View Full Version : Sons of Yang Ban Hou and Yang Shao Hou

06-06-2005, 01:40 PM

Being a huge fan of the Yang family tradition (from The Netherlands), I try to read as much as I can find. Much is written about the life and skills of Lu Chan, his sons and grand sons. However, it seems impossible to find anything on the sons of (respectively) Ban Hou (Zhao Pen) and Shao Hou (Zhen Sheng). Strange, even though they were contemporates of Cheng Fu, of whom thousands of articles can be found!

Does anybody know why nothing is written on these two? Were they not good enough? Did they break with the family?


06-08-2005, 07:59 PM
from my understanding, the reason why you can't find much on them is the same reason why yang cheng fu's form is so popular! that is, ycf taught all over china and had many students that spread his form around the world. i dont remember off hand, but depending on which brother or uncle of ycf one is talking about, some had only a handful (or even just one or two) major disciples that continue to tranmit the supposedly more faster and 'chen-like' versions of yang lu chan. therefore, those lines are alot smaller so it is more difficult to find info about their schools and histories over the net.

some of the names you might look into that purpotedly come from those lines:
chen pan ling (yang shou hou)
erle montaigue (yang shou hou)
yang jwing ming (yang ban hou)

06-09-2005, 05:43 PM
Erle?? give me a break.

06-11-2005, 04:57 AM
This style of taichi is from Yang Ban Hou.

Old Yang
06-28-2005, 05:15 PM

Being a huge fan of the Yang family tradition (from The Netherlands), I try to read as much as I can find.

Check out master Shi Dan-Qiu in Amsterdam.


He claims to teach Yang Shao Hou style. Let's keep the style alive.


According to the website, he learned from his father, his father was a student of master Gu Li-Shen (http://www.tai-chi-chuan.nl/gu.html) , who was a student of Yang Shao Hou.

Please let us know how you do, if you check this out.