View Full Version : The importance of heavy bag training?

02-15-2005, 04:40 AM
Just wondering if you guys had any thoughts on the importance of heavy bag training in Kung Fu practice?

I train with a school that are quite traditional and they don't ready do much impact work.

We spar but I feel impact training is what is really missing from my training.

I am thinking about getting a heavy punch bag, good investment?


02-15-2005, 04:45 AM
yes it's excellent. I recommend hanging it so it drags on the floor as it better simulates striking an opponent.

I dont know how else you can develop proper striking mechanics unless you hit something - most people just bounce off when they start.

David Jamieson
02-15-2005, 06:32 AM
impact and force feedback training with a heavy bag or other device will only improve your alignment, your structure and will also let you know how much juice to put in, etc etc.

it's a good investment to get a heavy bag both in time and money.

maybe your school has some other method for this kind of work?

Traditional schools do use bag training though...at least, for the most part that Ive seen and experienced.