View Full Version : Gonna be a cop, Hooray for me!!

06-14-2005, 11:48 PM
After several years of long drawn out selection processes, slow progress, and a couple rejections, I've finally gotten hired by a good police department in SoCal. They're sending me to the LA County Sheriff's police academy in a week. I'll hit the streets probably in a little less than half a year. Probably won't get to fight in the ring much anymore (don't wanna risk injuries that will affect my ability to do my job) but I'll never stop training, and I'm sure I'll put my skills to productive use out on the streets. Don't worry, I won't use dim mak unless its a life or death emergency ;)

06-14-2005, 11:53 PM
Congrats man. Good luck

06-15-2005, 01:30 AM
wow congratulations

remember to palm strike people rather than knuckle them. that way you will look less violent if u ever get sued for brutallity.

06-15-2005, 03:45 AM
I was a cop in DC for a while before I moved back home. The cops in DC know how to milk the system, so I am going to share with you and everyone else on the forum some in the door police secrets no one out side the "thin blue line" know about (all are real, I have made-up none)

1. If you get injured at home, hide it until your next day at work, then tell everyone you fell while on duty. That wasy you can collect your full pay without dipping into sick leave

2. If you don't feel like going on a run, just tell dispatch you are there. Then wait 5 minutes. Then call bakc and say "nothing found"

3. When sleeping in the squad car, make sure you back into a spot where no one can sneak up behind you.

4. If you want free food at 7-11 the trick is, don't ask for it just take it.

---Maybe some more later.

BTW, before everyone thinks I was a scumbag cop, these were what I was showed by my training officers or taught at the academy....and people wonder why crime is so high in DC

06-15-2005, 04:53 AM
Heh, heh. I was an Army cop myself. Glad I got out.... :D Good luck DR. ;)

Ray Pina
06-15-2005, 06:33 AM
Pig :p

06-15-2005, 06:36 AM
Heh, heh, *snort!* :p

06-15-2005, 09:04 AM
hehe, you guys are funny. thanx for the advice Green Cloud. I'll keep it in mind ;) :D

06-15-2005, 09:12 AM
Just do us all a favor, dont be a puss. Dont turn your back on the real crime like so many officers do, due to fear. Truly stand up for what you believe to be justice.

Ray Pina
06-15-2005, 01:19 PM
Yea, and don't hassle people if they're only carrying a small amount of pot or using/growing for personal use .... and don't bother people for not wearing a seat belt and what not or riding their skateboard down the boardwalk even though you're not supposed to but no one was around anyway and don't be a pain in the a$$ if someone's only double-parked for a brief second or well, how bout just busting people who are hurting or robbing someone. Other than that, leave the happy freaks alone.

06-15-2005, 01:23 PM
No $hit. I was detained for 2 hours in NYC for doubling up in a subway turnstial. TWO FREAKIN HOURS! Of course, they may have held me longer than usual because I kept asking the cop if he felt good about busting me while real crime was going on elsewhere...

06-15-2005, 01:37 PM
My favorite police occurrence (happened quite a few times) were the guys with drugs who would swallow the evidence. By witnessing them swallow what appeared to be drugs you had enough to detain them. They would always refuse medical treatment, so we would just stand around them describing what would happen when the stomach acid would eat away at the plastic bag the crack was in. How painful it would be before they finally dropped....

But it always came out in the end...out of their end, and some poor hospital orderly would have to fish around for it...(by then we had taken hem to the hospital for their own well being...read stomach pump)

06-15-2005, 01:56 PM
take a bite out of crime dude. and then spit it back out. in someone's eye. a criminal's eye.

Mr Punch
06-15-2005, 09:17 PM
I was a cop in DC for a while before I moved back home. The cops in DC know how to milk the system, so I am going to share with you and everyone else on the forum some in the door police secrets no one out side the "thin blue line" know about (all are real, I have made-up none)

1. If you get injured at home, hide it until your next day at work, then tell everyone you fell while on duty. That wasy you can collect your full pay without dipping into sick leave

2. If you don't feel like going on a run, just tell dispatch you are there. Then wait 5 minutes. Then call bakc and say "nothing found"

3. When sleeping in the squad car, make sure you back into a spot where no one can sneak up behind you.

4. If you want free food at 7-11 the trick is, don't ask for it just take it.

---Maybe some more later.

BTW, before everyone thinks I was a scumbag cop, these were what I was showed by my training officers or taught at the academy....and people wonder why crime is so high in DCIf you're saying you did these things, you're a fu(king scumbag cop pr!ck.

06-15-2005, 11:14 PM
Just do us all a favor, dont be a puss. Dont turn your back on the real crime like so many officers do, due to fear. Truly stand up for what you believe to be justice.

Hey man I agree totally with your point, but what do you base your generalization on? How many cops do you actually know? I've rode with plenty of cops and know a few personally. And I've never met a coward. When a serious call comes thru dispatch, they're all over it in a second. Not saying there aren't wu$$ cops slipping thru the cracks out there, but I believe they're a lot less common than you might think.

I wouldn't wanna be a pr!ck to any decent person who doesn't deserve it, but on the other hand, what you're basically saying is that cops should let people break whatever law, ordinance, etc they want as long as its not murder, rape, robbery, or assault. Great career advice :rolleyes:

Mr Punch
06-16-2005, 12:05 AM
Sorry DragonzRage, that was pretty ill-mannered of me on your thread... shoulda said congratulations man.

Nice one! ;)

06-16-2005, 05:05 AM

Reread my post. I apologize if I didn't make it clear enough. I did not participate in those things, but it what was being taught by training officers.

That being said, all the cops I WORKED WITH, no matter how scummy in general, were all over any situation where something bad could have happened...gun, knife, High Speed Pursuit, etc...

Never seen one back down from a conflict...

06-16-2005, 07:49 AM
Congrats. Watch your back and be nice to the peeps.

06-16-2005, 08:50 AM
True, most officers are not gonna wimp out, but there is always the case of the perp getting away because the officer on site was waiting for back up instead of taking matters into their own hands.

I know it can be dangerous and I know most times you are much safer to wait for the back up but often times that one minute it takes for back up to show, you can lose your man.

I have family in several branches of law enforcement/military.

But I trust you will be a good cop. Most martial artists that get into police work tend to be pretty gung ho.

Be safe, be smart, but most importantly be a bad ass!

Good job on though, seriously. If i had the degree I would have done the same.

06-16-2005, 09:46 AM
Thank you my kung fu friends. You know why i read this board even tho I don't do kung fu? because y'all are so dang cool ;)

Everyone wants to be safe and come home alive every night. No one should be reckless or have too much "tombstone courage". But there are definitely times when a cop should be expected to put himself in harm's way for the greater good. Those who might not be willing to... simply shouldn't be cops. But rest assured, I'm going into this business to kick a$$. So I hear what you're saying and I agree. cheers :D

06-16-2005, 10:16 AM
Hey man, congrats!

One of our instructors is a Brookline cop, he's a great guy.

My old karate/jujitsu sensei from when i was a teenager was a cop too. He was the official instructor for the police dept there. Now that guy had some modern-day war stories of regularly applying the stuff on the street in nasty situations! His moto was "pain = control" :eek:

Oh, and now that you'll be on patrol, please don't bust the balls of motorcyclists, our insurance is high enough as it is... (just had to get that in there ;) )

Best of luck with it!