View Full Version : Tumults in March, 2005

04-03-2005, 12:38 AM
A big swing of events took place across the Taiwan strait last month that were unthinkable to many for so long.

March 10 marked the 30 year anniversary of the fall of Saigon.

March 12 was 80 years anniversary of the passing of Dr. Sun Yet Sen, the pioneer of democratic revolution in China.

On March 14, Ren Da the people representatives in China passed the anti division act stating use of non peaceful means if Taiwan decided to separate from China.

On March 19, there was a lukewarm protest against the first anniversary of shooting of President Chen. No truth. No president.

On March 26, 270,000 protested in Taipei against the passing of the anti division law.

On March 29, it was the memorial day of the 72 martyrs in Republican uprising that gave birth the first republic in east Asia, the Republic of China.

VP of KMT Jiang Bing Kung lead 30 people visited Huang Hua Gang the martyrs site. It used to be called Hong Hua Gang or red flower mount and now is called yellow flower mount.

This was the first visit of KMT after leaving to Taiwan 56 years ago (or since 1949).

JBK also visited Dr. Sun Yet Sen burial site in Nanjing and clothes memorial site in Beijing.

This was widely reported by China's TV's. There were old people that remember that KMT was in Nanjing, the capital of ROC, 56 years ago and clapped hands.

CCP insisted that this is the third co-op between KMT and CCP. The first one was in the 1920's. The second one was in 1937 to fight together against Japan's invasion. KMT denied it publicly.

04-03-2005, 12:54 AM
Deep green is to promote Taiwan independence at all costs.

Deep blue is to unite with China under ROC.

The pan green and pan blue are to postpone the issue of unification or separation to the next generation.

For now, most people seem to agree to promote trade, culture and education exchanges across the strait.

To seek a peaceful co-existence for the time being.

China is changing fast. The rising of middle class will push the politics toward democracy.

The renewed Japan and US mutual defense treaty included Taiwan out of security and strategic considerations in the western pacific.

So the status quo remains to be status quo for now.

Some form of reconcilation is long over due.

History is always a big part of consideration among Chinese folks.

It is indeed a historical moment that KMT visited Guang Zhou or canton, the birthplace of Republican revolution that ended over 2000 years of dynastic rule since Qin Shi Huang. KMT visited Nanjing and Beijing on a peaceful mission to open dialogue with CCP.

The last time CCP and KMT talk was between Mao and Chiang in 1945. Soon after that, the civil war broke out.

04-03-2005, 08:12 AM
The response and diplomacy of many fronts:

China side: The division of China and Taiwan was the result of civil war between CCP and KMT from 1945-1949. CCP fully recognises KMT. It is also recognising the fact of civil war and thus Taiwan is part of China. Or mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. The talk was labelled as Party to Party talk or Dang Dui Dang. It happened in Diao Yu Tai guest house or Bing Guang. The visit was widely reported. It is considered as an advance in the right direction.

Taiwan side:

1. President Chen called the visit is a betrayal and KMT placed the interests of the Party above those of a country. It is not ethical or Bu Run.

2. Premier Xie said it is all good and for peace. It is good that KMT and CCP start to reconcile. The hatred and hostility between China and Taiwan are from the civil war between CCP and KMT. If the two may reconcile, the peace will have a chance.

3. DPP chair Su said that he is willing to go to China under one condition that he is to hold the national flag of ROC.

4. DPP said that the timing is not right and the visit is not ethical or Bu Run.

5. Mainland affairs committee or Lu Wei Hui said the talk and 10 agreements are illegal and unauthorized by the government. There was no prior info reports or approval seeking process.

6. KMT said that the government of DDP in power for 5 years. The economic was bad and going downhill fast. The farmers and fishermen are yelling bitterness or Jiao Gu Lian Tian that life is hard. The relationship between both sides of the strait is strained to the brink of a war. As the largest non-ruling Party, KMT has to start to do something to relieve the political strains and livelihoods of the people. The government of DDP will not do. We have to do it. This is an ice breaking tour to resume talks across the strait or Liang An Fu Tang and Bo Bing Zi Lu.

We may be called unethical or betrayal. But we have to do something to improve the status for the people of Taiwan and promote a reconciliation in the long run.

KMT and pan blue parties did not participate in 3.26 protest. It was considered a deep green movement. The theme was democracy, peace to shield Taiwan.

I am only reporting the events that happened in March of 2005.

Many people in Taiwan including me were on a roller coaster ride of political winds blowing in all directions.


04-03-2005, 08:30 AM
Most political analysts think that:

China is happy that President Chen turned moderate and steered away from drafting consitution and correcting the name to Republic of Taiwan or Zhen Ming before 2008.

All sides are happy that they all have room and time to maneuver in the long run. For the time being, everyone walks away from the danger of starting a war.

The main thing is that DPP, KMT and Qin Ming Dang are all maneuvering to win the next Presidential election.

Since most people are pan blue or pan green. QMD leader Song is working on this majority of people and have a ballot.

KMT chair Lian Zhan is promoting JBK above leader Wang of legislative yuan and mayor Ma of Taipei as the next KMT chair and Presidential candidate.

DPP is in total disarray. DPP has to come up fast with new agenda other than persuits of independence to win the ballot.

Tai Lian is focusing on grabbing ballot from pan green for its deep green platform.



04-03-2005, 10:13 AM
The story of 72 martyrs.

The plan of uprising was leaked to the Qing government. Many people were caught off guards. Huang Xin was injured and nearly escaped. He was the second hand in KMT only second to Dr. Sun Yet Sen.

The bodies were left on the streets to "warn" the people. It did the opposite effect. People of all China were awakened by this event. All remains were counted as 72 people and buried in Huang Hua Gang.

The KMT recruits in Qing's new Army started the next uprising. The whole country responded. And Qing was overthrown.

The sleepy dragons for over 2000 years were awakened by the 72 martyrs.


In tears.

Sob. Sob.--

Democracy for China.


"Peace. Struggle. Save China!" He Ping Fen Dou Jiu Zhong Guo. 和平奮鬥救中国

Said in final words by Dr. Sun Yet Sen 80 years ago.


04-11-2005, 06:41 PM
The Time mag just selected 100 people with ideas that shape our world.

Yes Hu and Presiden Chen are both selected as well as Da Lai Lama in different categories of course.

Guess what, Zhang Zi Yi was selected, too.

However, Time mag said Hu is with riddles. I think they do not know him well.

The mag did recognize that President Chen pushed Taiwan to the margin/border or close to war.

It really would take wisdoms of both Hu and Chen to avoid the war between the Taiwan strait.

Again I am only reporting.