View Full Version : Jiang Tai Gong gone fishing- what is your motivation to study MA?

06-05-2005, 07:43 AM
This is inspired by MK post on the "chop chop time" thread.

There is a famous story about minister Jiang fishing without a bait.

I modify the story to illustrate a point.

There was a very wise minister about to retire. He needed to find some one to replace him and to assist the king in ruling the kingdom.

So he went to fish near a lake. He used a fishing rod without the line, hook, and sink.

People walked by and puzzled that how could you fish without a bait.

The story spread around very fast.

He was not fishing for a fish but a wiseman.


06-05-2005, 07:50 AM
The willing will take the bite on the hook.

Jiang Tai Gong Diao Yu. Yuan Zhe Shang Gou. 姜太公钓鱼願者上钩

The Zen or Chan is that if you can find someone that is willing to do the job due to his or her willingness and not because of the incentive, compensation or the bait.

The question then is that do you need an incentive to study MA?

A black belt?

A fame for being a skillful badarse fighter?

Or ---- ?

Or not?


Royal Dragon
06-05-2005, 09:43 AM
I don't know, sometimes I lose motivation, and other times I just train becuase I can't help myself.

To me, the setting of a goal is counter productive. I do better just following my bio rythums.

06-05-2005, 10:05 AM
Probably, like many people, originally my interest in kung fu was piqued by movies, especially those featuring women like CTHD. However, I really decided to try kung fu after talking a lot to my brother who was studying Hun Gar and doing some research on the internet. It just seemed like something that could hold my interest and grow with me.

I have been doing kung fu for only 5 months now and I love it. I do it because I want to be strong, and I want to kick butt with a sword. But there is something else. For me, there is a pure joy in using your body and mind and heart in unison. This joy in Kung fu is something that you carry with you all day everywhere you go. I haven't felt something like this since I was a figure skater.

So I suppose I am one of the willing.



06-05-2005, 12:59 PM
Since I was a kid I wanted to learn martial arts. It was probably due to the media, although my parents didnt have the money and time to take me to lessons. Last year while watching Pai Mei in Kill Bill 2, my interest in martial arts resparked, and thought about finally taking lessons. A week later, not even looking, I came across my Kung-Fu school. They had beginner classes that night, and i wasnt doing anything during that time. So I went, and have been in class ever since.

I'm not in it to kick butt, I hope i never have to use my kungfu on another person out side of sparring and demos(if I ever do). I practice kungfu so eventualy my body can do things I didnt think were possible. I've also started reading about qigong which is path with decades worth of studying to embark on. I hope Gene's mistress of comfort doesnt get to me before I get atlest some basic knowledge of qigong down.

06-05-2005, 01:33 PM
Because I always thought the Turtles could take the Joes.

Except the Ninja Joes. Ninja skills + Sgt Slaughter = Superior Ninja. ;)