View Full Version : OMG Hendrik was right about Jing power

03-22-2005, 02:47 PM

here it is guys the proof !

i don't know if i should cry , pray [OSU] or call ghost busters !

i would like to say i'm sorry to all you followers of the old masters
i guess i was wrong [hangs head in shame ]

i must go buy some kung fu slippers now and meditate !

03-22-2005, 03:31 PM

here it is guys the proof !

i don't know if i should cry , pray [OSU] or call ghost busters !

i would like to say i'm sorry to all you followers of the old masters
i guess i was wrong [hangs head in shame ]

i must go buy some kung fu slippers now and meditate !

hahaha, that is a great clip!

but still cannot compare with my favorite KUNG FU Hustle's Jumping Pak Sao Jing and double kaam sau Jing.


Buy the panjama of that strong lady!

03-22-2005, 03:48 PM
HA HA hope you don't mind me useing your name bro
way to much serious talk on this forum , getting boring , thought i would have some fun ;)

03-22-2005, 04:28 PM
HA HA hope you don't mind me useing your name bro
way to much serious talk on this forum , getting boring , thought i would have some fun ;)


You know i love that Jumping Pak Sau as the big lady nail the guy's head! in the Kung Fu hustle. it looks real too. hahaha

That must be the Top secret Jing LJ's wife use when it comes to beating LJ. Direct transmission by YWC to her. :D

03-22-2005, 07:33 PM
Ha ha - good one, Ernie.
- kj

03-22-2005, 07:45 PM
That girl needs an exorcism not Tai Chi.

LMAO! Good one!

Hope they get lots of inquiries....


Jeff Bussey
03-23-2005, 06:13 AM
Actually, what she did has happened to me.
Although it was after I stubbed my toe on the coffee table.
Hurt like hell.


03-23-2005, 06:55 AM
YongChun wrote:

That girl needs an exorcism not Tai Chi.

**Why would anyone ever need tai chi?

03-23-2005, 03:23 PM
In one hand, this is really entertaning.

on the other hand, this is very very sad.

03-23-2005, 03:24 PM
In one hand, this is really entertaning.

on the other hand, this is very very sad.

Funny i think that thought often when reading post :D

03-23-2005, 03:38 PM
Funny i think that thought often when reading post :D

then why do you still post a sad post?

Tom Kagan
03-23-2005, 03:57 PM
then why do you still post a sad post?

You said it yourself: because it's entertaining.

What I find both sad and entertaining is whatever Ernie thinks he may have understood from reading your posts that subsequently prompted him to scour the web MA world looking for such video examples in TaiChi.

This whole thread is so sad and entertaining and so wrong on so many levels it transcends funny.


03-23-2005, 04:16 PM
You said it yourself: because it's entertaining.

What I find both sad and entertaining is whatever Ernie thinks he may have understood from reading your posts that subsequently prompted him to scour the web MA world looking for such video examples in TaiChi.

This whole thread is so sad and entertaining and so wrong on so many levels it transcends funny.


AHHH he of little mind :p

found it on the TCMor tai chi forum asking about treatment for my bicep rupture

so as usual wrong about me again , but keep trying it's entertaining in a sad way :D

Hendrik , i see that as no different then many fantasy fu people i speak with and read , they will laugh at that person yet not see 'that person '' in themselves

there are lessons in everything ;)

03-23-2005, 06:13 PM
I find a mathematical theory that seems to explain rather well this perplexing human behaviour: "Comedy = Tragedy + Time"

So the next time you laugh, ask yourself (1) whether you are sad, and (2) do you feel better after you laugh? If your answer is affirmative to one of the above, it is logical that you have found some sort of medicine for whatever is ailing you. =)

Dr. Paul

03-23-2005, 07:50 PM
I find a mathematical theory that seems to explain rather well this perplexing human behaviour: "Comedy = Tragedy + Time"

So the next time you laugh, ask yourself (1) whether you are sad, and (2) do you feel better after you laugh? If your answer is affirmative to one of the above, it is logical that you have found some sort of medicine for whatever is ailing you. =)

Dr. Paul

Dr Paul
you should see a Dr. :D well off to vegas until next week play nice while i'm gone ;)

03-23-2005, 08:23 PM
**Why would anyone ever need tai chi? How about Chai Tea ? :D

03-23-2005, 08:32 PM
HA HA hope you don't mind me useing your name bro
way to much serious talk on this forum , getting boring , thought i would have some fun ;)Since you guys are sharing clips, I saw this one on the main forum a while back. Just in case you missed it, this guy can really MOVE (http://www.killsometime.com/video/video.asp?video=Breakdance) :cool:

03-24-2005, 08:29 AM
Hendrik , i see that as no different then many fantasy fu people i speak with and read , they will laugh at that person yet not see 'that person '' in themselves

there are lessons in everything ;)


you are right on.

'i see that as no different then many fantasy fu people i speak with and read , they will laugh at that person yet not see 'that person '' in themselves

there are lessons in everything. '

But ,may be we are no different with them too it is just different people has different fantasy.

same lesson for us.

Tom Kagan
03-24-2005, 10:25 AM
there are lessons in everything ;)

I can't argue with you there.

But it can lead one to wonder (regardless of whether it's sad or entertaining), what is learned from asking a potentially anonymous 12 year old on the "TCMor tai chi forum" about medical and rehabilitative treatment, then examining clips such as the one above as possible alternative therapy choices. :D

[By the way, for the 2 cents it's worth, check out Active Release Technique (ART), Neuro Muscular Re-education (NMR), Rolfing, or any of the other deep-tissue therapies which can only be charitibly be called massage. Whether the irony of me giving this advice here is sad or entertaining is also something to ponder. ;)]

03-28-2005, 08:13 AM
I can't argue with you there.

But it can lead one to wonder (regardless of whether it's sad or entertaining), what is learned from asking a potentially anonymous 12 year old on the "TCMor tai chi forum" about medical and rehabilitative treatment, then examining clips such as the one above as possible alternative therapy choices. :D

[By the way, for the 2 cents it's worth, check out Active Release Technique (ART), Neuro Muscular Re-education (NMR), Rolfing, or any of the other deep-tissue therapies which can only be charitibly be called massage. Whether the irony of me giving this advice here is sad or entertaining is also something to ponder. ;)]

T-what is learned from asking a potentially anonymous 12 year old on the "TCMor tai chi forum" about medical and rehabilitative treatment

might give me the secret to using my chi and flying :D

Tom on the ART thing thanks your the second guy to bring that up , i'll check it out , hope your healing is coming along bro !


03-29-2005, 08:26 AM
The only thing that was missing from that clip is for the guy to palm the girl's forehead and say " HEEEEAAAAL this woman!! In the name of JESUSSS! Hoo! Hah!"

03-29-2005, 08:32 PM
I find several things funny/sad about this video: A. I grew up in Roxbury and I think I knew this guy in high school. I remember there being a teacher who practiced tia chi when I was a student. Small world B. Not knowing much about tai chi, I think this guy is doing a disservice to the art, C. was he rubbing that woman's tan tien or something else...LOL
