View Full Version : IKF Nationals in FL...

06-15-2005, 07:02 AM
... is not getting much buzz..... and the site doesn't mention much about san shou...... is it gonna get alot of support or what?.....

gwa sow
06-15-2005, 08:43 AM
i think there was a new law passed here i florida. something about all san shou fights/tourney's have to be registered with the same people who do the boxing stuff. i'm not to sure exactly but i remember hearing it's gonna put a dent in the florida san shou stuff. maybe someone has more info than me.

06-15-2005, 10:27 AM

I know of several schools that will be there and be supportive, our's included.. i also understand that our state has raised insurance requirements so high only the mafia can afford to host fights.. or restricted the rules so much that chess seems more violent.. anyway, many good seminars and some highly regarded competitors.. hope to see many people there..

Be well..

06-15-2005, 03:27 PM
If my funds are right, I will be there. I know a few other guys planning to go as well, but they are at a different gym.

06-17-2005, 11:35 AM

I know of several schools that will be there and be supportive, our's included.. i also understand that our state has raised insurance requirements so high only the mafia can afford to host fights.. or restricted the rules so much that chess seems more violent.. anyway, many good seminars and some highly regarded competitors.. hope to see many people there..

Be well..

Hmmm, are you confusing:

The Seventh Annual International Chinese Martial Arts Championship (http://www.kungfuchampionship.com)


2005 IKF
Amateur Kickboxing Championships (http://www.ikfkickboxing.com/NAC05Main.htm) ???

I only ask, because one has seminars and no san shou this year, while the other has san shou and no seminars......

06-17-2005, 12:17 PM

isol8d: Yikes, you're right.. i just noticed that Nick's tournament has no full contact events :( what a loss.. last year was good, though.. i guess i better rethink the choices.. Thanks for the heads up!

Be well..

Ou Ji
06-17-2005, 12:50 PM
Hey, you could always take a few of the seminars over at Nick's tourney then go over and fight some of the guys in the parking lot after the IKF event. It's alway good to apply what you learn. :D :D

06-17-2005, 12:57 PM

Oh no you don't!!! i'm getting into another 2 against 1.. every time i do, that dang parking lot wins every time :p .. but, looking at the dates, i can make both, and i might get one of my students to play, too..

Be well

06-20-2005, 12:30 PM

Well, crap.. :( .. i just found out that the weekend of IKF is the same weekend i move my daughter to FSU.. i will try to rearrange schedules, but.. she's a girl, and you know how they like to have their way.. oops, i didn't really say that did i? Anyway, i intend to be there and she intends to move that weekend.. i am at a disadvantage with her mom on her side as well.. we'll see..

Be well...