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View Full Version : Is Mindfulness another word for The Tao?

05-01-2005, 08:46 AM
From the book Mindfulness in Plain English -

"Mindfulness is an extremely difficult concept to define in words - not because it is complex, but because it is too simple and open. The same problem crops up in every area of human experience. The most basic concept is always the most difficult to pin down. Look at a dictionary and you will see a clear example. Long words generally have concise definitions, but for short basic words like 'the' and 'is', definitions can be a page long. And in physics, the most difficult functions to describe are the most basic - those that deal with the most fundamental realities of quantum mechanics. Mindfulness is a pre-symbolic function. You can play with word symbols all day long and you will never pin it down completely. We can never fully express what it is."

Feel free to tell me I'm completely wrong :) But it struck me that there is some interesting correlations. Thoughts?

05-01-2005, 09:10 PM
interesting correlations in what? Basically the guy writes an entire paragraph of excuses why he cannot define mindfulness.

05-02-2005, 12:29 AM
Hey thanks for your contribution :)

05-02-2005, 01:38 AM
Hi Big Bro!

Isn't mindfulness simply being aware of the present moment...? If so, then I believe that pretty much all meditative traditions will lead to this as part of their cultivation. Not sure about the connection to Dao though...isn't mindfulness just another way to describe a human state of mind (or no mind...or...eh...something)? Of course, Dao is what it is...so mindfulness is in it too...

I need more coffee...


05-02-2005, 03:54 PM
mindfulness is a tool to be used on our path to realize Tao. mindfulness is a function of Tao. mindfulness is not Tao

05-02-2005, 07:18 PM
No. But if it works for you, go with it. :)

05-02-2005, 08:32 PM
It was really the last two sentences in the quote I posted that got me thinking. I'm not saying mindfulness IS the Tao I just found it interesting the way the author described mindfulness sounded very similar to the way the Tao is oft times described.

Thanks for you time peoples :)

05-02-2005, 08:52 PM
I agree with Zim
Dao 道 is a word with a lot of Socieo cultural baggage.That is to say that mere interpretations into english or relevtive concepts never really hit the mark not to mention that the concept itself is not without conflicting intrepretation within its own culture/language.
Intrepretations from Path, Way, Void, Prior(logical or
temperoal in relation to Heaven and earth) are largely contexual depending on the passage writer and their background. Thats not to lump it all into relativism just to point out that a solid understanding in Chinese philospohical concepts(a quagmire in its own right)
writers and history will only aid any connection
you may find with mindfullness.

Personally I have found mindfullness taught to me in relation to Buddist style meditation, where is was linked mostly with awareness of function.
In relation to Chinese MA I would associate it more with Yi 意(intention) or zhuyide 注意的 for the literal.
Shenzhi (consciousness) 神志 or shenxin(mind and body)身心 or even shenqi 神气 could be just
as applicable depending on the context.
Work with it,read and discuss more on Chinese and European Philosophical concepts then ask yourself the same question.