View Full Version : Anti division act

03-14-2005, 04:08 PM
Wen said that the act is a peaceful act at the foreign press conference.

Over 2000 vote yes and zero "nay" and passed the act at the people's representative meeting or Ren Da 人大 on 3-14-2005.

"The de facto between the Taiwan strait is that there is only one China."

"23 mil people on the island are our compatriots in bone and flesh."

"Even at the dimmest hour, if there is the slightest hope of peace, we will resolve the issue of reunification with peaceful means."

CNN reporter asked " If US is involved over the issue of Taiwan, will China build an Army against the US?"

"China was invaded over the last hundred year. We never sent a single soldier across the Chinese border. We did not take even an inch of land of any other country. Our military budget is far less than those of the US. Our military is designed to defend the homeland. Taiwan is an internal affair of China. If somehow, some foreign power interferes, we will not fear."

Dr. Rice called this act not necessary and provocative. US insists on keeping the status quo.

KMT 国民党 said keep the ROC constitution and against Taiwan Independence movement.

DPP 民进党 said the act is against the democracy of Taiwan and that Taiwan people want to have republic of Taiwan or 台湾国.

DDP hailed 4 wants and one insistence. 四要一坚持.

1. want proper name; 2. want to draft the new consititution.--- Insist that Taiwan is an independent country.

What do you think?


03-14-2005, 04:19 PM
Some people think it is like to give PLA the power to conduct war against Taiwan anytime it sees fit. It is an arcticle of war.

However, most people think that the article defined areas of negociations including expanding Taiwan's international activity.

Hu and Wen set aside the tricky problem to the article, so that they may concentrate on how to improve the farmers livihood and national economic agenda. Farmers consisted of over 80% of Chinese population.

Some said if the war does occur, there is an article to be blamed for. Either Hu or Wen does not want to be blamed as the person who orders the invasion.

For most people, there are much broader rooms for negociation.

However, Taiwan Independence movement is severely inhibited.

It is an internal act. So it is not binding to any other country.

For the most part, the status quo still remains the status quo.


03-14-2005, 06:22 PM

News link;

news (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=2270&ncid=2270&e=2&u=/krwashbureau/20050314/ts_krwashbureau/_bc_china_taiwan_wa_1)

Washington Post (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1802&ncid=716&e=18&u=/washpost/20050314/ts_washpost/a32353_2005mar13)

related news page (http://story.news.yahoo.com/fc?cid=34&tmpl=fc&in=World&cat=Taiwan)


03-14-2005, 08:42 PM
"China was invaded over the last hundred year. We never sent a single soldier across the Chinese border. We did not take even an inch of land of any other country. Our military budget is far less than those of the US. Our military is designed to defend the homeland."

There is a bunch of dead Vietnamese that might just disagree with that smugly revisionist version of history.

03-14-2005, 08:55 PM
Yes; I think it was around 1979.

There was the border clash.

During the early anti-French campaign, especially during the seige of Dian Bian Phu, there were many PLA disguised in plain clothes aided the NVA.

It was around the 1957. The French decided to leave French Indochina.

And of course, the milion plus volunteer army crossed the river of Ya Lu into north Korea and pushed the UN back to 38 degree parallel. The volunteer army pulled out of north Korea in 1956 or 1958. However, 30,000 plus US force still remains in south Korea.

The words in parenthesis are quotes from the Premier.


03-14-2005, 09:05 PM
And of course, the milion plus volunteer army crossed the river of Ya Lu into north Korea and pushed the UN back to 38 degree parallel. The volunteer army pulled out of north Korea in 1956 or 1958. However, 30,000 plus US force still remains in south Korea. :D

Because North Korea is still a threat to South Korea, and technically the war or the conflict is not over, but on cease fire.

03-14-2005, 09:36 PM
The words in parenthesis are quotes from the Premier.

Yeah I know. It shouldn't get to me but it does.

03-14-2005, 10:12 PM
"China was invaded over the last hundred year. We never sent a single soldier across the Chinese border. We did not take even an inch of land of any other country. Our military budget is far less than those of the US. Our military is designed to defend the homeland. Taiwan is an internal affair of China. If somehow, some foreign power interferes, we will not fear."

Yeah....that's a fun one try and to decode.

We never sent a single soldier across the Chinese border.

....yeagh.....sort of...not quite...."border disputes" I can agree with. Hard to take a firm stand on the truth in that sense. Interesting folks tend to bring up Viet Nam or Korea instead of something like the Tibetan, Mongolian and Xingjiang acquisitions. It's funny to me that there is no real political debate and never was on those areas where China really did invade but on the "domino effect" countries, where the impact was far less, people cough and sputter about Chinese troops moving in.

I think that was a really complicated announcement. Maybe nothing has really changed and they only reaffirmed their position but still, I don't get too many chances to pick apart the text like that. It's quite a battle over terminology really. "internal affair"....

03-15-2005, 08:03 AM
I think it sounds like China is doing for them. If it comes to war, we get to find out who is stronger.....

03-15-2005, 03:14 PM
Why now? Because China is finally getting some teeth to back up it's bark. Now it wants to be taken seriously and establish itself in the pecking order so it needs to push the boundaries to see what it can get away with.

03-15-2005, 04:53 PM
They really don't have any kind of expansionist track record but "pushing it's boundries" could be accurate. Historically they have been very sensitive about borders but not much beyond that. No colonial phase in the whole 4000 years of history. To be more honest I'd say 2000 years since the Qin assumably would have been colonial if they had access or even awareness of the world beyond "China".

They already took back Hong Kong and if the lease had expired 60 years ago I don't think that the Chinese flag would have gone up. But 2000 showed a strong China and a weak (relatively) England. Taiwan only even has a chance of independance at all because of US support but that support is tenuous because it is based on a very complicated game of international "chess". The US is bound by some old embarrassing treaties but then again, it seems to be finding Taiwan a usefull bargaining chip at the political table. It's using the Taiwan issue to harass China.

What I see happening eventually is something like the Hong Kong situtation. You can joke all you want about intl. stamps but it's not really relevant. Chinese citizens can more easily go to Greece than to Hong Kong. But that doesn't stop Hong Kong from being part of China. They have a different govt. system there as well but it is still the same coutry. So cries of totalitarian regimes eliminating free elections and so on in Taiwan are pretty alarmist. Not much has changed in Hong Kong beyond a stubborn recession....which IS connected to the takeover but mainly AFAIK from the flight of capital that happened when the CCP arrived. I expect it will be similar in Taiwan IF they go peacefully. If there's a war....who knows what will rise form the rubble. But just as it's a matter of international face to reclaim Taiwan, it's equally a matter of international face to preserve economic success and first world conditions.

Don't forget, totalitarianism =/= 3rd world coutnry. Just look at Natzi Germany, an economic and technological giant in it's day.

03-15-2005, 09:00 PM
Why now? Because China is finally getting some teeth to back up it's bark. Now it wants to be taken seriously and establish itself in the pecking order so it needs to push the boundaries to see what it can get away with.

It is all about the beijing olympic in 2008.
2008 is a magical year.

China's economy is grow fast and TW might get completely drawn into its orbit permanently.

2008 is probably the last window of opportunity to escape.

TW independence movement see it as its golden opportunity to declare independence. with all those money sunk in beijing olympic, china wouldn't want to go to war and create an international incident causing a boycott.

Also, the Taiwan populace for the past ten years has come to believe that China is a "Paper Tiger". this notion is especially prevalent in the south where the independence forces are the strongest.

What China did was make it clear to the TW populace in no uncertain term that it will attack if it declare independence.

Now, all those pro-independence politicians who claim china would never dare to attack TW, all of sudden change their tunes. Now, they say,This is a pretext for attack. Must declare independence now.

well, at least, independence supporters finally realize there will be a war if they declare independence. If they want to be independent, got to be willing to bleed.

the pot is simmering, and 2008 is just around the corner. If it boils over, it will be quite ugly.

03-16-2005, 10:15 AM
I wonder what the Formosans think about all this. They're not fond of the Nationalist mustless the PRC.

03-16-2005, 02:26 PM
I wonder what the indigineous people in Taiwan think of all this? http://www.atayal.org/Home.asp

03-16-2005, 07:54 PM
Sorry. I had a bad cold.

There are more stories that I will post.

China side: Jiang was considered to be too soft on Taiwan. DPP President Chen was near the door of drafting new consitution and renaming Repubic of Taiwan. Jiang was considered as the middle of the roader China's 3rd generation leader for 15 years, after Mao, and Deng.

Hu and Wen are considered as much tougher 4th gen leaders. There was no hand shaking ceremony between Jiang and Hu and Wen. Which was a traditional gesture of transferring powers.

Taiwan side: red menace was always there. The Japan and US are sending generals to observe Taiwan's annual military exercises codenamed Han Kuang 汉光.

Most people in Taiwan were afraid of the GREEN TERROR more than anything else. That was why the people voted for KMT and other pan blue parties candidates in the legislature election last year.

What is green terror? You turn the map right side upward, so that Taiwan is above China. Read your world map this way. Everything "deChina" 去中国化. Taiwan history started with the founding of DDP over a decade ago. The history also started with President Chen overnite. No worshipping Ma Tsu 妈且the sea Goddess for fishermen. No worshipping of Guan Gong for businessmen. They are Chinese. If you do, you do not love Taiwan and get out of the island. on and on.

If you love or do anything related to Chinese in anyway, you do not love Taiwan. And we we love Taiwan and what you gonna do about it?.--

Qin Ming Dang 亲民党leader Song said the anti division act was drafted hastily over 4 months. And we caused them to do it. Meaning the green trends on deChina everything in Taiwan.

To be continued.


03-17-2005, 08:03 AM
In coming June, outgoing KMT chair Lian Zhan 连战 will visit China. In July, KMT will elect new chair between the shrewd Wang and Mayor Ma.

Last time, the meeting between KMT and CCP was between Mao and Chiang in 1945. Soon after that the civil war 国共内战 broke out.

Last time the cooperation between KMT and CCP was to unite and fight against Japan. After Xi An incident 西安事件, Chiang agreed to the cooperation or 国共合作. CCP army was renamed the new 4th army and 8th lu army.

So this coming summer, the meeting will be historical.


03-17-2005, 08:29 AM
There was a Chinese folksong mentioned in the press conference.

"One foot cloth, we may embroider. One bushel of rice, we may mill into flour.

Why are brothers not getting alone?"

It was from Huai Nan Zi or 淮南子.

Han Wen Di 汉文帝removed the reign of his brother and sent him to Si Zhuan after his brother tried to topple him.

People made the song to criticize this event.
