View Full Version : Contact - Control - Destroy~

03-27-2005, 07:39 AM
fundamentally i guess an aim of ur art is "contact - control - destroy"

inthe sense that 2 vital aspects are 1. reaching the attacker 2. having enough power (single/multiple strike) to knock the attacker...

or basically was once explained to me.. if u have a "killer iron" palm but cannto reach and apply it.. then its no good and if u can reach and hit the attacker but do not have the power to knock him eg hit him 20 times with little effect isno good also..

SO... and i guess this is a ambious (spell?) question... but how do u guys train for thus..

is contact - control - destroy a formale for ur art? or what does this prahse meaningf or u?~

i hope u can comprehend my english~

thank you~

03-27-2005, 10:33 AM
fundamentally i guess an aim of ur art is "contact - control - destroy"

inthe sense that 2 vital aspects are 1. reaching the attacker 2. having enough power (single/multiple strike) to knock the attacker...

actually, according to porkchop (who is on this forum, I believe), contact - control - destroy = hung gar strategy.


there are also avoid and destroy.

destroy should also mean destroy balance