View Full Version : About a move #2

05-31-2005, 06:07 PM
There's another very common move that I can't get to work while sparring.

It is present is Sup Baht Sao near the end. On this page: http://www.northernmantis.com/supbahtsao.html , it is the transition move between the frames located at Row=7 Column=3 and Row=7 Column=4. If your oponent is grabing your wrist, you do this move, and as a result it is now you who is grabing his wrist. Hopefully you know what I'm talking about.

Ok, so about this move.. can you guys plug it in a fight effectively? It seems that as soon as my oponent is grabbing my wrist with a fair degree of authority, the move fails. I.e. his wrist won't "slide away" as it should.. even when I'm real sweaty. :)

Got any idea for making this move more effective?

05-31-2005, 09:37 PM
Hi! Quasar

On that move, it is not used on an opponent gripping your right palm.

On the first move, we grap the opponent's right hand attack with a double graps and deliver a right hand palm strike. When the opponent blocks with the only left hand available, you use your left hand to catch it and pull it towards you and deliver a waist chop.

Thats myunderstanding of the move.


05-31-2005, 10:24 PM
I see perfectly what you mean. If your oponent just blocks with his palm open, you can be quick enough to grab his wrist at this moment and pull.. I guess that's the idea. But if he decides to block and grab... that's then it fails.

Actually what happens most of the time is that my opponent will block without grabbing, but when he sees that I'll try to apply that technique, he grabs...firmly! ba$tard.. :cool:

Gotta be quicker!

06-01-2005, 10:38 AM
There are 2 general areas to pay attention to when using moves like the waist chop in sparring.

One is the set up which a few people have pointed out already. The other area is that you will have to pay attention to not telegraphing. Making an effort to grab desired target will make you tense both physically and mentally. A naturelly talented person or an experienced fighter will detect that and will be able to capitalize or counter with ease. You will need to stay relax and stick to his moves. Sink your elbow when you are grabbing and pulling. Also the hooked foot should have a good bite into his lead in order to get the waist chop through. This is not a very hard move to pull of if you stay relax. There are drills to help build that technique. I would suggest check with your Sifu for that.


06-02-2005, 12:07 AM
Hi! Quasar

You can still do the move if the opponent grapped your right hand. Instead of slipping your left hand below your right to grap him, you just have to slam down your left hand (the position of your left hand is like the 2nd grip you was doing before this move) on his grip to loosen it and at the same time pull your right hand away. Then you pull your left grip towards your left and do the right waist chop.

So the move is still the same except a little adjustment.
