View Full Version : Favorite martial art's instructional Videos

04-05-2005, 06:02 AM
I am looking to purchase a few martial arts instructional videos, which ones would you recommend for my library.

David Jamieson
04-05-2005, 06:14 AM
I'll sell you all of mine!

I prefer not to learn from videos personally, but that's just my learning style. Unfortunately I have a whack of tapes! lol

pm me for titles and prices.

04-05-2005, 02:06 PM
Kung Lek,

Why do you find it difficult to learn from the videos? What is missing in the videos that make it difficult? What should be included in videos to make them better?

David Jamieson
04-05-2005, 02:58 PM
I am a tactile learner. Physical correction and 360 field of view is what works for me.

Don't get me wrong, I can pick up the shape and from what I already understand from training can make the adjustments and check for alignment and correct structure, speed flow, etc.

It's just a preference in my learning style that dictates to me that physical exchange works better.

04-05-2005, 10:02 PM
It all depends what you like to know, learn or pick up.

If you go to Great Wall bookstore in China Town, there will be a whole section of vcd, DVD on just about any schools or styles. Usually, vcd are in Chinese. DVD will have selection of English language.

Usually, there will be a book section, too. However, most will be in Chinese. There are very few English translations of books. They are expensive ranging from 20 to 40 USD.

vcd cost about 5 USD. DVD will be 12 USD.

If you can find China King video, it will be cheaper.

Otherwise, try the website and pay more.

plumbpublication and many other sites.

It all depends on what you are interested in particular.

Best of luck.


04-06-2005, 02:56 PM
beside a good book or video, a sparring partner would be extemely helpful in learning application.