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View Full Version : Anyone in the Tri-State Area like to meet?

08-11-2000, 05:42 AM
Well, since we now have a forum for Wing Chun I was wondering if any of you live in the Philadelphia New Jersey New York Tri-State Area. If so, I was wondering how many would like to arrange a get together. No politics just a gathering of people who love this art. If there is enough interest perhaps we could get some people to demonstrate the various interpretations of Wing Chun. I know I would like to see Fut Sau firsthand.

Well, what do you say anyone interested?



Sean Madigan
08-11-2000, 04:58 PM

I am in Brooklyn, New York and I am gaame! Here is my e-mail address: Straightlead@Yaoo.com .

Let me know.

BIG Sean Madigan

08-12-2000, 06:10 AM
Hi "Big" Sean /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif,

Okay, that's one person. Any others?

I would like to try and set up something pretty nice so I was thinking of having at least a couple of months lead time. It would be nice to get some various lineages represented and I am thinking of trying to roganize a gathering from this forum as well as the WCML. Anyone have any preferences for time of year and such please let me know. As well as a preference for location. Of course, I opt for Philly /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif not only would it be easy for me to get to, I live here LOL but it is the seat of our contires independence. I think there is a nice conotation here for a fresh start within the Wing Chun community. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif



08-28-2000, 11:47 PM
Hey dave in very interested in getting together with other wing chun people.
I would love to see other people's interpertation. my email address is

marcfive1@excite.com buzz me anytime

09-21-2000, 07:13 PM
Hi Dave,

I'm game also ;-)
My email is: marcus_pasram@yahoo.com


09-21-2000, 09:20 PM

Your original posting was made in August, how have you progressed in getting people together from the WCML and this forum? Have you had any meetings yet?

I live in NYC and would be interested in meeting other WC people, as long as you said, it is a friendly exchange, free of politics. We all know WC has way too much of that.

Let me know what is the current situation, thanks!

09-21-2000, 09:40 PM

My apologies, I forgot to include my email address: kasper28@aol.com

Looking forward to hearing from you so that we can all get together.


09-22-2000, 01:43 PM
I would like to thank everyone who has responded thus far. As of right now there are no definite plans and I have not had much response on the WCML. However, since there are a few people interested and the response seems to be concentrated in the New York area perhaps organizing something around NYC would not be a bad idea.

I am going to post on the WCML this weekend and see what happens.

Now, I am leaning towards a time either in November or Early December or if not then how about right after the New Year? Think about this and let me know if there is a general preference.

Still working on it.


Dave /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

09-23-2000, 04:17 PM

I will make myself available once you have a set time and place. Talk to you soon!

09-23-2000, 04:40 PM
Hello All,

I have recently posted this on the WCML anmd gotten a couple of replies expressing interest in meeting. I am shooting for some time in November and would like to have things firmed up by mid October. I will keep everyone informed.



09-23-2000, 11:33 PM
Hi Dave,

I see you're enjoying the Tan sau thread. As soon as I have some time I'll reply to your questions on difference.

Yesterday I went to a Hung Ga tournament in Teanek (sp?) NJ to promote a Wing Chun Seminar (I got permission from the tournament director to distribute handouts - There's a right way to do things ;-)

I was surprised to see people practicing Wing Chun. There were those doing Chi Sau and others playing the form. The people I met were friendly and curteous. There was a glorious 45 minute period where a few wc practicioners got together and shared their ideas of the Tan Sau, Garn Sau, Bong Sau and application of.

I sincerely hope this kind of interaction should be the norm for the wing chun community. Lots of good ideas and lots to think about. Thats learning ;-)

Anyway - Please let me know what I can do to help the east coast gathering. I can ask my Sifu for permission to use our school for a weekend. I'm sure it he will give me the keys.

Its located in a residential area where there's lots of parking. Afterwards there's some good places (elmhurst or flushing) for some eats.

One thing - I'm presently promoting a Wing Chun Seminar for Sifu Duncan Leung. I'm sure you may have seen some of my postings ;-) So I can't meet up for the weekend of Nov 11 & 12. Any other time - count me in!

I think we spoke on the phone the last time you mentioned something like this on the wcml. Anyway - feel free to call me at 718.544.9065


09-24-2000, 07:32 PM
Hello All,

I owuld like to thank all who have thus far replied. I have also gotten some response on the WCML as well. Right now we are looking at about 10 or 12 people being interested. I would like to get some input as to what dates would be good and also will be giving Marcus a call to discuss the possibility of using his Sifus Kwoon.

Here are my thoughts at the moment:

1) This would be a one day event mostly an informal gathering to get together and meet and exchange ideas.

2) There would be no politics. Anyone unwilling to abide by this or who tries to put anyone else or thier lineage owuld be asked to leave.

3) If I can get them to I would like to ask a couple of Wing Chun people to do a brief, 1/4 to 1/2 hour demo covering some of the points in their respective systems. If this happens I would like to ask for a donation to help defray the costs of their travel. I am only talking about $10-$20 per person. Please keep in mind that there is no gaurantee that any Sifu will attend this is just a possibility. Whether I can get anyone to attend or not the event would still go forward.

4) I am leaning towards sometime in November or early December. I would appreciate feedback on when is best for most people and we can go from there. This will most likely take place on a Saturday so keep that in mind as well. I would like to have most of the details worked out by the middle of October.

5) After our "gathering" I would like for all of us to go to dinner. Anyone who lives in the ZNew York area and has any suggestions about where to eat please feel free to email me and we can set somthing up.

6) If this event comes off well then perhaps we could organize a group trip to visit the Ving Tsun museum in Ohio at a later date, most likely after the New Year. But, lets get this done first.

Let me know what you guys think. I would like to include our families as well as they are often left out. I would like them to be able to share in this event and possibily show that they can be a part of our practice as well.



09-25-2000, 12:21 PM

I have gotten several replies both here and on the WCML. I would really love to see this come off. It is time to decide on a date.

Here are our choices:
November 8th or 14th
December 2nd or 16th.

Think about it and let me know if there is a majority preference. I realize that the time frame will be close to the Holidays but, unless we put it off till the New Year, that can not be helped. Please think it over and let me know as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.

Also, if you have any suggestions they would be appreciated.



[This message was edited by Sihing73 on 09-26-00 at 06:53 PM.]

09-26-2000, 01:56 AM
Well, It looks like most people I have been in contact with could make it on December the 2nd. This is a Saturday, the first one in December /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
In any event, I will be wokring out all of the particulars and letting everyone know.



09-27-2000, 02:08 AM

I have been in touch with a number of people and there seems to be a great deal of interest in making this happen.

So far, I have heard from those of Moy Yat, Augustine Fong an William Cheung lineage expressing an interest in attending. There will be present people who have been exposed to most of the lineages represented within the Wing Chun community. I have also gotten a tentative committment from at least one Sifu wiling to attend.

I am excited about this as it gives us an opportunity to meet and fellowship outside of the politics which sometimes keeps us apart.

Hope to see you there.



wisdom mind
09-28-2000, 10:12 PM
iandijah@hushmail.com if it ever happens

09-29-2000, 06:32 AM
Hi Wisdom Mind and everyone else,

This is scheduled to take place on December 2nd. The actual location is going to be worked out over the next couple of weeks but I have been offered a site to host the event.

Whether or not this actually happens will depend on you. I know I intend to be there. Hopefully many, if not all who are able, will join me.

Whether or not this is a success has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with YOU. Are WE able to put aside the auspices of Lineage and Ego for one day to meet and fellowship without the taint of politics? It has been done before elsewhere. Why not here? We have a wealth of knowledge both on this board and within the NYC Tri_State Wing Chun community. Would'nt it be nice to take advantage of this knowledge? I think so, but then again what do I know?? /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

I invite everyone to attend and bring along your family. Afterwards we can all go out to dinner. Perhaps, some of us will have our eyes opened to a new perspective. Or maybe we will be able to learn something which can be of help to us in our practice. At least we can make some new friends. Lord knows one can never have too many of those /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

I ask that anyone who is interested email me and let me know so an accurate count can be gotten. It is only an estimate but at least we'll know if there is sufficient interest. Right now I think there is, but I don't know for sure.

One last thing. It is important to make this go as smoothly as possible. As one person who has emailed me pointed out sometimes the best intentions can go astray. I must again stress the importance of leaving egos and politics at home. I want everyone to attend. However, if you must bring your ego along I would rather you stay at home. There is too much potential for an enjoyable time to be had to let a few bad apples ruin the event. Also, this is not MY event it is Our event. Keep that in mind. It is really up to you. Each and every one of you has the potential to make this a success or a failure. The final decision is in your hands.

Hope to hear from you soon.



mun hung
10-19-2000, 09:14 AM
Sounds good. You can add my name to the list also. Just post when and where.

11-01-2000, 12:36 PM
Hello Everyone,

I have been conversing with several different people and tried to reply to everyone, I might have missed some, if so I appoligize.

Anyhow, here is some of the feedback I am getting:

Several people are interested in getting together but there is some concern about everyone meeting due to some past negative experieinces. Some people wish to meet but are preparing for the worse. Givent his environment and how things can get out of hand some have inquired if it might not be better to keep this as informal as possible.

Some suggestions have been:

1) Only meet a few at a time to limt the possibility of misunderstanding and not give things a chance to get out of hand.

2) Make the first gathering more of a social event with everyone meeting for a dinner and then if people want to break off and train a little they could do so. There would be no pressure to train or not to train. The goal of everyone meeting would still be met.

3) Hold the event as originally planned and have some people fromthe varius representative families assist in curbing troublemakers.

Well, let me know what everyone thinks. I want this to be a success and not escalate or degenerate into anything. If most of you would prefer more of an informal dinner type of gathering then let me know now so I can make those types of arrangments. Of course, dinner entails spending money for food but I am sure we coudl work something ut with a shared meal in one of the Chinese restaurants. If you want o meet to train then we have been offered the use of a school and can do so.

Let me know.



mun hung
11-04-2000, 10:53 PM
Hi, Dave I think you're right about making it as informal as possible. Perhaps lunch which any of us could arrange. Maybe it's too soon for Sifu's and demonstrations. My suggestion would be to make friends first and get to know each other.

11-17-2000, 12:37 AM
Hey Everyone,

Are we still going to meet?

- Marcus

11-17-2000, 04:36 AM
HI Marcus and everyone else,

I am sorry not to have bee very active lately. I would still like to see this come off. If the location is still available then I would like to set up the specifics. Right now, I am typing with a broken finger so I am not sure just how good I will be but would still like to meet. Everyone give me a shout and let me know how many would be able to attend. Right now, it looks like at least 20.

Marcus, I will be contacting you directly over the weekend. Sorry but I have been very busy with work and such. Just got back from a week long class on certification for becoming a webmaster /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Now I just need the increase in pay that goes along with it /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif



11-23-2000, 10:54 PM
Sorry but I have been kept very busy between work and the family.
In any event this is still possible but I want everyone to know that this
will be very informal. There will not be any structured training program nor
demonstrations. This will be a short informal get together for people to meet and more or
less say hello. After wards we will be going out to dinner or a light snack. Right now
it looks like we can have use of the school from 10:00am to 12;00 noon. I am firming up the details and will post them shortly.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes as I needed the reminder. Hopefully, if this works out and enough people express interest I woulfd like to do something more organized towards next summer. My goal is to bring various families together and give everyone an opportunity to see another perspective.

I will say there has been some conern expressed to me offlist regarding some past negative experiences. I hope that by keeping this as informal as possible and limiting some of the time that this can come off in a positive light. Hopefully, this can be used to build on for future meetings and gatherings in this area.

I look forward to meeting many of you from the WCML and hopefully will be able to use this event as a means of cementing and establishing friendships and we can all work towards making this art grow within our area.

Happy Thanksgiving,



11-24-2000, 04:35 PM

I must regret I will not be able to attend the Dec. 2 meeting. I was really looking forward to meeting everyone, and hope to do so the next time around. Due to business reasons, I will not be available for that weekend.

Dave, if you are in New York City at another time, perhaps we can meet at your convenience.

Marcus, hope all is well. I am still down for dim sum!!


11-26-2000, 10:38 PM
Hello All,

I received confirmation of the schools availability. As of right now the time will be from 10:00am to 12:00 noon on this coming Saturday December 2nd. It will be a very informal meeting with no formal instruction or demos but a time to meet and establish friendships. If this is successful then a more formal organized event will be planned for the coming year. The person allowing us to utilize the school has also graciously offered to provide Dim Sum for those in attendance. So please email me and let me know how many will be able to attend. I look forward to meeting all of you. The address is:

The school address is:

101-60 99th Street Ozone Park Queens NY 11420
Http://www.mapquest.com provides good directions ;-)



11-29-2000, 06:07 AM
Hello All,

Just a reminder to everyone that this will be taking place this Saturday from 10am to noon at:
101-60 99th Street Ozone Park Queens NY 11420

I hope to see many of you there.



12-02-2000, 09:09 PM
Hello All,

Yesterday the first informal gathering of Wing Chun Practitioners on the East Coast was held in the New York City area. Unfortunately, this fell far short of hoped for expectations. I think that the fates conspired against us as only one person showed up for the event. Despite having several people express interest in attending Tom was the only one who made it.

I realize that things happen which could have prevented others from attending. I myself was unable to make it. I had one of the worst days of my life which started at 2:30 in the morning and is still ongoing. Still, I would like to publicly acknowledge and thank Marcus Pasram for going forward with the event and allowing the use of his school. I spoke to Marcus and we would like to try this again after the New Year. Hopefully more people will be able to attend. I know that I will plan to be in New York the night before to eliminate any possibility of a repeat on my part.

For those who intended to come and were unable to make it I hope we can do this sometime in the future. To Tom I apologize for not making it up myself. I feel as if I let you and the others down by not being able to follow through and I was really looking forward to meeting with many from this list. Suffice it say the reason I was unable to attend was a combination of many things, from a server outage at work to some transportation changes at the last minute. Still, I hope we can try this again. I know I will keep at it till I get it right.

