View Full Version : Becoming the Bad***?

Wood Dragon
06-21-2005, 05:19 PM
Saw this article: http://www.forbes.com/digitalentertainment/2005/06/20/batman-movies-superheroes-cx_de_0620batman.html

It begged the question: Having a sizeable budget ($20K/annum) for training, and
assuming living expenses are taken care of (mom and dad are rich and innattentive), how would you become a Martial Arts expert? Starting from no initial training?

Private lessons from Dan Inosanto? Hang with Royce? Be like Mike(Tyson)?
Get private instruction at the Kodokan?

06-21-2005, 05:31 PM
Don't forget to pay for a gym membership.

Train with UFC/MMA guys.

06-27-2005, 11:12 PM
just hang around here and you'll be an excellent fighter in no time.