Check part 2

02-12-2005, 06:18 PM

real fights real people

are your training methods giving you what you need ?

just a small window into the wrong place at the wrong time ;)

Li Nin KiT
02-13-2005, 01:10 AM

02-13-2005, 01:36 AM
Against what I saw in those videos...my training suits me just fine...of course there's always room for improvement. My favorite one is the french guy slap, that was some quick non-telegraphed shiznit!

Kevin Bell
02-13-2005, 10:26 AM
Hey Bro,

As i said to Kev Mac, good post keepin it real.


02-13-2005, 10:46 AM
You know haw we do Kev!
But really seems a lot of folks like to live I what I call the [Paper dimension]
It’s like the Twilight Zone. Were the can measure out a random act of violence in inches and one limb moves at [X] speed while the big toe points this and in if you 2 millimeters to the right it makes all the difference as long as you employ this concept blah blah blah

All stuff that only works in the paper dimension! And we all know in the protractor reality of the paper dimension were the math geeks and dungeon and dragon masters live it’s all about them green Gods! Dead presidents!

Just want to keep the eye on the prize, you can not quantify a shoe job or a bum rush, can measure out or formulate slurred, uncrispy or broken rhythm, can’t put XYZ toe nail pointing theory on human fight or flight emotion

But you can train with that honesty in mind, but I know when you say well not sure if it will work all the time [the truth] paying students don’t want to hear that now do they or do they?

Just ranting =)

Kevin Bell
02-13-2005, 12:19 PM
Rant away bro and i will b#tch right back at ya.

Paper dimension that's a gem, i'll have to remember that one. Your absolutely right and i totally agree. The views to reply ratio seems a little small right now! Whats the matter? Shocked? Revulsed? This is the knd of people that exist on any street corner my friends. See that poor russian lady man she took some punishment. The sad thing is there is another lady at home thinking the sun shines out of her boy's @ss whilst he 's out commiting heinous acts such as that!!!!

As a parent i have to face the fact that my son will grow up into this kind of society and witness things such as this. You kn ow i look at him now he's ten years old all he cares about is football (soccer) and his X-Box game console, what a lovely little bubble to live in eh?

Prepare for peace but be ready for war. Kev M said a good thing to me which went something along the lines of this " If i was faced with this situation i would tell myself i was dead anyway and try and take as many of the ####### with me as possible"

Miles Teg
02-13-2005, 08:55 PM
The Russian mugging was probably the most brutal thing I've ever seen. I could hardly watch it. Was he stomping her head?

Anyway, at first look I thought that there were probably not many options for an elderly lady like that. I mean once she was pulled onto the ground it was all over. On the other hand I got to thinking wondering what she could have done to prevent that from happening in the first place. I dont know if any of these would help or not:
1. Strike up a conversation with the person so that you are facing them when they approach. This may also prevent the attack as attacker begins to realize that this is an actual person and not some faceless stranger. If she was a resisdent she could mention how there have been many muggings and how he should be careful. Also how there are security cameras around but they dont prevent the crime. I guess this is wishful thinking.....
2. Don't turn your back on someone. In her case it may not have made much difference in the long run but it may have given her the chance to at least scream.

I wonder what else might have helped this poor lady.

02-13-2005, 09:37 PM
I didn't see that one until now. Man that was some nasty stuff. Now I don't want my mom or sister or fiancee going anywhere alone. If I got my hands on that pu$$y loser it would be over for him.

Men fight because they have to fight...it's been that way since the dawn of time...but men doing that to women...that's horrible. He didn't even have to hit her (let alone kick her head that many times...) at all to get her purse....that's just sick.

Kevin Bell
02-17-2005, 08:36 AM
Check the russian mugging clip and be aware this type of nutbag exists in everday society...