View Full Version : The last retreat

02-23-2005, 06:32 PM
On Feb 20, 1955, 17,000 civilians from Da Chen isles were withdrawn saftely to Taiwan with the help of US 7th fleet and marines.

The battles of isles off the Chinese coast lasted from 1949 to 1955.

Da Chen isles and Yi Jiang Shan were several groups of islands off the Zhe Jiang province which is the homeland for President Chiang Kai Shek.

The supplies to the isles were very difficult to deliver. The Nationalist Air Force had to find the right isles and do the airdrops. There are so many isles nearby.

On the other hand, PLA constant artillery and air bombing from nearby coast made the defense of the isles very difficult.

The lost of the isles 50 years ago marked the last retreat of civilians and the military from China to Taiwan.

02-23-2005, 06:41 PM
The change of hands of Diao Yu Tai isle from US marines to Japanese in the 70' sparked the territorial claims from China, Taiwan and Okinawa prefecture of Japan.

If the isle is Japanese territory, the nearby economic zone and territorial water will seal off Eastern China Sea.

China's Eastern Fleet has to travel down south via Taiwan strait and then Bashi strait between Taiwan and Philippines to get into the open water of Western Pacific.

If China's fleet ventures out directly from East China Sea, it will be in Japan's territorial water and an "invasion" occurs.

This is nicknamed "The Great Walls of East China Sea".

The recently renewed US/Japan mutual defense treaty listing Taiwan as an "area" that is part of Japan's national security.

After 50 years of serenity, the clouds are hanging again over these waters.

02-25-2005, 08:00 PM
I was talking to a couple of friends from Taiwan.

Everything changed so much.

On the political scene, the slogans of "no contact, no negociation, no compromise" or 3 no's are still ringing in my ears.


KMT chair Lian Zhan will visit China in August. The division of mainland and Taiwan was due to civil war between CCP and KMT.

China insisted on "one China" policy or Yi Zhong. China = mainland + Taiwan. Yi Zhong means one China and not necessarily "People's Republic".

DPP President Chen said that Republic of China is Taiwan. Taiwan is Republic of China. The fate of Taiwan should be determined by 23 million people on the island. Any neogociations between mainland and Taiwan are talks from one country to the other country.

KMT chair is expected to negociate peace agreement including a military free or buffer zone between Taiwan and mainland.

US and Japan positions are to keep the status quo and no unilateral alteration by either side.

I merely report what is going on.

Everyone is hoping for a peaceful resolution across the strait.

02-26-2005, 08:41 AM
In 1972, President Nixon visited China and negociated to open the bamboo door to the west. One is to engage China with the rest of the world. Two is to ally with China against Russia. Three is to end Vietnam conflict by stopping China's aide.

Ever since then, Taiwan becomes the shadowless state or area.

Despite of Taiwan's democratic society and economic achievements, it is more isolated than North Korea and Cuba diplomatically.

Taiwan contributed some funds to Tsunami relief and yet no representative was allowed in Jarkarta meeting. Tons of relief food and medicine were sitting in CKS airport for months till diplomatic negociations finalized. The relief items eventually were airlifted to the disaster area with Taiwan Air Force C-130 hercules with national emblem erased on the planes.

The world seems to ignore or not see that there is an island on the map.

All of these diplomatic hurdles made the politicians in Taiwan have no where to turn but to negociate with CCP.

Again I am merely reporting.

02-26-2005, 08:54 AM
Every body is happy to see the commercial airlines from Beijing, Shanghai and Shen Zhen reached Taipei.

They were negociated by civilian airlines to fly Taiwan's businessmen home to spend the Lunar New Year.

KMT outgoing or retiring chair Lian Zhan will visit China in coming August as a civilian, former Vice President, Premier and KMT chair.

Nobody is expecting any drastic changes to come about any time soon.

But soon people from China may travel and visit the island. People from Taiwan have been visiting and doing business in China for more than 2 decades.

Again, I am only reporting.

There are 4 corners or Si Fang. They are China, Taiwan, US and Japan.