View Full Version : Kang Nei Chin Kung Fu?

07-01-2005, 11:38 PM
Has anyone ever heard of Kang Nei Chin kung fu? I talked to a teacher not too long ago and from what he demonstrated it seemed like kenpo trying really hard to be kung fu. There was a mantis form, a crane form, a "sifu form", etc. In the
Mantis form he would tuck his balls between his legs with a slight crossover step. Each of the 6 or 7 seven forms of the system was suppoesed to be able to counter and defeat the previous form you learned. He kept using the word ki instead of chi. He also seemed to be connected to whatever that ki group is that hits eachother where it counts and walks it off and yells alot. After doing some research it seems like all the teachers of this system are "high" ranking dans in japanese arts, and then tack on the black sash in kang nei chin. I'm just curious if anyone else has experience with this system.

07-02-2005, 03:45 AM
Kan Ga Ryu Kung Fu :P

for da aussies out dere :P

Wong Ying Home
07-02-2005, 08:08 AM
Ah the Kan Ga Roo boys rearing their BS chop socky pyramid selling baloney again.

Ah huge scam that I had heard been very negativley slated in the press and supposedly case of a number of law suits in Australia.

We have them over here, 3 months and you can be a Sempai(Sensei), black belt with white stripe teaching classes of all ages. It is simply a crock designed to make money

Stear well clear !