View Full Version : old taiji videos of the masters

05-08-2005, 11:47 AM
I recently purchased two videos from NOVA SCOTIA (http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~taiji/videos.html) :cool: featuring two of my teacher's teachers, Fu Zhong Wen and Gu Liuxin. While I have several videos of the 108 form, this is the only one I've come across of Fu Zhong Wen doing the form, and it was quite interesting to see him perform around his late 60's.

the videos are set up in themes, the first one being empty hand forms of the different styles, the second being wu style, the third being yang style, and the fourth being sword routines.

If anyone is interesting these are great finds to add to one's collection, especially if one of the masters is part of your lineage. :) The distributor is nice and willingly answers any questions you may have about the videos.

05-09-2005, 07:21 AM
Hmm. That does look interesting. I may need to bookmark that site for future reference. Since you ordered, do you mind telling us how much the videos cost? I don't see a price on the web page. I could e-mail them to ask, but I thought I'd ask here while I'm writing. Thanks for the pointer.

05-09-2005, 07:38 AM
Cool link.


05-09-2005, 01:18 PM
dronak, i had bookmarked it myself for a few months until i decide to make a purchase ;) here are the prices:
Tape #1 USD49.90
Tape #2 USD49.90
Tape #3 USD49.90
Tape #4 USD39.90

For shipping:
One tape / USD7.60
Two tapes / USD9.80
Three tapes / USD13.30
Four tapes or more /USD14.40

05-09-2005, 04:32 PM
Well, I don't have the spending money to be able to buy anything right now. And I don't think these will be near the top of the list when I do. They do look interesting, but as I kind of expected, they're also rather expensive. This will definitely have to wait, so I bookmarked the site so that I can come back to it in the future. Thanks for the pricing info.