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03-17-2005, 08:41 AM
It is here my article: http://www.circularstrengthmag.com/34/bao.html

03-17-2005, 12:24 PM
Couple questions -

RMAX/CST: what do these letters stand for? (not a PT or BB myself)

Are you the Bao you speak of?

Which translation of the Tao te Ching are you quoting from?

Don't mean to pry, just trying to understand.

Thanks in advance.

03-17-2005, 12:50 PM

For more information about Rmax materials go to www.rmax.tv, for CST please go to www.clubbell.tv, to go deeper to both Rmax/CST please go to www.circularstrengthmag.com. I am a student of Coach Scott Sonnon and in April 2005, God willing, I will be a certified CST Coach.

"RMAX/CST: what do these letters stand for?"

RMAX is an acronym for "Reaching OuR MAXimum Potential Together!"

CST is Circular Strength Training.

"Are you the Bao you speak of?"

Bao is my first name. It means treasure in Chinese and it sounds like tao (Dow) but with a "b". Not bao as in bread in cantonese, lol. If I understood your question correctly, yes I am the Bao that I am speaking about, but most certainly not the eternal tao which Lao Tzu spoke about. Maybe am I a treasure of CST? Or Maybe the bread of CST? LOL.

"Which translation of the Tao te Ching are you quoting from?"

I used Stephen Mitchell's translation. I added (Rmax) so that people can understand my POV.

I hope I have clear things up and thank you for reading my article.

With Care and Optimism,
Bao Tran
Soon-be-CST Coach

PS: I also like Professor Robert G. Henrick's translation of Ma-Wang-Tui Te-Tao Ching, but he is a bit pedantic at times and perfer Mitchell's body of work because of his poetic flow and english friendly translation of the classics.

03-17-2005, 01:23 PM
Interesting. And thanks for the links. As I said, I don't do weight training, but I did in high school and the military, so I am ever curious about how things change from year to year.

CST - makes sense IMO.

Just last weekend I bought David Hinton's translation, so when you posted your quote, I immediately went for mine to see the differences.

"When lofty hear of Way (Tao)
They devote themselves.

When the common hear of Way
They wonder if it's real or not.

When the lowly hear of Way
They laugh out loud.

Without that laughter, it wouldn't be Way."

Having said that, I actually like yours better.

03-24-2005, 11:55 AM
I added two pictures of myself.

Ford Prefect
03-24-2005, 12:10 PM
Just saw this. It's a bit esoteric but a good read. Hope you make your certification.

03-24-2005, 12:22 PM
Ford Perfect (MP),

Thanks for the encouragement and I will send your regards to Scott when I see him next month. Scott's dad past away last Friday and I do not know how this seminar certification will turn out. I just hope Scott is doing well. I wanted to invite my girlfiend to stay with me while I am in boring-arse-ville Bellingham, but I think being alone would do me best. As I recalled reading in one of your posts, you liked reading Krishnamurti so I guess you can tolerate me. LOL.

Your Friend in CST,

PS: I hope your project will turn out fine and when that comes out. Be certain that I will waiting to purchase it and study your body of work.

04-07-2005, 12:08 PM
I just given you the link to CST mag article.