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02-14-2005, 02:03 PM
Hi everyone,

I want to organize few one day or two day seminars under my teaching program, here in Brooklyn, NY, tri-state area and also in other States. I am available all year around and willing to share my knowledge.

I’m looking for 5-7 people, but participants must be at least 18 years old.

Here is my short offer (http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/calendar.php?s=&action=getinfo&eventid=15) please visit my website below and contact me at email to find out more about costs, locations and terms. I teach by seminars & private lessons only

PS. I have no secrets; rather I’m looking for open minded people. No politics.

Best Regards


02-17-2005, 01:23 PM
Thank you guys for all emails and questions to me. My offer is still valid.

What do I teach?

I teach five ranges of fight and applications. Long distance, trapping, short, clinch, throwing and some ground fight techniques. All based on Weng Chun style. My method called Ultimate Fighting System is NOT a new style. It is teaching program only!!!

Why I am holding this seminars?

I want to spread and share my knowledge. I don't require to spent 10 years or more (like me) for learning something to be a master. Just quick and easy, no traditions.

Feel free to contact me for more informations

02-17-2005, 02:18 PM
VD wrote:

My method called Ultimate Fighting System is NOT a new style. It is teaching program only!!!

**How humble of you. ;) Tell me, what known fighters have you taught or trained in your method? Have you fought NHB?

02-17-2005, 05:07 PM
well... Polish names doesn't tell you nothing, but I got few.
I use to work as a 'bouncer' in night clubs, and there is a only one place called STREET corner. You don't need any traditions, forms or competition rules out there. UFS-program and applications works perfect ! Believe me

02-17-2005, 05:53 PM
No matter how good you might be at fighting...you've got some serious vanity issues from the looks of your website.

"...the ability to utilize and FULLY master the techniques of self defense and hand to hand combat"

Wow...that's like saying you're jesus christ....

But I especially love the wallpapers....they just shout out "I wish my pc was a mirror..."

02-17-2005, 05:58 PM
VingDragon- that is quite a communication problem on the list. In our media dominated culture many folks automatically assume that "Figthing" is a category well covered by the NHB and its cousins.

02-17-2005, 05:59 PM
But I especially love the wallpapers....they just shout out "I wish my pc was a mirror..."

dude flipped my chair laughing and almost chipped my tooth on my desk :D :D :D

that $hit right there was fuuuuuuunnnnnnyyyyy !

02-17-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Ernie
But I especially love the wallpapers....they just shout out "I wish my pc was a mirror..."

dude flipped my chair laughing and almost chipped my tooth on my desk :D :D :D

that $hit right there was fuuuuuuunnnnnnyyyyy !

Well seriously man!! I mean c'mon! Who in their right mind, aside from a ****sexual admirer, would put those on their computer as a wallpaper?!

But it was just a joke so please VD, wait....your initials are "VD"? Nevermind I'm not going to touch that one....anyway...just poking fun, I know you can prolly take me out...so please take it in jest. :D

02-17-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Vajramusti
VingDragon- that is quite a communication problem on the list. In our media dominated culture many folks automatically assume that "Figthing" is a category well covered by the NHB and its cousins.

And with the first quote Joy I only question the word "fully"...no one can fully master anything...humans are not perfection and will never achieve perfection, thus the reference to JC. I just thought it was amusing to hear someone actually say that.

I have a pet peeve about people who are up on themselves. People that talk themselves up are never on the top of my list. But then personal websites are often used for "selling" oneself for whatever the reason....

It's funny website though...can't wait to read it all! :cool:

02-17-2005, 06:08 PM
all in good fun man :D
but the words [ love me ........ I do ] come to mind !
but the flash site is done nice
good to see modern looking martial art sites , not like all the shaw brothers looking ones out there
so props for that

02-17-2005, 06:16 PM
I have not seen the website... visiting websites is nota high priority with me- I might run into grandmasters, greatgrandmasters, great great grandmasters of almghtiness. Might shatter my fragile self assurance.
Websites can give information and be part of sensible information giving and even marketing. But in matters of taste- its a big cafeteria of site offerings in the martial world.

02-17-2005, 06:23 PM
Having a hard time deciding which is my favorite pic...



02-17-2005, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by YungChun
Having a hard time deciding which is my favorite pic...



I loved that show Shprockets!!!! Those are some kick a$$ dance moves!

02-17-2005, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Vankuen
I loved that show Shprockets!!!! Those are some kick a$$ dance moves!

Absa-flippin-lutely! Anyone have a clip???

They should have done a movie.

02-17-2005, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Vankuen
Well seriously man!! I mean c'mon! Who in their right mind, aside from a ****sexual admirer, would put those on their computer as a wallpaper?!

A fight choreographer for movies perhaps? ;) Like no one else around here shows exhibitionistic tendencies. :D

- kj

02-17-2005, 07:09 PM
That is kind of a new look in sparring gear there what with the wifebeater T, the weightlifting gloves, and the dark sunglasses.

How's that working out for you? :)

Seriously, though, how much of the weng chun system did you have the opportunity to learn? Didn't you train with Andreas for 8 years or so?

Dave Milner

02-17-2005, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by kj
A fight choreographer for movies perhaps? ;) Like no one else around here shows exhibitionistic tendencies. :D

- kj

:D who me !

02-17-2005, 08:11 PM
hahaha :D

02-17-2005, 09:26 PM
once again: hahaha :) I like people talking straight about my issues, but let me explain:

you've got some serious vanity issues from the looks of your website Serious?? Van, are you marketing advisor or psychiatrist? You don't know reason why I choosed that kind of website.
"...the ability to utilize and FULLY master the techniques"

that's like saying you're jesus christ... I did not say that I'm Jesus.

"...no one can fully master anything...humans are not perfection and will never achieve perfection,
I agree,

but the flash site is done nice
good to see modern looking martial art sites , not like all the shaw brothers looking ones out there
so props for that thanks Ernie, this is my point of view on martial arts (especially kungfu) that's it. No masters, no traditions, no kissing a$$ to anyone.

Like no one else around here shows exhibitionistic tendencies yeah, like no one here. hahahaha. yours passion is typing on message boards everyday, right?

How's that working out for you? for me? perfect. I used it many years ago to make a movie poster.

how much of the weng chun system did you have the opportunity to learn? much enough to say STOP. All what I needed to prove somebody - I did proved, already. This what I needed to prove to myself - I did. I'm satisfy with it.

Didn't you train with Andreas for 8 years or so? 11 years.

02-17-2005, 09:56 PM
Dude, I thought we said that it was all in jest?

Chill man. You have to admit the site does have that egotistical feel to it. And so does your post to "enlighten" people with your martial arts prowess. The downloadable wallpapers featuring none other then yourself was the clincher. :cool: :cool: :cool:

...and I never said you said that you were jesus, only commented on the statement that one can fully master something. (IE...of that faith, the only perfect person was jesus) Therein the similarity lies.

BTW in your rebuttals, you managed to "defend" yourself against someone who wasn't even "attacking" you....KJ was speaking in reference to some of us who were "analyzing" your well put together and yet oh so funny website.

And although Shprockets is a great skit, you shouldn't pattern your entire wardrobe after it. :D (again...in jest!- which means it should be taken light-heartedly) :cool:

02-17-2005, 10:00 PM
If I ever decide to run a seminar or look for work in the film industry, remind me never to let you guys know about it.

Seriously, he's allowed to call his fighting system whatever he wants. We have a club in Australia called "Dominance Jiu Jitsu" but you would only want to go in there and suggest they were closet or non-closet B&D'ers if you have your medical insurance fully paid up.

"Ultimate Fighting Systems", as Joy said, might lead to the ignorant associating it with "Ultimate Fighting Championship", so you might get people who think they're going to learn Muay Thai plus BJJ. A name change might be worth considering for this reason, also because you might get buzzed by BJJ types thinking you're trying to claim some of their land.

The advertising's a bit OTT, but not worse than some of the offerings of more well known martial artists. He's not claiming to be a Grandmaster or putting others down to boost himself, like too many others do.

11 (or 8 years) is a lot longer than some modern WC "grandmasters" spent with their own teachers.

I agree with Ernie - a nice bit of Flash work. But I also agree with Van - downloadable wallpaper pictures of yourself breaks new barriers in the vanity stakes.

Good luck with your seminars, or whatever they are.

02-17-2005, 10:08 PM
that's why my first answer was:

hahahaha :D - cause I love joking, too

but... thanks for good advices

02-18-2005, 01:11 AM
VD - you look like you're sitting & pushing really hard in that avatar pic of yours. :cool:

Duck and run! :D

Sorry, couldn't help it. :)

02-18-2005, 02:13 AM
Didn't you train with Andreas for 8 years or so?

11 years

No, never!!!!!!!!!

02-18-2005, 02:53 AM
What films have you worked on VingDragon???

You said Fights Choreography creator (movie fights)

02-18-2005, 03:24 AM

02-18-2005, 05:27 AM
Now’s the time on Shprockets when we dance!


02-18-2005, 05:39 AM
I liked it so much I kept it!

02-18-2005, 05:49 AM
Originally posted by Vankuen
I liked it so much I kept it!

Your presence intimidates me to the point of humiliation.

Would you care to strike me?

Looks Good!

02-18-2005, 07:16 AM
no, never
FunTaiChi, who told you that? :rolleyes:

What films have you worked on VingDragon
I did some fight choreographs for my stunt friends in Poland. Its only 2-3 projects, but it was good experience form me.
I don't know if you some Polish titles can help: "Szczeniak" by Slawomir Pstrag, "Ochroniarz" etc...
Now I live in US, I did a small fight scene into "Heat" a project by Gosia Pospiech. I use to work with Arthur Dzieweczynski, who directed "Gambler".

02-18-2005, 08:03 AM
I know it, and I know you - that's enough

02-18-2005, 08:45 AM
FunTaiChi, c'mon - don't be funny :D

I'm afraid that you don't know what you talking about. if its different, post me on PM or just sign your posts with your real and full name,

beside, how can you know me if you're claim that I was never in Andreas school, huh?

- check this out

there is a lot of informations, maybe it will refresh your memory


02-18-2005, 08:54 AM
I said 11 years - never
You've been in Bamberg headquarter several times, but this are more hours than years

02-18-2005, 09:25 AM
Sorry Fu, but somebody just washed your brain much enough to spread that bull$$hit around.

Since 1988-1999. it gives an 11 years of learning and friendship to Andreas. That is my point and part of my life. For me important is how and what I was learned from him - not a time. :rolleyes:

What some more? ask on private, dont make mess public. I got also a good and bad word about Andreas and his organisation, but I keep my tonge away from it.

greetings for UPS guys ;)

02-18-2005, 11:48 AM
This has nothing to do with GM Andreas Hoffmann!
You say, you have friendship with him, ok, may be...
But you say, you are an 11 years weng chun practitioner.
You show SLT, pictures from wodden dummy, a kind of long pole ... which have nothing to do with weng chun.
May be you learnt some Cheng Kwong Ving Tsun, but no Weng Chun!
And the pictures you show at your web to introduce yourself have nothing to do with Weng Chun and the Mo Duk of Weng Chun, too.

if it's ok for you...

02-18-2005, 11:52 AM
Well....I don't think VingDragon has any reason to lie about his training...

Besides...AH is on this forum as well, if you have a problem with VD's creds, then just ask Andreas....problem solved.

But VD is right...you don't need to be airing your dirty laundry.

02-18-2005, 12:42 PM
Allright, then...tell me what it was if I learned stright from him.
Do you think I am so stupid?

Whatever it was he taught us Weng Chun style from Cheng Kwong VingTsun, from Way Yan, Tang Yik, Pang nam and Pat Cheong etc... as a mix of traditional WENG Chun kungfu OK and during those years he started to call it Shaolin Chi Sim Weng Chun, everybody has believed him

but ...

when he started to combine some Hung Gar and BJJ staff into it and he still claimed that is was traditional Chi Sim Weng Chun from Shaolin... in 1996 or 97 he call himself a GrandMaster - good to him, but I know nobody gave him that title. I said c'mon...

finally, I discovered that and other things in his organisation, there is something wrong with it. Changing programs, changing forms and techniques all the time... and many many more. I was his loyal student, also my students declared to be his strong wing in Poland, but please... All has a limits. Lies lies, no explanation

Today, I can easy say it is not traditional Chi Sim Weng Chun art but just Mixed Martial Art created by himself. Telling people that something is traditional but in fact it is not - for me is just a big lie.

He created it, ok - good to him. He is good teacher, he has skills and knowledge but he has no power and right to steer people. If you do martial arts bussines do it in right and in honest way.

I was confused and surprised about his work. I did stop learn from him from another reasons, too. I spent a lot of my energy, time and money to gain knowledge in Weng Chun, but finally I had to quit.

Now, I don't care about traditions, I prefer modern martial arts, and that's why I teach UFS Weng Chun - ONLY

I do seminars and teach privately and no one can tell me what I can do or I can't do - Important for me is that I don't lie people.
That's it from me.

02-18-2005, 03:01 PM
That's ridiculous and you know it...

By the way: in '95 there had been more than 75 people from Germany in Hong Kong, when GM Wai Yan recognized A. Hoffmann as a Grandmaster of Weng Chun.
There are video tapes, documents and living witnesses.

So, why are you bothering GM Hoffmann?

Because you didn't understand and learn nothing?
Ask your friend Claudiusz from Poland, he is still there and he knows more...

02-18-2005, 03:11 PM
no more comments from me,

PS. if Andreas has something to me, he can email me - that can resolve a lot of stupid rumors

02-18-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by FuTaiChi
So, why are you bothering GM Hoffmann?

Because you didn't understand and learn nothing?

How ironic is that? ;)

02-19-2005, 12:53 AM
Darek, it's ok, you know my opinion.

This discussion has nothing to do with GM Hoffmann, you had this with me, so why...

Good luck in NY, whatever you do!

02-19-2005, 08:16 AM
Andreas, stop hiding yourself using different nicknames!! It is clever but very stupid.

We are in conflict and you know it. Since 2000 when I finally came to America I never heard a magic word 'I apologize' from you, so don't be surprise. Stop to critisize and to defame me, whatever I do.

Don't please don't force me to say all true about you. Want something in private, just email me

02-19-2005, 10:17 AM

You can, of course, call what you do whatever you want. But I think there are a few problems with "UFS" -- first, "UF", as Andrew N. pointed out, will tend to be associated with the UFC; and second, anytime the word "ultimate" is used it carries the suggestion that it is "better" than everything else (that's one thing to claim and another to prove). Why not just call it what it is, just weng chun? Certainly you may have your way of teaching and training weng chun, but that's a given.

FWIW, this whole discussion about "credentials" and "titles" is silly -- people are free to call themselves whatever they want, including grandmaster. It's all meaningless. And it has nothing to do with martial art.

02-23-2005, 02:14 PM
I dunno, Andreas has always seemed clear to me. When he was Rickson's rep, he had a website with him and Rickson on it, now he has a website with Flavio Behring. I'm sure I've seen stuff on him and well known Hung Ga sifu as well (Chiu Chi Ling? My brain is no longer good at all the names).

He seems to have taken the time and tremendous effort to seek out all the fractured branches from Dai Fa Min Kam's line, and piece it all together, then take the next step and present a whole-system approach to his students. Additionally, he's taken the time and effort to expand his horizons into BJJ, Qigong, Yoga, whatever.

That is a true martial artist. That's how many did it in the old days, and how many good sifu still encourge their students to do it.

"Green comes from blue but is better than blue".

And new board is certainly less yellow...

02-23-2005, 03:39 PM
That's a good post, Rene.

And Andreas once told me in an email that Derek was a former student - and that he does have Weng Chun skills.

But I think these attacks upon Andreas by Derek are uncalled-for and unfounded...and I don't buy the idea that Andreas is posting under an alias just to try and give Derek problems.

That's not Andreas' style.

Whatever your problems with Andreas may be, Derek...this is not the place to be airing them.

Andreas Hoffman
02-23-2005, 04:16 PM
Thank you Rene and Victor !
I´m on a seminartour. One of my close friends informed me about this post.
Derek for me you are not my enemy and I wish you all the best for your teaching and future.
One thing I would like to say:

GM Wai Yan ask me to take care of weng chun and to do it in a professional way. I accepted this mission and now our "lost" style get more known again. But it is and was a lot of effort for our whole wonderful weng chun team in the whole world and friends like Rene Ritchie, Robert Chu, Benny Meng etc.and for sure for my own family.
If you have questions you can email me directly: Sifu@wengchun.de

02-23-2005, 04:57 PM
Derek for me you are not my enemy and I wish you all the best for your teaching and future
so please stop spread rumors and lies about me. and tell the same thing to your people. Thanks to you, I'm not longer in that cult, and you know it. You do your own bussines and let me do my own. I got skills and knowledge and nobody can't say that's different.

If you have questions you can email me directly I will

02-23-2005, 04:58 PM
Below I repeat my offer:

Event # 1 module A
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun (1st grade)
Notes: program will cover the theory and rules of fighting, uncovering/discovering the bodies’ natural reflexes - both hand and foot techniques, movements and practical fighting exercises in long-range fighting. For beginners who want to come closer to real self-defense, or for students of other martial arts interested in Weng Chun method.

Event # 1 module B
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun for Instructors (advanced level, 1st grade)
Notes: program covers theory and rules of fighting and methods for instruction, practical techniques for long-range fighting, learning forms and exercises with special training devices. For anyone who is or wants to be future UFS – Weng Chun instructor.

Event # 2 module A
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun (2nd grade)
Notes: includes the theory and rules of fighting, uncovering/discovering the body's natural reflexes, the science of hand and foot techniques, movement and practical fighting drills and use of techniques in average distances. For those who wants to come nearer to real self-defense, and for students of other schools of martial arts

Event # 2 module B
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun for Instructors (advanced level, 2nd grade)
Notes: covers the theory and rules of fighting and methods of instruction, the use of practical techniques in average distances, the second boxing form, and exercises on special training devices. For instructors from any country, or instructors of other fighting arts.

Event # 3 module A
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun (3rd grade)
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting, uncovering/discovering the body's natural reflexes, hand and foot techniques, movement, practical drills and the use of techniques in short distances. For those interested from any country who want to come closer to real self-defense, and for students of other schools and arts of fighting.

Event # 3 module B
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun for Instructors (advanced level, 3rd grade)
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting and methods of instruction, use of practical techniques for short distances, learning the third boxing form and exercises on special training devices. For instructors or other martial arts instructors interested in self-defense.

Event 4 module A
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun (4th grade)
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting, uncovering/discovering the body's natural reflexes, techniques for hand and feet, movement, practical exercises for fighting and the use of techniques in close distances. For those who want to come closer to real self-defense, and for students of other martial arts from any country.

Event # 4 module B
-The Ultimate Fighting System-
-Weng Chun for Instructors (advanced level, 4th grade)-
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting with methods of instruction, use of practical technique in short distances, the third boxing form and exercises on special training devices. For instructors or other martial arts instructors interested in self-defense.

Event # 5 module A
-The Ultimate Fighting System--Weng Chun (level 5th grade)-
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting, uncovering/discovering the body's natural reflexes, hand and foot techniques, movement, practical fighting drills and techniques for ground fighting. For those interested in coming closer to real self-defense, and for students of other martial arts schools.

Event # 5 module B
-The Ultimate Fighting System-
-Weng Chun for Instructors (advanced level, 5th grade)-
Notes: covers theory and rules of fighting and methods of instruction, practical techniques of ground fighting, the wooden dummy form and special training devices. For instructors or other martial arts instructors interested in self-defense and real fight.

02-24-2005, 07:43 AM
email me for more infos

Andreas Hoffman
02-24-2005, 08:43 AM
Derek, I wish you all the best for your teaching. We are not a cult, so my students are free to write what they think.

02-24-2005, 09:10 AM
Derek, I wish you all the best for your teaching I hope it's true

We are not a cult : :p :

my students are free to write what they think after you, whatever you say they repeat. c'mon... please...

PS. why did you call yourself a GrandMasta ?? I also have successor's documents from Way Yan and you, can I call myself GM, too? ;)

02-24-2005, 10:51 AM
Does nobody else find it strange that someone by the title "FuTaiChi" whose profile says they have practiced TaiChi for 10 years just "happened" to find this thread on Weng Chun and in fact of their entire 12 posts on KFO - they have all been with regards to Weng Chun??

Sounds like fake profile to me.

Mr. Hoffman if this is in fact one of your students, bear in mind they they are reflecting on you.

02-24-2005, 11:02 AM
vingdragon asks:

I also have successor's documents from Way Yan and you, can I call myself GM, too?

**By all means! But realize that we'll snicker at you just like we snicker at all the "grandmasters." ;)

02-24-2005, 11:24 AM
great, cause I have nothing to hide :p

let's say all the true about that comunity - stright

02-24-2005, 11:58 AM
for all of you: I'm a student of GM Hoffmann and what I said is my opinion.
There is no need for GM Hoffmann to hide behind a different nick.

02-24-2005, 01:29 PM
Hey FuTaiChi,

So why not use your real name? And why not disclose you were a student of Andreas' from the beginning? Do you think real martial artists (fighters) snipe at others from the safety of anonimity like cowards or do you think they tell you honestly what they believe and stand behind it openly like men (and women!)?

02-24-2005, 02:05 PM
Do you think real martial artists (fighters) snipe at others from the safety of anonimity like cowards or do you think they tell you honestly what they believe and stand behind it openly like men (and women!)?

Unfortunately, as human beings, most opt for the latter.


02-25-2005, 02:14 AM
Hi t_niehoff,

What would be the difference?
If I would use 'Thomas_Mueller' as nick, nobody knows if it is right.
I dont 't know you, you dont' t know me personally, so what...
If you think I'm a coward, ok, it's your opinion

When you read my posts, it was clear from the beginning, that I must be a student from GM Hoffmann.

And what did I say?
I said, in my opinion it is not true that dragonving practises weng chun for 11 years, and for that it is not right to use the name.

See, in '95 I visted some seminars with Rickson Gracie. Now 10 years are gone, but I would never dare to say, that I'm a BJJ expert.


02-25-2005, 06:21 AM
in my opinion ... I think your opinion is not correct. I still don't believe that FuTaichi is Thomas's name. It can be also another name - people are exchange in Bamberg very fast. Even if its true, you're just repeating Andreas's words.

See, in '95 I visted some seminars with Rickson Gracie. Now 10 years are gone, but I would never dare to say, that I'm a BJJ expert.
of course you never dare... it is another organisation with big reputation. that remands me one example from the past. when I've wrote article about BJJ and Weng Chun in Polish KungFu magazine. I wrote it exacly under Andreas's sugestion. Word by word. Few weeks later Rickson was upset when he readed that article. I know what I'm talking about, and you?

BTW, how many time Andreas did spent in Hong Kong? Propably the same like I spent in Germany, so... pleeease :rolleyes:

02-25-2005, 06:25 AM
FTC wrote:

What would be the difference?
If I would use 'Thomas_Mueller' as nick, nobody knows if it is right.
I dont 't know you, you dont' t know me personally, so what...


If you think I'm a coward, ok, it's your opinion

**It's our actions that reveal our character.

When you read my posts, it was clear from the beginning, that I must be a student from GM Hoffmann.

**Certainly here was an association.

And what did I say?
I said, in my opinion it is not true that dragonving practises weng chun for 11 years, and for that it is not right to use the name.

See, in '95 I visted some seminars with Rickson Gracie. Now 10 years are gone, but I would never dare to say, that I'm a BJJ expert.

**I have a friend that took up golf and within six months was a scratch golfer, and I have another friend that have played 20 years and always shoots in the 100s. Time in the art, how much time one spent with their sifu, etc. all have nothing to do with one's skill (performance) level; these are all things that nonfighter/theoretician's use as benchmarks since they can't measure performance (since they don't perform). IME, it doesn't take much time for someone that knows what they are doing to transmit the method (WCK); and if it does take a long time it either means the instructor doesn't know what he is doing, is trying to make money instead of develop their trainee, or the trainee is simply not up to the task.

**FWIW, If I were to use those video clips that Andreas provided as evidence, I'd say that those guys who apparently have spent much time with Andreas don't have much fighting skill. Very often "following" a sifu is like glaucoma: it just gets in the way of one's seeing clearly (and hence their development), and the longer a person "follows" a sifu, the more their vision narrows to the point of blindness.

02-25-2005, 08:05 AM
Insert appropriate David Chapelle as Rick James screen caps and quotes...

02-25-2005, 08:45 AM
OK guys, its time to close that topic, cause whatever is said - its all about a money.

I belive in simplicity: "I pay (money, energy, time, loyality) - I want (item, service, knowledge)"

When you pay for something, you should receive right item or service. We are not Chinese and we'll never be, we are not live in China, but here - in Twenty One Century Modern Community where everyone is integrated. This is a way Weng chun or Wing Chun system should be given to us.

Most of us are looking for knowledge, that's why we discus, arguing, sometimes fighting, but our own goal is to gain the knowledge in simple way: no long term study, no politics, no cults, no brainwashing etc...

I don't want spent time for typeing instead of training, I'm NOT a next virtual keyboard fighter. Who wants to find me - he/she will in easy way.

Choice is yours :)

02-25-2005, 09:01 AM

I support your quest in teaching what you believe in and since no here knows your experience with your teacher and what happened, then dont worry about what others may think. Just know that someone like me can be unpartial and dont care about names. There are always three sides of story, your POV, the other POV, and the truth. It is rare that anyone can understand this and there is no point to argue. This whole thing has become a drama show and I personally I do not like anyone picking on anyone or how people like to defend a man with a name and attack a man without a man. Once again there is no need to defend yourself and keep up what you are doing. Forget the past and respect your past experience be it good or bad. Focus on the process and not the end. Give the end to the higher power and not to your ego and the egos of others.

Bao Tran