View Full Version : Hey, this is similar to a fake qigong trick. How is it done? (pics)

03-11-2005, 06:44 PM
This chick who can't be picked up (http://www.gillismagic.com/sisue.html).

It's obvious that it's physics somehow, but how does she do it?

03-11-2005, 06:54 PM
she either pays them, or tells them if they actually pick her up, that she will not sleep with them anymore. Did you notice she doesnt have any women trying to pick her up?

03-11-2005, 06:54 PM
Hypnosis? Lead shoes? 9 inch Nails through her feet?

I dunno? But deffo not through qi gong practice.....

03-11-2005, 07:35 PM
might have something to do with her locking out the persons arms ina bent position either by cupping the elbow or lodging it beteen the forearm and bicep as shown in those pics. find a partner and try giving it a shot and see how it works, if it works at all..just a possibility...

03-11-2005, 08:16 PM
I noticed the hands also and they're always at the same spot. I 'm tempted to say she's hitting one of the points around the bicep that make the arm not work 100%. I I know, I know if sounds like Dillman chi BS but it's not.

03-11-2005, 08:26 PM
She must be like lifting up on their elbows or something which would make them lifting her weight + their weight, and you can't pick yourself off the ground. Or something. I dunno. I'm pretty sure it's physics tho.

Wait, in some cases she's above their elbows, sometimes she's to the side, and sometimes she's under. Maybe it's not exactly what I said.

Maybe it's similar to how you can put your two fingers together in front of you and no one can pull them apart unless the push them forward and backward.

03-11-2005, 09:30 PM
Hey, I'd pick her up! Just lemme see her at a bar! :D

03-11-2005, 10:29 PM
You guys, she can't be picked up cuz she's doing something with her arms.

03-11-2005, 10:48 PM
Could it possibly be Chin na related?

03-12-2005, 12:25 AM
Could it possibly be Chin na related?
It's posture, mostly. She's probably above average at this skill, but it is a common skill. I have used it a few times. If the person picking you up is not using good posture and if you are "willing yourself" (actually using correct posture), they cannot pick you up. 2/3rds of this trick is not her arms but thiers. It is very dificult to pick someone up at the waise if they don't want you to. :)

03-12-2005, 01:49 AM
It looks like crap to me. Iron, hypothesizing that it were true that she can't be picked up, it couldn't be that she's doing something to their arms because:

(a) Check out Gunter Schlierkamp's thick jacket - that would prevent any "pressure point" stuff by her.
(b) Check out the shot with the two Goodyear Blimp guys - she can only hold one of each of their arms at a time.

I want to see a vid of this, because I'd assume you're right if in the vids e.g. the guys are starting from a squat position and standing up and their arms are levering downwards i.e. their arms aren't strong enough to lift her. If OTOH their arms are strong enough and they can't stand e.g. similar to failing at a heavy deadlift, then I dunno how you'd explain it. But yeah, looks like crap to me.

03-12-2005, 05:34 AM
This is a pretty common trick and there isn't really that much to it. Here's how it goes....first I say "ok, lift me up" and i stiffen up all of my muscles, making as easy for you as possible. Then I tell you to try again, but this time the more you lift, the loser I make my body...this way I am keeping you from being able to get a good "grip" on where my center of gravity is an all of my mass is disjointed. Wrestlers call this "dead weight", aikido folks call it "unliftable body".

It is a skill designed to illustrate how to carry yourself in a relaxed way. It can also be done with two people...one holding each forearm.

The thing that makes it work so well is when you stiffen up its really easy to lift you and the lifter can do it with little effort. When they try to apply the SAME effort to your "unliftable body" it's impossible. However, if they squat down and really dig in...up you'll go no matter what.

03-12-2005, 12:40 PM
It looks like crap to me. Iron, hypothesizing that it were true that she can't be picked up, it couldn't be that she's doing something to their arms because:

Dude, I didn't say it was chin na or qigong anything. I said it was physics. I ain't no hippie! You're the one with the juicing machine :D :p :eek: :cool: ;) :D

03-12-2005, 02:46 PM
Have you ever tried to pick up a loose bag of grain? Have you tried to pick up a mattress?

Yeah it's easy, why?

The Willow Sword
03-12-2005, 07:30 PM
okay go up to her and ask her to get in to her "frame of mind" or whatever,,then pinch the little tart in her teets and then see how easy it is to pick up tha beoootch.
ill bet ya good and d@mn well she will lift right off the ground,,hehe unless she kicks you in the groin and then its self defense after that,,then its time to "choke a b!tch". :p

hehehe J/K feeling a little woozy tonight,,,peace,,TWS

03-12-2005, 08:12 PM
Then I tell you to try again, but this time the more you lift, the loser I make my body...this way I am keeping you from being able to get a good "grip" on where my center of gravity is an all of my mass is disjointed.So you just grip tighter and lift her. She looks pretty skinny, so it should be possible to get hold of her frame. Failing that, if she's totally relaxed and her skin, muscles and organs are just sort of floating over her skeletal frame, grab her ribs, or slide your hands up and grab her armpits. If she just relaxes and lets her arms go up in the air so your hands slip out, grab her neck. Tightly :p.

03-12-2005, 08:58 PM
It's all about the grip. Just stand behind her, have her tilt her weight slightly forward and with just 2 fingers I could put her a good 4 feet in the air... :D

03-12-2005, 10:17 PM
I'd be scared of breaking her!

03-12-2005, 10:45 PM
Hey, the link doesn't work homie! Can you post a working one again?

03-13-2005, 12:12 AM
It works fine. Try again.

Golden Tiger
03-14-2005, 07:07 AM
looks like it has something to do with where she grabs you: like the harder you lift, the more she actually gets pressed into the ground:

That is what is happening. As the force is exerted up on her waist, she presses down and it is transfered to their arms.

Similar trick: Sit in a chair, have someone try to push you over. Easy. Now, do it again but this time place both hands under their elbows (or general area) saying that you don't want to go flying when they succeed. They can't move you. The force is being directed in a triangle from their hands to your shoulders then down and back to their arms. Be sure to bet a beer or something on the second try.

Unbendable arm. Lay it on their shoulder, bicep up, but flex your wrist downward (like hammering something). Arm mechanics won't let it bend.

Judge Pen
03-14-2005, 08:12 AM
That is what is happening. As the force is exerted up on her waist, she presses down and it is transfered to their arms.

Similar trick: Sit in a chair, have someone try to push you over. Easy. Now, do it again but this time place both hands under their elbows (or general area) saying that you don't want to go flying when they succeed. They can't move you. The force is being directed in a triangle from their hands to your shoulders then down and back to their arms. Be sure to bet a beer or something on the second try.

Unbendable arm. Lay it on their shoulder, bicep up, but flex your wrist downward (like hammering something). Arm mechanics won't let it bend.

And who says that they don't teach you anything in shaolin-do? :p

SanSoo Student
03-14-2005, 08:45 AM
Grab her teets... :confused:

I was thinking of rubbing some other area ;)

Ben Gash
03-15-2005, 04:52 AM
Even without Golden Tiger's force returning idea (which is quite intetresting actually, have to have a play with it) her arm position IS preventing them from lifting her efficiently, thus aiding whatever trick she is using by stopping them from getting underneath her.

03-15-2005, 11:57 AM
The glam shot with her at the comedy/magic club where the two buff guys are trying to pick her up is fake. As for the rest, look at the tension in her hands, its definately a combination between the placement of her hands, and relaxation. Ever try to pick up a dead body? its hard. She is basically doubling her weight. so in essence they are all trying to pick up 300 lbs. of constantly changing weight disribution.

Ben Gash
03-16-2005, 11:49 PM
"Ever try to pick up a dead body?" Um, I have, but I'm a touch concerned that you have :eek:

03-17-2005, 02:45 AM
might have something to do with her locking out the persons arms ina bent position either by cupping the elbow or lodging it beteen the forearm and bicep as shown in those pics. find a partner and try giving it a shot and see how it works, if it works at all..just a possibility...

yeah, it looks like she's applying a little downward force on thier elbows or inward to the joint. that'll rob you of lifting power, even if using your legs. it actually freezes the arm in the position she sets it in and as you lift your arms change position, even if only using your legs. you'd have to lock your arms in position with your elbows close to your hips before she grips you then lift by legs.

Hard Fists
03-17-2005, 11:02 AM
- Start from a horse stance (in front or behind her),
- Surround one arm around her waist, and
- Extend another arm between her legs.
- Put your fore arm under her private spot.
- Straight both legs and stand up.

I'll pay you $100 if you cannot pick her up that way.

I'll giv you a $100 if I could pick her up that way. :D

03-17-2005, 01:49 PM
pinch her boob, distract her mind, and then pick her up ;) :)

03-17-2005, 02:02 PM
"Ever try to pick up a dead body?" Um, I have, but I'm a touch concerned that you have :eek:

dont be too concerned, Im not.

04-29-2005, 11:49 PM
I don't know about these girls, it looks like they are pushing down, but...

I had a friend who did akido who could do this trick. He had two of us on either side trying to lift him by his arm pits. His arms out to the side didn't touch us. And yes if you distract them it dosen't work, the real trick is to not get distracted. It's a mind/Chi trick, he tried to teach us. Relax you body, metaly picture you have roots that go deep in to the ground, and don't get distracted. when they try to pick you up stay relaxed, if you stiffen up at all it won't work.

Scott R. Brown
04-30-2005, 12:36 AM
I don't want to seem gross, but if you have ever tried to pick up a dead body it is very difficult. That is why it is called DEAD WEIGHT!! I agree there is no clearly defined center of gravity and the body is so loose it is very difficult to hold on too! Even when you do lift it it slips out of your hands if you have to carry it very far!

04-30-2005, 01:33 PM
"Ever try to pick up a dead body?" Um, I have, but I'm a touch concerned that you have :eek:

Make it an unconcious person then, it should be the same thing.

I suspect others are right that it's probably a combination of her hand/arm position on the lifters' arms and her relaxing her body to make it more limp. The relaxing gets the dead weight effect already mentioned. And as people noted, it's a lot harder to lift someone who's completely limp than one who's got some muscle tension. Her hands and arms could be positioned to redistribute the force applied to her body and/or to affect the lifters' arm use in some way. Anatomy isn't really my thing. When there are two people, true, she can only hold on to one arm from each person. But in those pictures she's always holding both people's left arm, so one lifter is using the arm more on her stomach while the other is using the arm more on her back. Particularly if her grip is affecting the arms she holds, this could make it harder for them to lift her since they're applying force from opposite sides. If they're misaligned, you'll get rotation rather than a canceling of the horizontal force to leave only the upward force.

05-01-2005, 07:40 AM
There's a bit more to it than just relaxing. You need to hyper aware of the people lifting you, of how the force is affecting your body to lift it, if you will. There are a thousand little points of pressure. Not only were they are actually touching you, but also on other parts of your body. When someone lifts you by the arms, you feel some tention on other joints of your body, such as hips, knees, ect. The trick is to keep the relacation "active", i.e. moving to counter thier efforts.

Mr. Horse
05-01-2005, 05:52 PM
Actually, all of you guys are right. It is just a trick. There are a few facts in this:

1. She is using dead weight.
2. Her arm placement does affect the guys ability to lift her.
3. They are trying to lift her from the waist, and it is very difficult to lift someone with out thinking that you will crush them when they are using dead weight.

4. Leverage

I just tried it on a female friend of mine who is only 90 lbs. I could easy throw her 5 yards. I told her what to do, and I couldn't lift her.

However, this TRICK of hers doesn't work if you lift from behind under the armpits. :mad: