View Full Version : who is jim lau

04-19-2005, 07:41 AM
does anyone here have ayn info about the wingchun master jim lau?does he still teach or are any of his students still teaching.i know he has some interesting ideas on wing chun but have found it hard to find out anything about schols or lessons...any info is much appreciated..thanx

kung fu fighter
04-19-2005, 03:45 PM
I believe he is a student of Wong Sheung Leung's

06-05-2005, 10:04 AM
Jim Lau does not teach to the public any more. He is simi retired. I trainied with some of his students for about a year. He continues to teach those students that have been with him for a few years. I beleive once a week still, but does not accept any new students from what I understand. Most of the people I trained with were under Sifu Jerry Mckinley who was trained by Jim Lau, but he passed away a couple years ago. Some of those students still train with Jim Lau. As far as contacting them, they do not have a regular training schedule and unfortunitly I do not have any contact information for them any longer. I have been training with Sifu Lam for the last year or so and have lost contact. I do have some background about Jim Lau, but it is very limited. I know that he trained in Wing Chun prior to meeting Wong Shun Leung, but who trainied him I have never been able to find out. I know that he trainied with Wong for about a year from my understanding. He learned his training methods and system and thus he falls under the Wong family line of Wing Chun. He has been involved in may movies like Big Trouble in Little China, where he was a producer for the film and is briefly in the beginning fight scene of the movie, but you dont see his face. That has been about all I have ever been able to find out about Jim Lau. I hope this has helped at least a little.

06-05-2005, 11:33 AM
Author Joe Hyams trained in Wing Chun with Jim Lau and mentions him in his book "Zen in the Martial Arts" (an excellent book, by the way) and says that Jim trained with Yip Man. I don't know much about him myself.