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View Full Version : happy fathers day

06-20-2005, 12:10 AM
little late i guess, but i didnt get in front of the computer much today.

i hope everyone had an awesome fathers day. we hosted our first cookout at the house and my burgers were the ****. marrinated in jackdaniels stuff and cooked over charcole. the womens got me a pair of wingtips, running shoes, and the house of the flying daggers. not sure how much ill like house of the flying daggers, but it was a great thought.

props to anyone that not only has a kid but is actually a dad. i'm not sayin i expect everyone to be superdad, christ knows im not, but people who dont take care of their business need stabbed in the eyes.

06-20-2005, 08:34 AM
The wimminns were good to you Bro. House of flying daggers is a hoot.

06-20-2005, 08:36 AM
I can't grill to save my life. :mad:

Spent the day laying by the pool, instead. :D