View Full Version : Wich are the best Wing Chun/Ving Tsun Videos?

04-23-2005, 06:03 PM
I want to buy videos that could really improve and add some techniques to my wing chun training. Eventhough I know there is no substitute for live teaching. Wich videos would you recomend? Please leave note about what is good or bad in each.Thanx guys

04-24-2005, 04:48 AM
I want to buy videos that could really improve and add some techniques to my wing chun training. Eventhough I know there is no substitute for live teaching. Wich videos would you recomend? Please leave note about what is good or bad in each.Thanx guys

---What are you looking for? Some of this will depend on what level you are on. The problem with WCK videos is that everyone feels the need to reinvent the wheel. Someone will decide to do a video series and start with the basics. Unfortunately few follow it through to any advanced material. So we have lots of good video series out there that cover SLT and Chum Kiu level stuff, but very few that cover Dummy, Bui Gee, or weapons. Augustine Fong as a series of Vids that covers everything and are very good. Unfortunately that don't delve into advanced theory and application much. Benny Meng's vids from the VTM are pretty good as well and probably the most affordable, but again...mostly basic material. Gary Lam's videos seem to break the trend. From what I have seen, they focus more on application than on forms and techniques. I have his dummy video, which is pretty good. I plan to get some more of his vids as well. The only problem with his series is that most of it was filmed in his backyard and the production quality is not great. Another series that breaks the trend is Alan Orr's "body structure sparring" tapes. These will make you think about your WCK in a different way. If you are looking for a different perspective that comes from a non-Yip Man source, then Wong Nim Yi's series on Mai Gei Wong WCK are good. The big disadvantage with these is that they are narrated in Chinese. But Wong is very good and you can learn alot from just watching him move. Hope that helps! :)


04-24-2005, 08:23 PM
Thanx man. I'll check them out. if anybody else knows more info it's more than welcome.

04-26-2005, 10:32 AM
Check out Sifu Jose Grados videos. He explains the applications in detail. Defenses against sucker punches, tackles and ground fighting. On his latest videos he deals with defense against the grappler using wingchun. He has first hand experiance using his wingchun in street brawls in the Bronx. So he is not just a theorist. He has actually used his wingchun against resisting, larger and multiple opponents dozens of times. He knows how to translate wingchun into actual fighting and he does a good job of explaining it in the videos. Check out the site www.sifugrados.com.


04-28-2005, 10:31 AM
Thanx again for replying. Keep the recomendations coming :)