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View Full Version : Featured Weapons column in Kung Fu Tai Chi

05-18-2005, 11:49 AM
Do you deal antique weapons? This year, we've changed the format of our Featured Weapon section in our magazine to showcase antique Chinese weapons. We're looking for submissions of high quality antiques and are making an open call to any interested dealers. This is a great opportunity for any antique dealers to show their wares. We need full color high-res shots of the weapon along with a short description. We will not run prices, but we will publish your contact information so that interested parties can contact you directly with inquiries. Think of it as a full color advertisement ($1000 value) to show the Chinese martial arts community what you got. Any interested antique dealers should contact me directly at gene@kungfumagazine.com.

07-11-2006, 01:35 PM
Anyone in Hong Kong here? Check out what's happening at the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense (http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Coastal/en/section3-3-03.php)

Ancient Chinese Weapons
17 March - 20 September 2006

The flourishing of bronze technology in China is linked to two main themes: ritual vessels and weapons. Starting around 2,000 BC, bronze technology developed rapidly. From the Eastern Zhou dynasty (770-256 BC), bronze and iron were both used to make tools and weapons, but by the end of the Western Han dynasty (201 BC - AD 8), bronze had almost disappeared from the battlefield and was only used for ritual vessels, small tools and decorative items.

Unlike the Han Chinese, many ancient national minorities did not value ritual vessels so much; however, they manufactured numerous bronze weapons and tools, which reflected their individual tactics, religious beliefs and artistic tastes. For many ancient minorities, bronze tools and weapons are the only links left to understand their ways of life.

The study of bronze weapons allows many special insights into the military tactics, art and cultural beliefs of pre-Han China, as well as the development of the Chinese writing system. This exhibition will allow visitors to witness the drama and beauty of China's ancient bronze age from a fresh point of view.

04-24-2018, 09:31 AM

Since 2000, Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine has printed a Featured Weapon column in every issue. Featured Weapons showcases authentic antique Chinese weapons. Master Arthur Chin, our leading antique collector for Featured Weapons, will be exhibiting some of his collection for the first time at KUNG FU TAI CHI DAY (http://www.kungfutaichiday.com/kung-fu-tai-chis-feature-weapon-exhibit/). Master Chin’s weapons have been in films like Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?34491-Chow-Yun-Fat-in-Pirates-of-Carribean-2)and in museums like Genghis Khan: The Exhibition currently, running at California’s Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum (https://www.reaganfoundation.org/library-museum/special-exhibits/genghis-khan/). Master Chin will be present to discuss and explain his magnificent collection.

Sunday May 20 2018
McEnery Convention Center, South Hall
San Jose California

THREADS: Featured Weapons column in Kung Fu Tai Chi (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?36807-Featured-Weapons-column-in-Kung-Fu-Tai-Chi) & 10th Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championship - May 19-20 2018, San Jose CA (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?70463-10th-Tiger-Claw-Elite-KungFuMagazine-com-Championship-May-19-20-2018-San-Jose-CA)