View Full Version : John Springer Seminar on the 23/24 April in the U.K

03-23-2005, 09:41 AM
From Tung-Fu.com

We are pleased to announce that John F Springer will
be hosting a seminar in the U.K.

The subjects to be covered are:

1. Upright striking and entanglement
2. Ground work overview.
3. Blade work and its overlap into empty hands.

This is not just a chinese martial art seminar but an
introduction to principles that feed directly into
your fighting hand independant of what your background
maybe. The seminar will be intensive, you will learn
a lot, feel free to bring a video camera for your own
personal reference. It will be conducted according to
Sifu Springers mantra of 'perfect practice'.

There will be an element of training with live blades,
attendes can bring their own blades, along with duct
tape to make the blades training safe.

Attendees are welcome to bring their significant other
to the seminar:

"It is of benefit for males to work with females as it
compels them to move with finesse - good technique as
opposed to testosterone fueled muscle.

It is good for females to work with males as it gives
them the proper feedback with regard to encountering
an aggressor having greater size - strength. It's a
"win - win" situation" - John Springer.

The dates are as follows:
April 23 / 24th

Sat April 23th.
Doors open at 13:00 , seminar is 14:00 -> 17:30

Sun April 24th.
Doors open at 9:30, seminar is 10:00 -> 16:00

35 Westgate

There is a Travelodge located near by. Prices start at
£26 per room.



Car parking:
www.ncp.co.uk/ (NCP car park post code is BD1


The cost will be a flat cost of £20 per person for
each or both days.

In order for us to get an idea of names and numbers could you please email your interest to :


If there is anyone living in or close to london, just let us know and if there is a large genuine interest we can see about arranging transport.

03-23-2005, 10:55 AM
Some may think the large genuine interest will be to see what, if anything, LYS pai will do, or what Springer will do outside of the seminars while he is there.

03-30-2005, 12:59 PM
Some may think the large genuine interest will be to see what, if anything, LYS pai will do, or what Springer will do outside of the seminars while he is there.

ming liu, berry and cummins have no choice but to show. I called them out and made it well known publicly.

I've also extended an invitation to Lee-Lien. If he wants to show I'll handle him as well. Regardless, on April 24th I rip the public face off of the LYS Pai. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Lam Tong Long
04-04-2005, 05:42 PM
To all interested or involved,

The members of LYS Pai whom JFS has mentioned have no duty to provide a means of marketing for a no one. It's his method of adding selling power to his 'circus'.

This (along with the obvious legal repercussions of a premeditated violent action) means that no gong sau will occur at JFS' seminar.

Since JFS was ejected from the LYS Pai it is up to him to make the neccesary arrangements, to fit in with the schedule of those challenged (including travelling to them to show his intention should he try to claim legal comeback), if he truely desires a gong sau bout to prove something.

The LYS Pai do not run around after idiots.

Thank you to all,

John Rockwell