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View Full Version : Does anybody else remember carbo loading?

05-24-2005, 07:35 AM
Back in the day-- circa 1991-92-- carbo loading was the big rage. There were even sports drinks like carbo fuel. Now it's Atkins this and protein that. Don't get me wrong, there were all kinds of protein supplements then too, but how the heck did carbs get such a bad rep in the past two years?

Are there any carbo loaders still out there?

-The B

05-24-2005, 07:55 AM
I still load up on carbs before a workout. I do eat protein, however it is not my focus prior to say performing a lion dance.

Chief Fox
05-24-2005, 07:55 AM
yep, Every endurance athlete like triathletes and marathoners still carbo load. I carbo load before long training runs and the day before a long race.

it is funny though, we go from one extreme to another. From Carbo loading to no carbs and all protein and fat. People need to realize that a balanced diet is best and stop falling for all of these fads. Sometimes you need more or this or more of that but keeping a balance is the best way to go. IMHO.

05-24-2005, 03:25 PM
Has anyone ever drank a beer before a workout?

05-25-2005, 10:44 AM
sure, I have

05-25-2005, 11:01 AM
Has anyone ever drank a beer before a workout?

more than one beer
then played soccer
man my insides felt horrible, ran outa breath easily
saved teh team from one goal by defending that wich the goalkeeper could not with my head
but after that i also scored a goal... on my own team...

so you see...

06-05-2005, 11:25 PM
Back in the day-- circa 1991-92-- carbo loading was the big rage. There were even sports drinks like carbo fuel. Now it's Atkins this and protein that. Don't get me wrong, there were all kinds of protein supplements then too, but how the heck did carbs get such a bad rep in the past two years?

Are there any carbo loaders still out there?

-The B
I remember it, never did it then, either, unless you count my teen-age years of living off poptarts. I tend to be very prone to hypoglycimia and carbo loading is h3ll on me beacuse of how quickly carbs hit the blood stream. My body burns the fuel too fast and I hit rock bottom after an hour or two. Takes days for me to "right" again, so I just don't do it.

.... Though I have recently discovered that I can get away with eating cake and stuff if I down a few fiber capsules first. :eek: ;)