View Full Version : Canadian Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy Video

06-14-2005, 05:26 PM
I thought the video was going to be available in late May.

Any inside scoop when the video will be out?


06-15-2005, 08:54 AM
Coming Soon is all I can say. We are in contact with a professional producer/director and making arrangements now to get the production started, so I guess it's safe to say we are in the pre production stage...Sorry for the delay.


Don J
06-15-2005, 08:33 PM
Cool is it gonna be a proffesional filmed training video or a insight to the gym and its instructors etc?. Would love to see some clips :) . Im fairly new to the whole Wing Chun system so seeing other gym's train would be fascinating.

06-15-2005, 09:05 PM
Cool is it gonna be a proffesional filmed training video or a insight to the gym and its instructors etc?. Would love to see some clips :) . Im fairly new to the whole Wing Chun system so seeing other gym's train would be fascinating.

It's going to be a professionally filmed DVD set focusing on the training cirriculum we use to learning Wing Chun. We use a Level 1 to 10 grading system so basically the DVD's will follow those requirements. Later on more DVD's will come out highlight specific areas of the Wing Chun system as taught by Sifu Lewadny. Ground fighting or Anti Grappling will be addressed as well as general Fighting Concepts and Applications, Chi-sao etc.....
