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View Full Version : Grandmaster Chen,Xiaoxing Apr.11/12 Philly area

03-28-2005, 01:55 PM
Hey all for your info...

Chen, Xiaoxing, Head Master of the Chen Village Academy
(www.chenvillage.com), will be doing a two-evening workshop on
Monday and Tuesday, April 11th and 12th, 2005.7:00 P.M. -10:30 P.M.

Topics: 1st nite: Chan Si Gong ( Silk-Reeling Energy work) with corrections and fighting usage

2nd nite: Applications derived from the 38 form

"Chan Si Gong is a method of body mechanics based on postural
alignment and abdominally generated action, which results in whole
body movement. The action helps build further developments in the
style from the standing exercises. From the central equilibrium that
is developed, it helps spring the Chi to develop jing, and opens the
major joints of the body by the controlled spiraling of the limbs.
The mechanic helps to implant into the student the concept how to
connect the center to the ground and to drive the force from the
feet through the body to the fingers and hands. The exercise helps
to develop a relaxed release of power (fajing), by slowly learning
to coil the limbs in relation to the rotation of the dan tian and
guiding the energy either outwards to issue force or inwards to
neutralize force. "

Cost: $170 for both evenings & $90 for a nite (cash only)

Please pre-register at chentaijiquan@hotmail.com

This workshop is open to all martial artists. Knowledge of the 38
form is not necessary,the focus will be on the application usage.

Phoenix Chen Taijiquan Gong Fu Center
401 W.Elm st. 2 floor Norristown,PA 19401
website : http://www.Taijiboxing.com