View Full Version : Jesse Glover on sparring

04-22-2005, 05:46 AM
There are many threads about sparring i noticed this post by Jesse Glover about sparring.What do you guys think?

The question makes sense but one has to first answer the question of why one is training.In my view one should only fight when the don't have a choice and then they should fight all out.My students don't sparr and they have done very well in fights. They are trained to get on the target and stay there until they win or lose the fight. The better ones can throw punches that don't hurt their opponent but they don't like to do this. Some of them have let people talk them into sparring in the past and as long as they closed and shut their opponent down everything worked just fine. Sometimes the person who they were sparring with would tell them that it wasn't fair that they kept coming in and shut them down. At this point they sometimes would give the guy a chance by not closing right away. Ofen when they did this they would get hit or kicked. This happened to one of my best students. He waited and the guy landed a kick on his arm that hurt like hell. This ****ed him off a little bit because he had only close on the guy and tied him up. The next time that they squared off he just closed and knocked the guy on his butt. The lesson that he learned was if your going to do something do it and don't wait for the other guy. When military people train with knives they don't stick them in other people they stick them in things that aren't alive. Even then they never know what will happen in a knife fight until they have been in one. Even then they can be sure of what happened in that fight will happen in the next one. One never knows how they will react to something until it happens. I teach my students to close fast, to hit hard and stay on top of an opponent. Many of the people who I have taught have used the stuff and it has worked for them. This is all that I am concerned about. I suppose that if I was training people to go into contests that iwould have to train them differently but since I am not into that I don't have to think about it. My feeling is that if someone took a single thing like a fingerjab to the eyes and trained a million times against a static opponent until they could land it with sureity and then they did it a million times more against an opponent who was wearing eye protection and was moving at them from different angles that they would probable be able to poke all but the best people in the eyes. The only reason that this doesn't happen too often is because people don't want to put in the work. My advice to you is to be careful in the selection of your technique and train it until it is natural as walking. Hopefully you will never have to use it but when you do there is an excellent chance that it will work.If you are looking for some type of full proof way of self defense I don't think that such a thing exist.

Jesse Glover

the post is taken from:
http://pauljbax.forumco.com/topic~TOPIC_ID~6043~SearchTerms~sparring,eye,jesse .asp

04-22-2005, 09:26 AM
I fail to understand the "logic" of anyone that spends decades practicing "a fighting art" yet says things like "folks should only fight when they don't have a choice." It's even more interesting that his teacher, Bruce, stressed realistic sparring (fighting) in his training (introducing protective gear).

Chief Fox
04-22-2005, 09:41 AM
yeah, I'm not sure if I agree with his "no sparring" philosophy but I do like the idea of not waiting for the other guy, closing fast and hitting hard. I also like the idea of training a few techniques so they are as familiar as walking.

The thing that sparring does, is teach you how to use those techniques in a dynamic and unpredictable situation.

04-22-2005, 11:54 AM
I fail to understand the "logic" of anyone that spends decades practicing "a fighting art" yet says things like "folks should only fight when they don't have a choice."

He was talking about a real fight, would it make more sense if he said I think you should fight if someone says "hello" to you