View Full Version : Martial Arts Training is pointless

02-13-2005, 02:11 AM
This may seem like a rant post designed to rile up the forum. Well it may be a rant, but it's really just some random thoughts and questions that have ran through my mind on occasion.

Why must we train so hard to defend ourselves against people who do not?

Having so much training in your life, aren't there still so many other factors involved in a real fight that your chances of winning are still a gamble? ..... 50 % maybe ?

factors :
Bigger/ faster/ weapons/ attacker also has MA training/ attacker snuck up on you/ slipping and falling/ random intervention by shark attack/ etc

There are people who have not trained (MA) a day in their life and, ironically, would beat a trained fighter (for their natural strength, speed, etc.). Isn't one untrained man still able to beat another, and isn't one man faster/ stronger/ smarter than another man in a fight?

Doesn't all this training and stylization just create something of an "arms race? Perhaps it's much safer to invest in a knife or a gun than in MA lessons. If MA are available to you, it is safe to assume they are available to the bad guys too.

Royal Dragon
02-13-2005, 02:55 AM
Your right, we actually do it because it makes us Machines in bed and our Wim'ns Love it!


02-13-2005, 06:19 AM
You missed one thing.

Most people I know train in Martial arts because the enjoy it.

The self defence in a 'real fight' comes second, or just as high, but never without enjoyment. (Then health etc etc)

I personally train in a Kung fu school that teaches a Variety of styles, mostly Mantis, Wing Chun and CLF. It is not the most 'Hard Core' school in the world, but we do spar and train weapons, pads etc. Most of all its Fun, the guys I train with are sound, and my teacher is very good, listens and is very open to our requests as to what we learn.

If I wanted the best form of self defence for 'real' encounters there is a school up the road that teachs Muay Thai and Grappling, that would probably prepare me more for real encounter.

However I do not wish get my brains bashes out 3 times a week preparing for something that might never happen, and with the ablity to swallow pride, is mostly avoidable. (I also take advanced neuropsychology modules and I know how fragile our heads are!)

Don't get me wrong, our sparring is hard, and I pratice a lot, and I believe my ability to look after myself is much greater than with no training at all, BUT most of all I enjoy it, kung fu is rewarding and a lot of fun in the right environment.



David Jamieson
02-13-2005, 06:43 AM
well, be a nihilist if you want morbicid, you're not convincing anyone here. :p

have a twinkie and go watch american idol or something.:rolleyes:

02-13-2005, 07:30 AM
True. Any fight as well as everything else are random events.

Everything moves in time and space.

However, practice and training are still necessary for the fireman, police, Army etc. We still try to deal with random events with a arsenal of "trained" responses.

As far as personal study in Kung Fu, it may go beyond and above the self defense. We put in hours everyday to train our body and mind. So that we are more aware and in tune with ourself.

I would never use my fingers and wrists in full range, unless I practice silk reeling or Chan Si everyday. I stretched and kicked with my legs in full range.

If I just type with hands and walk with legs. All my body parts and joints are submitted to a set of moves with a limited range.

Use the mouse too much. We get carpal tunnel, shoulder pain etc.

Hey, my body is in a better shape. If I move them full range slowly and then fast in Kung Fu practice.

I am better coordinated, sympathetic and parasym nervous systems firing evenly, my cardiopulmonary function improved by breathing 80% or 100% full capacity more in KF practices, /my joints are toned, muscles and tendons are relaxed and gently stretched on and on.

My back and posture are naturally alinged and balanced. It beats sitting in chairs, behind the computer, TV or driving wheel etc.

Sorry about my side of ranting.


02-13-2005, 10:01 AM
nothing in life is certain.

all you can do is push the odds far more in your favour than they would otherwise have been, and hope probabilities play out in your favour come the day..

the better your training and state of readiness, the better your odds of overcoming your challenges..

"the harder i train, the luckier i get" seems to spring to mind.

not my quote, saw it somewhere recently.

02-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Odds are still 50 -50 , but the m.a. has the bigger 50 :p

02-13-2005, 11:51 AM
Most of the things that I do in life aren't necesary for my survival, but I do them anyway. Wushu improves my quality of life though, and there's the off chance something I learn could save my life someday. Some people may need it for survival though, who's to say. Some people live in very dangerous nieghborhoods. Not everybody can get a gun, or be able to draw it quick enough to defend themselves. Knife training and other practical weapons though can often be found in martial arts systems. Everyone lives with different circumstances influencing their choices... someone living in a slum in NYC may have differen motivations & needs than a guy like me living in a subburb in Ohio.

02-14-2005, 01:14 PM
I train in Wushu/Gongfu so that I can feel complete in my incompleteness when I am run over by a truck.

Ray Pina
02-14-2005, 01:38 PM
Yes (to original post) .... but what about finding peace in your mind and learning how to stand tall and regulate your energy?

02-14-2005, 01:38 PM
I believe fortune favors the brave (those who has combat courage) not the ignorant. There are people who loves to drink and p!ss their lives away. Who's wasting life and time away? It's all relative.

I don't want to be ignorant and I certainly do not want to drink and p!ss my life away. But I certainly don't stop others from wasting theirs if that pleases them. :)


02-14-2005, 02:38 PM
I agree....

We should be devoting our time to much more useful activities.... LIKE THIS! (http://www.joshshainin.com/Ana_Pope_files/AnaPope_ABQJournal.jpg)