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View Full Version : New WSL book

10-25-2001, 10:08 AM
Just recieved my copy of 'Look Beyond the Pointing finger the combat Philosophy of Wong Shun Leung'.

Im about half way through it and must say it's an awsome book! ...and I highly recomend anyone who's into WC to get a copy.

Im not a WSL practioner myself but find the book to be a fresh look at the way i do things. And it's got some interesting things about Yip man in it too.


10-25-2001, 01:58 PM
Where can one find the book for purchase online?


__________________________________________________ ____________

Continued blessings in your life and your training.

The key to understanding is to open your mind and your heart and then the eyes will follow.

Chuk Hung
10-25-2001, 03:39 PM
Do you have the address and price so that I may order the book. Thanks!

10-25-2001, 04:11 PM
There's ordering info up on this page (http://www.wingchunkuen.com/journal/columns/peterson/peterson_book.shtml). I've heard nothing but good things about it and look forward to checking it out soon.



10-25-2001, 08:06 PM
Could you be a little more specific regarding the content of the book? Does it have pictures, talk about his fighting experiences, etc.? Does it talk about the WC concepts from his perspective and discuss his take on application?



PS yes I plan on buying the book

10-25-2001, 09:44 PM
Apparently it does have pictures. I ordered it this week. David Petersen will accept cash - although obviously the risk of loss is yours. Best contact him direct to confirm that is OK though.

10-26-2001, 05:27 AM
Hi Dzu,

Yeah it has plenty of pictures. And while it doesn't actually teach you specific combos etc.. it tells his philosophy anout fighting using wing chun. It's got a few extra articles by Wong on his biemo matches, and stuff about wong written by Ralph Clausner (i know thats the wrong spelling). But basically it's really good. Plus HEAPS more that you need to buy the book to read.


10-31-2001, 06:26 AM
david peterson's website is at the following address:


david's book is one of the best books i have ever seen on wing chun theary. in the short 120 pages he really does an excellent job of explaining many of wong shun leung's thoughts thru pictures, quotes and additional comments. for anyone who wants to know more about wing chun or wong shun leung i can highly reccomend this book.



10-31-2001, 07:06 AM
um, this book is in stores right? not only online through Peterson?

Anything to do with Wong Shun Leung I like :D My dad recorded a dinner discussion with him about fighting a long time ago. A few hours worth of the beimo master talking about everything from fighting multiple opponents to body mechanics to deflect force. Too bad he lost those tapes :( Hope this book makes up for it...

10-31-2001, 05:30 PM
I had the great joy of discovering David's book in my mail when I returned home from work yesterday. I unwrapped it eagerly and spent as much time as I could going through it before life rudely re-imposed itself on me. I look forward to finishing it, cover to cover, over the next couple of days. What I read so far, however, has
been both interesting and refreshing. Sharing Wong sifu's wisdom and the richness of his experience is a great service to our art, and making it so accessible and understandable is a testament to Peterson sifu's own dedication and skill.
