View Full Version : i cried like a little girl

03-04-2005, 02:47 PM

this is the second website to make me cry like a little girl. to the best of my recollection i have only cried 3 times in my adult life and twice have been from reading websites about a childs fight and ultimate loss to cancer.

the only reason im posting this is in hopes that some of you guys might consider donating to st. judes childrens hospital in his name if you do that sort of thing. i know that a lot of people can't or dont do donatiions, i admit that the tsunami was my very first donation, but for those of you that do even a buck or two in addition to your normal contributions would help. even if you could just pass the url around to friends or co-workers who might be willing to make a small contribution that would be awesome.

it is my guess that no one here can even begin to fathom the heartache and grief these parents must feel. not only to lose a child but to watch him fight it for over a year ... smiling all the way. while nothing could possibly dull that pain right now, perhaps seeing a fund in his memory grow beyond what they originally hoped will help further down the road. i figure every single dollar contributed will help give another child the chance ben should have had.

03-04-2005, 11:19 PM
Man Ben had a great smile. I couldn't read all of it.
A friend of mine has liver cancer. It was too large to operate or radiate. He has decided not to get chemo so what time he has left will be better quality.
He told a group of us to enjoy life everyday. That he thought he would have another twenty years , he had a liver transplant last year and that is the life expentency.
But what really stuck was how he described life. He said it is like water. You can not grab on to it and hold it. You can try to cup your hands and catch it but it still will run through you fingers. Wish I could recall how he said it.

03-04-2005, 11:24 PM
to the top

03-05-2005, 12:16 AM
I couldn't read all of it.

to be honest neither could i. i kept trying, but i just kept thinking about all the **** have been through, and how i haven't really taken it all that seriously, but how different it would be if it were my little girl instead of me. jesus. i can't even ****ing imagine.