View Full Version : The Master

05-24-2005, 02:20 PM
Ok, so I was watching "The Master" yesterday, you know the old Jet Li movie. Well I have this habit of looking through the cast for camio's and I came across one in that movie.

In the cast list its like this

Coach - Pamela J. Anderson

I looked online and she is listed as in the movie as "coach"

I cannot find a spot in the movie where there is a female "coach". I also have the collectors edition so I dont think any scenes would be taken out, especially one that has a character listed in the credits.

Can anyone enlighten me? Its bugging the heck out of me.

05-24-2005, 02:35 PM
you must be very idle to be doing that,
I've watched that movie several times

it's a god possibility that the coach being referred to is the gymnastics teacher in the beginning, where the girl was doing gymnastics as well as being a janitor.

05-24-2005, 04:28 PM
I FORGOT THAT PART!! Thanks dude, Im gonna check it tonight.

05-25-2005, 10:08 AM
Ok heres the reason I forgot that part. My movie does not have it in there. I cross checked it several times, no gymnastic coach. Kinda lame. I have the collectors edition, now I wonder if it really is a collectors edition. I feel ripped off.

Or maybe they decided that having Pam Anderson in a Jet Li movie was to risque'...

Li Kao
05-26-2005, 01:30 PM

I'm guessing that you think the Pamela Anderson in the cast list is the busty blonde bombshell -- however, her middle name is Denise, not J. So it's definitely not the former Baywatch star...

Not sure which version you have, this is the one I have and it does have that scene:


Though in this case, I wouldn't bother with replacing yours, unless you're a "purist" like me. I have a gripe against alot of the American re-releases of HK movies -- here is some related material in case you're interested:


05-26-2005, 02:29 PM
Thanks for the info Li Kao. I guess I should have used my brain and did a google on the name.

I got this movie a few years back, now im pretty stuck up and only order the HK versions.