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10-18-2001, 07:29 PM
I finally found one of my Sifu's teachers Kwan Saihung, check out his site


I am sooo happy, it's like finding a relative

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10-18-2001, 07:41 PM
Holy tihs - this guy actually exists? Is this Deng Ming-Dao's teacher or main character in his books, which I had ssumed to be heavily-embellished, at the very least? What's he like in real life? And if that's a picture of him in 1985, then he would have been 65 in that picture - but he only looks like late 30s maybe! Find out more about this dude Shaolindynasty!

10-18-2001, 09:10 PM
Cool somebody read that book! Yes that is his teacher and he does exsist! Alot of the stories in that book are colorful to teach a lesson, this is common in alot of religions to teach without boring us average folk ;) He is real and has studied with alot of the legendary heroes of our time. My Sifu studied with him about 10 years or so ago, he also has some tapes of a retreat he went to with Kwan Saihung. He learned some great qigong methods and straight sword techniques. We thought he was retired but I saw his name on the EMB Kungfu academy page and sent them an email asking if they knew where he was now etc. and they sent me a reply with his webpage.

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10-18-2001, 09:45 PM
Wow kool! So, what does he think of him? How close (or far) from his actual life and abilities is Deng Ming-Dao's book about him? What arts exactly does he know?

You know, I've actually been to Shaanxi Province, and I believe even Hua Shan. I was wondering if that was the mountain the book was referring to...

10-20-2001, 12:00 AM
Yeah he trained on Hua Shan and actually trained in Wu Dang mountain to for a while. He knows all kinds of stuff, off the top of my head I know he studied with Yang Cheng fu(grandson of the founder of Yang Tai Chi), Wang Zipang and I think Sun Lutang. My sifu learned alot of stuff from him but really only kept training in the qigong and straight sword he said he completly forgot the tan tui Master kwan taught him. I am not sure if the book really describes his martial prowess to well but it doesn't matter too much since I think his main focus is on Taoism but with teachers and training like he had you have to be good. Also I believe those stories in the book are true, at least the ones without the demons and stuff ;)

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