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02-18-2005, 11:41 AM
Hi. Does anyone have any good drills for improving footwork? I am trying to improve so I can perform throws better. Thanks,

02-18-2005, 09:00 PM
I think that to throw you need to be better rooted, and therofre need strong legs in order to root yourself. When doing your forms try to hold each movement for 30-60 secs.
Or practice all your stances, middle-bow-horse-etc, holding them till exhaustion, then move to teh next stance.
Or alternitively you could just practice a form that has nice fluent movement for you, and practice it constantly.

bung bo
02-18-2005, 09:21 PM
Right on. Practice stances. When your legs are stronger your steps will be "heavier." Trying to practice gongfu with a weak root is like trying to use afork without thumbs. You can do it, but thumbs(good root) really help. Work on "sinking" your weight.

02-23-2005, 04:23 PM
Stance/step training is always good advice. If I might interject a thought here though? Strong legs, while desirable, are a only small part of "root" skills. As far as throwing ability, the key is understanding how to unbalance or unroot your opponent first. So yes, footwork is one key as well as understanding root. The problem is more one of timing and structure while moving. Using a safe angle to enter and balance plus alignment to get the strongest throw. There is no short cut. The best thing is find a training partner who is willing to help. Start working on entries and see if you can tip your partners weight off balance. Feel where you are in the best position. Than throw. As you progress you need to learn how to do this on the move. Than against a strong defense.

Some training methods for stronger throwing ability are the leather throwing bag. Of course you need others to play with. Other devices you can use like a rock pole are good and fairly easy to make. Or just fill up a trash can or oil drum with dirt and roll it around.

02-23-2005, 07:48 PM
shouldn't someone recommend this article if we are talking about rooting?


02-24-2005, 04:20 PM
Not sure wandering monk, bald mantis was looking for footwork drills, not static stance training.
I would think he would be more at an advanced level seeking advice for throwing rather than to read an article on the horse stance.

Though I will admit some schools dont do it properly this IS the most basic of basic stance. And for one to ask for higher level drills one would have to think he would have surpassed ma bu level................

02-24-2005, 04:42 PM
Well here's what I do, you have the basic footwork. Shuffling, stepping what ever you want to call it. There is forward (pushing off of back leg) back (pushing off of front leg), jump forward, jump back, right, left, diagonal left, diagonal right, and switching footwork (v pattern). I start off going forward for a line or two both sides then I start to switch it up. I call out what the next move is randomly and then people shoot from there. It begins to train the mind and body to just shoot when the opportunity arises. Whether you need to advance, recede, dodge left or right whatever.... Eventually after you get a grasp on the footwork I'll add hand tactics with the shooting forward and back etc. This is a major workout in itself and I do it everyday. Builds stamina and strengthens the legs for quick footwork.

02-24-2005, 04:47 PM
Don't you bugs have a mantis mantra, like hopping - turning - dodging - jumping?

02-24-2005, 06:05 PM
My guys are too busy trying not to vomit when doing footwork.. lol... Bottom line footwork is one of the most important things you need to do period. I'll argue that fact till I'm blue in the face. It's what gets you in and out of harms way, it's where a lot of the short power comes from. It's the aggressive nature brought to life.... Without footwork you are dead in the water waiting to get your ass handed to you...

02-24-2005, 08:15 PM
I agree 110 percent. Do you guys have sets of 2 man drills for advance and retreat etc. on your footwork drills?

02-24-2005, 09:46 PM
Pretty much the drill I just spoke of is the core. All the two man stuff will have the concepts of advance and recede in them. Closing the distance, bridging etc.... We try not to stay stationary when doing two man drills breaking up the timing and moving so it's a matter of action reaction rather than anticipation. When you begin to light spar you see how shooting on angles cutting off your opponent, eating up his space, and getting away from attacks come in to play more than just drilling certain tactics with the footwork.... It just flows because it's part of your foundation.