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View Full Version : Did you guys see the vid of the busdriver freaking out?

06-02-2005, 11:42 AM
Possible NWS ads.

Here (http://www.littlemidgets.com/detail.php?type=2&content=2544).

Apparently the bus driver stopped the bus cuz the kids were throwing stuff at him. That wasn't mentioned in the video.

Wood Dragon
06-02-2005, 01:08 PM
Royce could choke him out.

06-02-2005, 01:48 PM
those little shyts deserved much worse
becouse of the crappy laws of today kids respect no one
its time they get their punishment
the bus driver is a martyr

when i was a kid i never would go disrespecting like that
i respected other kids and adults stuff
why do this kids disrespect? they are little shyts
they have no right to humiliate and disrespct a working, tax paying man
anyone that goes disrespceting like that deserves to get bi.tch slapped

they must have been pis.sing that man off for days and days, maybe weeks or months till finally he got super pis.sed off. think if he told someobdy the kids are misbehaving it would help anything? course not, cos this little shyts are always protected. they would tell him to give up his job for someone else to take in or some.

when i was a kid, when a kid misbehave the older kids would kick his ass
so he learned his focking lesson

this kids today make me wanna puke

06-02-2005, 11:58 PM
i agree with you dude, but that driver is ****ed plain and simple. he'll never drive again which sucks because that probably means hell work until hes dead or drain tax dollars. the ******* should have had more self control in front of a camera though.

kungfu cowboy
06-03-2005, 06:41 AM
Bad kids must die. Ditto for bad adults. And human torsos. They can't do too much, anyways.