View Full Version : Pak Mei Kung Fu in London

03-23-2005, 01:34 AM
Hello Everyone,
Just thought that I'd it make known that I am starting my new Pak Mei class in Central London from May 2005. :)

For more information, details of the class and an invitation to come and join, please do not hesitate to contact me by email on: dave.stevens@pakmei.demon.co.uk or private message me on this forum and I shall get back to you.


03-23-2005, 07:57 AM
Good Luck :)

03-23-2005, 09:19 AM
Good luck :)! I know some people that would be interested as pak mei schools arent easy to find in london.

Yum Cha
03-23-2005, 06:01 PM
Good on you Dave,
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? I get email asking about Pak Mei in London all the time. I know its there, I've met people that play it there, but I think its mostly low key.

I believe a few of the old guys have recently retired, and one went back to HK I think...


03-24-2005, 12:37 AM
Hi Dave,

I wish you all the best with your school. Your Sifu can be proud to have a guy like you taking care of Pak Mei in Londen.

Please let me know if you get to Amsterdam. Beer is on me!
Regards, Lau

03-24-2005, 02:14 AM
Hi Yum Cha,
I take it you want a small bio of me.

Well to cut a long story short, I have trained in Pak Mei Kung Fu now for over 14yrs (fast approaching 15yrs!) under the direct tutelage of Sifu Tang Cho Tak, 6th Generation Master from the Cheung Bing Faat Lineage.

Sifu Tang, retired from teaching Pak Mei in London about 5 or so years ago, when he returned to Hong Kong. During that period, myself and a few other seniors kept up the training until more recently when I've been the only student actively training in Pak Mei, from Sifu Tang's school.

Then at the end of last year I travelled for 3 months (starting off in Beijing and ending up in Hong Kong) where I stayed with my Sifu for a month. When I arrived in Hong Kong, my Sifu had invited me to give a demonstration at the Cheung Bing Faat memorial dinner where a number of invited Pak Mei Sifu's had been asked to pay respects and give displays in front Cheung Bing Lam who was the guest of honour.

Two days after this event, My Sifu receives a phone call from Cheung Bing Lam, who asked my Sifu to bring me to his Pak Mei school in Kowloon. We arrived at the Grandmasters school to be greeted by 3 of the Grandmasters Disciples and Cheung Bing Lam himself.

At this point the Grandmaster and my Sifu were discussing something at length, then I was invited to give another demonstration in front Cheung Bing Lam and his Disciples behind closed doors. After demonstrating everything that I was asked to demonstrate, I was invited to take part in the Bai See ceremony in front of my Sifu and Cheung Bing Lam, which ended with the Grandmaster accepting into the Pak Mei clan as a closed door student.

After this ceremony had taken place, both the Grandmaster and my Sifu, then told me that I was now officially authorised to teach, develop and promote authentic Pak Mei Kung Fu back home in London and the UK.

So that pretty much it really. Obviously there are quite a few others things that happened during my stay, but thats the nuts and bolts of it.


03-24-2005, 02:49 AM
Hi Dave,

I wish you all the best with your school. Your Sifu can be proud to have a guy like you taking care of Pak Mei in Londen.

Please let me know if you get to Amsterdam. Beer is on me!
Regards, Lau

Hi ya Lau,
Thanks for your kind remarks above. I can still remember very clearly the good times in Kong Kong when we met up. Great times m8!

Got your email that you sent with the article on. Just thought I'd let you know that I'm hopefully going to be sending you a chapter or two to proof read for me fairly soon after Easter. So I'd definitely be interested in your comments.

I've got another one of Sifu Tang's students over in Taiwan, who is doing some translating for me and giving me the Pin Yin equivelent which I'm sure will give it more of a selling angle.

I'll definitely let you know when I come over to Amsterdam. Looking forward to a trip over there! :)

Hope everything is going well with you?


03-27-2005, 09:06 AM
Hey Dave,

Good luck with the school. If I am ever in London again I will certainly stop by to visit you & the club and for some other pak mei traditions! :D


Yum Cha
03-28-2005, 06:01 PM
Hey Dave,
Wow, that sounds like a real experience, getting in there with the "old guys" in HK. Congratulations again, I'll be sure to keep your details on file for any further queries concerning London/England. If you put together a website, just mail me the link, and I'll put it up on our site.

Good luck

03-29-2005, 01:09 AM
Hi Yum Cha,
The "Old Guys" in Hong Kong were really cool, so much knowledge and experience.

I'm compiling a Pak Mei website at the moment. Though it most likely won't be live for some time yet, as I'm trying to get my clinical website off the ground first of all.

Once it's up and running, I'll drop you a line.


03-31-2005, 07:27 AM
Hi Dave,

All is well over here. trying to incorporate what I learned in good old HK. Looking forward to receiving the first chapter!

Regards, Lau

Southern Fist
04-26-2005, 12:25 AM
Good Luck in your new classes soon.
Keep us posted on how they are going. :)

04-26-2005, 05:16 AM
Hi Southern Fist,
Yep I'm definitely looking forward to my classes starting this Sunday.

I've had a fairly good response from people requesting an invitation to the class so far..... not to mention some strange requests from maybe not so suitable people, wanting to know whats on the syllabus and how long will it take to complete the system?! LOL Yeah how longs a piece of string!

However,all the people that I have chatted to over the past month via email or by phone, seem to be keen to learn a traditional style rather than the more commercialised nonsense that is around today.

So I think it will be very interesting over the next 8 weeks (which is the trial period that I'm giving people to come and see if they like the style and the way that I teach), on who will stay in the class and train further or whom are just merely passing through.


04-28-2005, 07:36 AM
Hello, first of all I have to say, what a breath of fresh air here! Interesting, informative and knowledgeable posting without squabbling, all in the name of Pak Mei. I read some of this forum some years ago, and frankly was not impressed, but it seems to have taken a large U-turn for the better.
Anyway, congratulations on opening your club in London, sounds like you had a fantastic time in Hong Kong.
I had wondered whether Tak Sifu still had a class running in London, and here we are with the announcement of his line continued. Did you learn Lung Ying alongside Pak Mei with him?
I used to know a student of his many many years ago, and visited the club in a small community hall during a childrens class.
Anyway, best of luck.

04-28-2005, 09:41 AM
Thanks for your kind compliments.

Yeah I cant see the point in squabbling over something that everyone is seeking information about. At the end of the day, everybody's view is valid in here as everyone will look at the same subject from a different perspective.

Just learnt the Pak Mei System from Tang Sifu Cho Tak.
