View Full Version : TLC: faking it - kung-fu fighter - tonight 3/18

03-18-2005, 03:20 PM
if you happen to be in front of the tv tonight, cynthia rothrock will try to turn your average joe six pack turn him into a kung-fu fighter in a couple of days, or enough to pass some type of test.

starts at 10 on TLC, of course, you also can turn to spike tv and watch the ultimate fighter re-run at 12 AM

Faking It
The Learning Channel Mar 18 10:00pm Add to My Calendar
Series/Reality, 60 Mins.

"Cube Dweller to Kung Fu Kicker"
Cynthia Rothrock tries to teach a mild-mannered office worker to pass as a martial arts expert.

Original Airdate: March 18, 2005.

Future Airings:
Faking It, TLC Mar 19 01:00am
Faking It, TLC Mar 19 03:00pm

03-18-2005, 03:34 PM
that's exactly what the cma world needs...

03-18-2005, 03:42 PM
This is different from real life how?

03-18-2005, 03:45 PM
Talk about putting my foot in my mouth

I was just saying to my wife that Uma wasn't very convincing in Kill Bill in my opinion, and I thought that even Cynthia Rothrock in her prime could have done a better job...

I should probably wait till I see it but, I'm already losing my rating for her :mad:

norther practitioner
03-18-2005, 04:04 PM
I think I'd ditto 7*s comments

03-18-2005, 04:05 PM
They should make him fight me for the test. That would be neat.

David Jamieson
03-18-2005, 04:12 PM
i'd like to know who they are going to try to pass the guy off to.

as in, who is doing the review? lol.

pfft, more nonsense from the one eyed monster.

03-18-2005, 04:34 PM
I dont watch television so you guys will have to tell me how it goes.

So if they are trying to make him into a kung fu fighter does that mean he has to fight another kung fu fighter. like one who studied for more than 2 days. Maybe one who has studied for 10 years or more. He!! even 2 years of martial arts.

03-18-2005, 05:54 PM
LOL! This will give me a VERY good laugh. Im staying home just to watch this...thanks a lot.

I love things like this...most funny type of thing to put someone through.

Makes him look like an idiot :D

03-18-2005, 08:28 PM
Ok, im about 20 minutes into it.

I just have one thing to say....


He starts to get angry at the people there.

Am I the only one who finds this utterly hilarious? :D

David Jamieson
03-18-2005, 09:47 PM
ok, so the show is called faking it and the dude is taking it all seriously.

man. that was exactly what i expected. :rolleyes:

Ben Gash
03-18-2005, 09:50 PM
Kung Lek, you must have a different understanding of one eyed monster to me....

03-18-2005, 09:52 PM
Please forgive me, I actually know Ms Rothrock and, gasp, I was old enough to have seen her compete, but what does the know about FIGHTING? :confused:

"how to be a forms champion" OK
" how to pose for some sexy semi=ma related pics" OK

but "how to be a fighter"????

03-18-2005, 10:31 PM
So How did it go?
I missed it. :cool:

03-18-2005, 11:23 PM
So How did it go?
I missed it. :cool:

overall, I say it was amusing. it is not meant for fighters. it is more for general public who have very little ma knowledge.

It did "change" the contestant's outlook on life. he quit his job and move out to california as result of the show. maybe he always wanted to do it, but didn't have the coruage, or the show gave a false idea, anyways, he took a chance, wish him luck.

here's the run down of the show.

a 30 some years old chicago web designer/programmer
took a 30 days training trip with Cynthia Rothrock.

the guy was on a crash course b/c he was really mild-manner and not very athletic.

they had him do the basic physical training and some kata work.

the thing that stand out was the therapist, rothrock send him to. He wasn't getting with the program and she thought he needed some personality adjustment.

the "therapist" use some "unusual" techniques, but basically broke through to the programmer. told him not to hold back. be what he truly is [or what he think he is].

so, he end-up with a buzz cut and an personality adjustment.

he become more aggressive and spend the lat couple of days training the kata, staff work and doing breaks.

test day: two karate instructors and one cma guy (Harry wong, of dynamic strength) sit in to judge.

the programmers and four or five other karate students come out one by one and do a solo kata form. do a break, and do a pre-scripted staff fight.

anyways, the judges were told after the show that there was an imposter within the group. the judges were to pick out who they thought was the fake.

the 1st judge picked the tkd girl as the fake.
the 2nd judge picked our programmer b/c the programmer held a long pose after the break.
the 3rd judge, harry wong, dropped the ball and picked the wrong guy as the fake.

so, the guy passed the test. supposedly, he moved to california and is trying to become a MA instructor.

03-18-2005, 11:32 PM
Heh, heh. "Harry Wong". I hope he went to high school in China, 'cause that would be a tough name to have while attending a U.S. school... :D .

Fred Sanford
03-18-2005, 11:43 PM
any show with david carradine in it has to be good, LOL :eek:

03-18-2005, 11:57 PM
Please forgive me, I actually know Ms Rothrock and, gasp, I was old enough to have seen her compete, but what does the know about FIGHTING? :confused:

"how to be a forms champion" OK
" how to pose for some sexy semi=ma related pics" OK

but "how to be a fighter"????

Cynthia Rothrock: Forms
Don Wilson: Fighting

:D They always go in a pair to me.
Plus, they didnt really teach him to fight (in hopes of him becoming a good fighter). He did some sparring to build up confidence and get a little understanding that MAs are not just forms...they mainly did it for confidence for the test.

Then again...thats probably what you were stating.

Overall, it wasnt THAT BAD....but it was rather funny at times.

I liked the ending, actually. He seemed to really enjoy it, so he went after the feeling.

What I didnt like was how corny they made it :P I dont watch reality shows that often, so I dont really know if they are all like that...but thats what I found so amusing. It seemed like a kids show that wanted to be for adults :p

Plus the fact that he cried because of what the lady said...That felt over-dramatized to me. Then again, the entire thing was.

03-19-2005, 12:45 AM
Plus the fact that he cried because of what the lady said...That felt over-dramatized to me. Then again, the entire thing was.

Very much so.

What got me were the other "Martial Artists" they put him up against. None of them were impressive. The one that had "11" years experience I expected to atleast show alittle snap and power. She had none. She was just placing technique.

They kept whining about his lack of flexibility, but never did they show him really actually doing a decent stretch.

I watched it expecting to get a good laugh. I got what I expected. For the guy to come in off the street and try I've got to give him credit. Other than that, it's typical "reality" television with no reality anywhere to be found.


David Jamieson
03-19-2005, 08:08 AM
the whole point was to pass him off as a martial artist not to make him a martial artist.

cynthia rothrock still has a nice bum for a lass her age. :D

the most hilarious part is that he has now moved to so cal to pursue a career as a martial arts instructor.

omfg, is all i gotta say about that. :p

03-19-2005, 10:17 AM

I think they selected Cynthia Rothrock not because of her ability to fight , but because of her acting skills, basically her knowledge on how to fake it.

03-19-2005, 01:52 PM
Or because she has a nice butt! :D

03-19-2005, 02:18 PM
I know I've seen it in 3-d She autographed my trophy a few years back. :D

03-19-2005, 02:45 PM
Oh yeah, she got a serious booty!! :D

03-20-2005, 01:03 PM
****! I missed the show.

If I were him I wouldn't move to SoCal. There are many real sifu's out here. He'll be better off in redneck Idaho or something where they don't have any clue of CMA.

03-21-2005, 01:15 PM
i think he has a chance of reaching that goal. didnt we all kinda start out that way? its all about dedication to the art.

03-21-2005, 01:31 PM
I did not see this program, but if this man has any form of decent intelligence then I am sure he is going to cali to persue his career as an instructor with the idea of studying for a few years first, and then hopefully becoming and instructor. Of course we all know about becoming and instructor after a "few" years of study, but it would not be anything new. Good luck to him and more power to the ranks of martial artists.

Anyhoo, How was his sidekick?

Judge Pen
03-21-2005, 01:49 PM
WTF does she teach, anyway? I mean, they do a Chinese bow to enter the school, but use Japanese terminology (she called herself 'Sensei'). Her students wear GIs, but they use wushu broadswords....????

What's wrong with that? :confused:


:D :p

03-21-2005, 01:56 PM
WTF does she teach, anyway? I mean, they do a Chinese bow to enter the school, but use Japanese terminology (she called herself 'Sensei'). Her students wear GIs, but they use wushu broadswords....????

Last pics I saw of her she'd hooked up with Steve DeMasco's USSD stuff.... :rolleyes:

I guess having him as the "authentic rep of Yong Xin" carries weight?? :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

I saw her in the early 80's at the Battle of Atlanta. All I could do as a preteen TKD'r was drool... still do kinda, but that's due to age now... ;)

03-21-2005, 02:20 PM


and still hot... MILF status is applicable now...


03-21-2005, 02:27 PM
In '95 Cynthia Rothrock was a VIP at the world wushu tourney in Baltimore. The morning after the last day, her ride to the airport failed to show up. I was driving a few coaches and competetors from the Singapore team to the airport and told her If she didn't mind the crowd, I'd take her right away.

On her way out, some of the Belarus team wanted a picture, so a group of guys swarmed around her for some shots, I was standing behind them by the door, the whole time the guys were trying to cop a feel on her butt and practically groping her. She quickly made her exit and got into the van with the other group. During the ride I asked her about some of her experiences in foreign film and stunt work. She explained a little then told me about the resulting pains from recurring injuries she'd received over the years.

It was at that point that one of the Singapore coaches told her he knew traiditional chinese medicine and he could inspect her knee for her. I have no idea if he knew some or not, but it looked like he was just trying to rub on her leg. Bye the time I dropped them off I bet she was just happy to get away from all the sexually frustrated coaches and competitors there.

03-21-2005, 02:39 PM
I recon the studio it was filmed in is a USSD studio.


03-21-2005, 07:55 PM
What's wrong with that? :confused:

rofl JP!

edit: 13456789 (wtf is with this "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters." stuff?)

03-21-2005, 08:42 PM
Well I thought it was a great show with a very touching ending...he decided to relocate and pursue a new career...wow...I thought he seemed like a cool dude...Rothrock, on the other hand...in the bar fight at the beginning there was a text book guillotine...I'm sitting there thinking Wow nice guillotine Rothrock...then I realize wait a minute something's wrong here...SHE'S the one in the guillotine...she willfully put her head down and walked right into it just so she could set up that kick where she kicks up over herself to kick the guy on his head...also she didn't seem all that nice...she was like "You couldn't do it, so now I have to" when they were filming those action scenes...

Dim Wit Mak
03-22-2005, 11:19 PM
I saw the show, and it really disturbed me. They take a perfectly happy geek, brainwash him, and in the end, he moves to California to start his new path to become a martial arts instructor. This whole thing was a perfect recipe for starting a cult. Take someone who doesn't fit. Tell them you are going to show them a better "path". Work them hard and always remind them that they don't quite measure up. After they toe the mark and give their heart and soul, let them burst through to the light. Pat them on the back. Make sure their path is strewn with charasmatic individuals, who strutinize, pound down, and pick back up.

This guy would have been perfectly happy if he had been left alone in the first place. People who seek out martial arts instruction and commit to being the best they can be on their own is wonderful. A person whose life is changed so dramatically for the sake of television audiences is another. Maybe in 10 years this guy will own his own dojo and be as happy as a clam at high tide. Then I will admit that his life was altered in a non-detrimental way. Where he ends up remains to be seen. :(