View Full Version : Chen Tai Chi, San Antonio, TX

04-12-2005, 08:29 PM
i am getting more interested in internal styles and i like the look of bagua but can't find any, only one i know, moved to austin, tx. anyway, i found an chen tai chi guy by the name of Salvador A. de la Rosa and his website is http://sachenstyle.net/

has anybody heard of him, trained under him or know anybody that has trained under him.

Meat Shake
04-12-2005, 11:17 PM
Sal is a very nice man and has very good tai chi.
I used to train with the shuai chiao group in san antonio, although they no longer train to my understanding.

04-22-2005, 06:16 AM

I have met Mr. Lopez and he is a very nice man, who has been a T/C player for a very long time. I checked out a couple classes many years ago, and it seemed to be more of the "hippy tai chi", but he does know the applications and is very powerful. Take it with a grain of salt though. Just something else to check out. There really isn't anything in the way of IMA here.

The S/C school Meat Shake spoke of is supposed to be re-opening with a different format, but I haven't spoken with water dragon in a couple weeks so I'm not sure what's going on there.