View Full Version : SLT

10-25-2001, 06:54 PM
Im curious to know how often and for how long does everyone practice wing chun's first form
siu lim tao.

Jeff Liboiron
10-25-2001, 06:57 PM
I do it 5 times a day, every day :)

joy chaudhuri
10-25-2001, 07:14 PM
In your profile you mention that you now practice TWC wing chun.... and that you have had 2 years of "modified wing chun". Wouldnt "other" wing chun be a better term?
It is labelling what others too as "modified"
adds to the bickering in wing chun, it seems to me. It is ok it seems to me to discuss and critique what other lineages do...but just dangling a label like "modified" serms needlessly fractious to folks who still practice other wing chun besides TWC.

10-25-2001, 08:06 PM
This label is used to help differentiate the style of wing chun i learn. Some people consider their version of wing chun as traditional. I think everyone has heard of the term "modified" as quoted by Grandmaster Cheung and his devotees. Personally i don't see why the use of a term should ingender bickering or even resent...modified does not mean worse it just means different...Its still wing chun..."Other" is just another label that is not in the mainstream. Cheung Style Wing Chun is a term some people have used..but Assuming the style grandmaster Cheung practices is traditional and the fact that he didn't invent the system but had it passed down to him by Yip Man. And also the fact that Yip Man learned this version from his teacher and so on...."parum para" why make up new labels? Soon the "other" would also invoke bickering, even "cheung" would....

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..."

10-25-2001, 08:09 PM
Just curious yuan fen how often do you practice SLT?

10-25-2001, 09:29 PM
At least twice a day. I'm new so I started off just doing the parts I knew. Now that I can do it better, I practice once when I wake up and once be fore I sleep and when I have time, after work.
So far the longest I could do it for was 5 mins.
I've also tried it on one leg.

joy chaudhuri
10-26-2001, 01:24 AM
"Just curious yuan fen how often do you practice SLT?"
Atleast once a day every day since 1976. Twice a day on days that I teach- I do it with my students the second time.
I do not call what I do modified wing chun. Wing chun is good enough for me.

10-26-2001, 05:26 AM
i do all my forms atleast once a day, generally when i do SLT it takes 15-20 min,unless im working on any specific thing or in a hurry,we also hold a wooden block between our knees will doing it in keem yeng ma to develop kim sut and endurance.

10-27-2001, 03:36 PM
Each time you practice SLT how long do u practice it... How much time do u spend on each of the 3 sections.

joy chaudhuri
10-28-2001, 01:48 AM
"Each time you practice SLT how long do u practice it... How much time do u spend on each of the 3 sections."
There are several inheritances of traditional wing chun slt other than TWC. In part all this is
"in the eyes of the beholder" per your quote at the end of one of your posts.In a live and let live manner I have no problem wirh TWC folks doing their slt(s).
This am, I did slt for 45 minutes alone- the tan/wu/fok section being done very very slowly.
In my classes i often do it for 10 or 15 minutes.
On some days in order not to miss doing it I do it for 10. As I mentioned I do slt every day and twice a day on my teaching days and I have been doing slt since 1976.