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View Full Version : Does Anyone Train Iron crotch

Lucky Red
12-20-2000, 12:31 PM
funny History Hopes it isnt True if it is
Please Stop this U may get a iron Crotch But
The Effects of this Training is....bad ....very bad.....worse!!!!!

Someone write this to me, and you can see what my response was. The scary part of the following is that what he wrote to me is true, and used to be practiced.
I don't know if you've heard of this but here goes.
Iron Crotch Kung Fu ( I swear I heard this on TV during a demonstration of Kung Fu)
Find a large heavy rock
Place rock on a near by wall
Tie a leather thong (rope) securely around the rock
Tie the other end of the rope around your scrotum
Assume a horse riding stance and walk backwards pulling the rock off the wall and let swing
The scary thing here is that this is a true thing---this sort of thing used to be one of the "tests" given by the Shaolin priests to gauge your chi.
Personally, I think what it REALLY was had to do with the fact that the older priests were tired of having to deal with the high testosterone levels of the younger initiates, so they devised this "test". After doing that a couple of times, testosterone is something your body simply won't produce anymore. Ta-da! Instant serene monk, without that pesky testosterone-based macho attitude.
It's supposed to show your would-be attacker that you are impervious to pain. This is definately the case but I'm not sure how practical this would be in a fight. It also shows your attacker you are as thick as a plank.
Strong, tough---and not much for brains. :)

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-20-2000, 04:21 PM
Hmmmm....I've been doing that for years on my own as a hobby----you're saying it's also a part of kung fu training?

12-20-2000, 05:54 PM
I practice an Iron Body technique in which you hang and swing weights from the genitals.
I find that it increases sexual energy instead of diminishing it.

Kung Lek
12-20-2000, 05:59 PM
It is a Shaolin method and it is called "golden egg".
Many make humourous comments about this training because they do not understand the value of it.

it is directly related to Golden Bell training and it is of high importance in the ability to withstand strikes.

Golden Bell (both small and large) and considered "Iron Body" methods. As monkey has pointed out.

it will not decrease testosterone production and it is not devised for toning down behaviours of impetuous youth. Hard work in a structured setting will do that for the young.


Kung Lek

12-20-2000, 06:05 PM
Yeah. you haven't understood the essence of the Iron Crotch. it looks terrible, but the outcome is good as in any iron thing practice.

<A HREF="http://www.tai-chi-centre.com/ironcrotch.htm" TARGET="_blank">http://www.tai-chi-centre.com/ironcrotch.htm</A>

there's an article of Iron Crotch.

PS. No. I don't practise it. =)

Lucky Red
12-20-2000, 07:25 PM
i didnt mean to offend anyone but it just seemed
a little Brutal
golden Egg is that when you bash your "eggs" With a hammer :D (i couldnt help It)

as i said it seemed quite Brutal and well Maybe
it will Make a better Fighter and lover. i do
not dare to try

.........,,,,,,,, Spread it Your self

12-20-2000, 11:40 PM
I've also seen people from india do this.Does anyone think it is related to shaolin?Personally I don't think so but it does make you think.

"Always be ready"

12-20-2000, 11:51 PM
Are you all from the states? ;) ƒ

12-22-2000, 12:19 AM
The "shaolin" swinging is testicle only and will lead to impotence almost guaranteed if i'm not mistaken.

The bone marrow nei kung swinging ties around the testicles and the *****. There are also methodology the books dont go into. Ie: Washing the silk cloth, trimming the edges, ect. (if it slips, your wankers sliced off)

Plus, it helps to shave the hairs which is a pain in the butt i'm told. Try explaining that to the guys at the gym. :)

The book _ modern miracles _ I think its called, shows the indian dick stretching which renders the one eyed monster useless for anything but winding up and carrying around in a basket.

The taoist methods increase hormones while the shaolin makes you a eunuch pretty much is what the deal is.

Turiyan, Brahmin caste, Ordos clan

The REAL taichi:
<A HREF="http://www.wfdesign.com/tc/" TARGET="_blank">http://www.wfdesign.com/tc/</A>
<A HREF="http://www.wustyle.com/108.html" TARGET="_blank">http://www.wustyle.com/108.html</A>

12-22-2000, 02:24 AM
so these two shaolin monks were urinating off a bridge, and one sez, "This water is sure cold" and the other replies, "Yeah, and deep, too."

12-30-2000, 11:46 AM
Yang ywang mings book has a formula for the iron crotch. His explaination of the testicle massage and swinging is inadequate. But he has the formula Mantak chia's healing tao is devoid of.

The formula is supposed to be used as a pre training 'pickle' of the gnads. I suppose it can replace the massaging. The swinging isnt nessessary i'm told for the iron vest III techniques chia teaches.

The marrow nei kung book disclaims learning from the book even though I know several that have done it. Its mostly just a disclaimer but the seminars and video's go into some more detail. Like how to treat the silk cloth. Do's and donts
like training while mad/upset.

There are also other issues like humidity. Climate control is important or you get slippage. The placement of the knot is important. The HT swinging also suggests not going past a certain degree of swinging and they only swing for a short period.

The yang book doesnt say anything about it. Some are concerened about this kind of training because many hard chi kung can interfere with sexual function/feeling.

If it dulls pain, it dulls pleasure. Basic axiom. A important part of non-swinging nei kung is the tapping and massage.

Beginners should swing with the weight of the pipe and bolt first. The HT group sell a rubber coated pipe/bolt rig on the homepage. They suggest a rubber coated pipe for some reason. The basic rig is a pipe drilled and a bolt with a nut that holds the weight.

The weight is a plate with a hole, just like the ones at gyms. You place the pipe through the hole, tie on the rope and secure the silk rig.

Anyone that does this should have internal medication and over the counter meds on hand for safety. The internal pills you buy at chines shops, the yunnan biao. Dit da jow, and some muscle oil, and the zheng gu shui, both water and oil based, ect.

As one guy suggested, If you pop or bust something, take the pill and lie down. Calling 911 is going to be a big time drag. It will cost you a lot of money and try explaining to a doctor or psychiatrist what your doing and why.

Dont put the oils on before training. Only for emergency. Keep things dry. You have to clip your hairs. Well, you dont have to. Its just a good idea. (Explain that to the guys at the gym)

The ultimate goal is to bring the nutts into the body. But short term, it increases hormone production to aid the training of the marrow. What you get is yours to keep. I'm told you should be able to feel the yellow marrow sizzling out.

Definitly keep some herbs and formula's on hand with methods like this. I'd also like to add, for excess fire conditions. Use lots of butter. In india they use clairified butter. I'm into shortbread. I have mongol blood so i'm heavly into lots of dairy products.

Milk, buttermilk, that fake chocolate milk made from whey (whey is more of a drying, air clearing substance... something you have to feel to understand). Yogurt. Mung beans and mulberrys are fire clearers. DONT BURN YOURSELF UP.

Waters okay. Drinks lots of it. But i've developed diabetes (bronze) and I can drink a half gallon in about 3 minutes. A double gulp at 7-11 is a 'taste' for me now. Your body will cook that off in no time. DONT BURN YOURSELF UP.

I dryed my lymphatic system up the other day testing out the new outdoor pools heater. Big mistake, my body wasnt even producing enough saliva for me to chew crackers.

Be real cognizant of what your thyroid is telling you. That guy looks a little light in the heel's if you get what I mean. :)

Nature calls. :)

Turiyan, Brahmin caste, Ordos clan

The REAL taichi:
<A HREF="http://www.wfdesign.com/tc/" TARGET="_blank">http://www.wfdesign.com/tc/</A>
<A HREF="http://www.wustyle.com/108.html" TARGET="_blank">http://www.wustyle.com/108.html</A>

12-31-2000, 10:11 PM

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Question--If spam is 15 percent meat, what is the other 85 percent made of?

07-18-2001, 08:37 AM
Oh man, doing this is going to strech your sack out! Your boys are going to be hanging at knee level if you practice this for too long.

It hurts to just read about it.


07-19-2001, 07:16 PM
I have a BIG article on Iron crotch. Seriously. It's in our Sep/Oct issue that should hit the stands in the next two weeks...

Gene Ching
Asst. Publisher
Kungfu Qigong Magazine & www.KUNGFUmagazine.com (http://www.KUNGFUmagazine.com)

07-19-2001, 11:42 PM
Um... where can I find Kungfu Qigong? I haven't seen it at Borders, and I figure they would have everything.

Gene, you answered an email I sent to Wing Lam a few years ago. Do you still work for them? Sorry I'm a bit clueless :P


07-20-2001, 01:32 AM
WTF!!! :eek: :confused:

I don't get mad.
I get stabby.

Water Dragon
07-21-2001, 12:23 AM

You guys should have you own porn site!

Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.

07-21-2001, 04:31 AM
I'll be on my honeymoon 8/11 and unfortunately I need my gear to go.


*unless it's Christmas.

07-21-2001, 06:06 PM
all this to wash marrow? Get yo ass to GNC and take some supplements. Don't go about mutilating your genitals. How did daoist medecine go from flowing with nature to tampering with it to be "more" natural?

This stuff is stupid. Half you retards trying this out don't have the chi levels to fight off a cold let alone play tug a war with your strotum.

If you want iron dick, don't ejaculate all the time, take a 100 day break, center your chi into your dan tien and then slightly lower if you catch my drift. That will help you,

Remember that elephant that wanted a longer trunk so he had a crocidile bite it? What happenend, it came clean off thats what!!

07-23-2001, 08:18 AM
Shanghai Meical College Book series has a title
"Qi Gong" and in it it gives some instruction on it.

Back in 1988?/1990 at Jeff bolts 1st tournament that Monk book was the talk of the town.

What I've been told is that it only leads to sterility if you follow the step which has you push the genitals up into the body. the heat destroys the sperm. Sacrifice?

eric Hargrove

07-24-2001, 01:59 AM
you would be hard pressed to find any two schools
of thought that converge on how to obtain iron X.
with that said, honeysmacks.... if you are learning
hsing-i at this time because of your senseis
interest, then you my friend are going to be
hella surprised when you learn of hsing-i iron
'whatever' training.

you may just go back to kenpo ;)

[This message was edited by cagey_vet on 07-24-01 at 05:08 PM.]

07-29-2001, 06:53 AM
I've actually seen this on TV during prime time!!! I think it was CFMT network where a Chinese master went on stage to perform live in front of a studio and television audience. He tied a 500 pound weight to his hanging member and proceeded to lift the weight off the floor and swing in a clockwise path :)

Other people, such as Shaolin monks just stand there and ask random people to kick them as hard as they can in the crotch. A good method for permanent contraception if you ask me :)

07-29-2001, 06:52 PM
You can find Kungfu Qigong at some Borders and Barnes & Nobles (if you don't see us there, ask!) Both stores recently increased their orders with us. You can also subscribe...

Gene Ching
Asst. Publisher
Kungfu Qigong Magazine & www.KUNGFUmagazine.com (http://www.KUNGFUmagazine.com)

08-06-2001, 08:00 PM
Don't try this at home...

Gene Ching
Asst. Publisher
Kungfu Qigong Magazine & www.KUNGFUmagazine.com (http://www.KUNGFUmagazine.com)

11-16-2007, 11:32 AM
This thread is indicative of what commonly occurs on Martial Arts forums... Dabblers in Martial Arts speak as though they have some legitimate idea of what is authentic, healthy, useful, accepted, or the like when more often than not they are utterly talking out of their collective ass.

It's amusing to see most of this thread shot down by the Magazine staff themselves, since Kung Fu Magazine clearly accepts the legitimacy of this ancient Nei Kung practice. It's would be sad if it weren't so obnoxious to see what parades as "Internal Practice" today. People think because their hands turn red when they run the Long Form that they have reached something notable in terms of Nei Kung.

11-16-2007, 12:13 PM
Iron Crotch is real and it will destroy you and devour your ashes.

11-17-2007, 01:44 PM
This thread is indicative of what commonly occurs on Martial Arts forums... Dabblers in Martial Arts speak as though they have some legitimate idea of what is authentic, healthy, useful, accepted, or the like when more often than not they are utterly talking out of their collective ass.
and let me guess, you are one of the elite few who has a "legitimate" idea and speaks out of the correct orifice?

It's amusing to see most of this thread shot down by the Magazine staff themselves, since Kung Fu Magazine clearly accepts the legitimacy of this ancient Nei Kung practice. It's would be sad if it weren't so obnoxious to see what parades as "Internal Practice" today. People think because their hands turn red when they run the Long Form that they have reached something notable in terms of Nei Kung.
and what, exactly, do you consider to be "something notable" in terms of so-called "internal practice"?

I'm guessing that you've had a recent systemic autonomic response to something you've done "internally" and now feel "enlightened" :rolleyes:

11-17-2007, 09:18 PM
Whatever i am, i am someone who follows my impulse at venting simultaneous amusement and annoyance with people who come on to a Nei Jia forum and don't believe that the Nei Jia are anything "Nei" at all (a little bit of heat, if you are lucky, and otherwise, just axial mechanics). What i'm not is someone who cares to argue with you or prove myself. Venting and arguing are two totally different things: all done.

doug maverick
11-18-2007, 12:06 AM
This thread is indicative of what commonly occurs on Martial Arts forums... Dabblers in Martial Arts speak as though they have some legitimate idea of what is authentic, healthy, useful, accepted, or the like when more often than not they are utterly talking out of their collective ass.

It's amusing to see most of this thread shot down by the Magazine staff themselves, since Kung Fu Magazine clearly accepts the legitimacy of this ancient Nei Kung practice. It's would be sad if it weren't so obnoxious to see what parades as "Internal Practice" today. People think because their hands turn red when they run the Long Form that they have reached something notable in terms of Nei Kung.

true enough. can;t argue with you on these points. i think when it comes to internal people just think about the movies and not the practical. they think they gonna learn some david coperfeild sh!t. when from what i learned in my last four or so years in the internal is that its just extremely sophisticated mody mechanics, combined with the bodies own intrensic energy used to cultivate health. i've had defferent feeling from practicing and sometimes i had none at all. my sifu would tell me don't worry about feeling chi, its there its always there. anyway don;t know what this thread is about just saw your post and agreed with your points. later

11-18-2007, 07:27 AM
true enough. can;t argue with you on these points. i think when it comes to internal people just think about the movies and not the practical. they think they gonna learn some david coperfeild sh!t. when from what i learned in my last four or so years in the internal is that its just extremely sophisticated mody mechanics, combined with the bodies own intrensic energy used to cultivate health. i've had defferent feeling from practicing and sometimes i had none at all. my sifu would tell me don't worry about feeling chi, its there its always there. anyway don;t know what this thread is about just saw your post and agreed with your points. later

I don't know if "practical" is a good designation for swinging weights from your junk to attain sexual powers, Taoist immortality or "spiritual powers." There's not really any practical martial use for iron crotch. How many nei jia chuan masters have you heard of now or a hundred years ago that were/are purported to have done so? Meanwhile there's many that speak on its dangers.

11-18-2007, 09:32 AM
After over half a decade of slumber, Iron Crotch returns to wreak havoc upon the unsuspecting weak-genitalled masses...

11-18-2007, 09:57 AM
I don't know if "practical" is a good designation for swinging weights from your junk to attain sexual powers, Taoist immortality or "spiritual powers." There's not really any practical martial use for iron crotch. How many nei jia chuan masters have you heard of now or a hundred years ago that were/are purported to have done so? Meanwhile there's many that speak on its dangers.

Actually this is a very common practice and MOST Nei Jia masters throughout the centuries have practiced this. The practice is documented in the Shaolin Temple, as well as by Daoist hygienists for over 1000 years. The Celestial Masters and the Yellow Turbans specifically responded to groups that grew too aggressive from this practice and became "Qi Vampires" raping women. The practice existed, but is generally only taught to Inner Door students.

Name just about ANY Xingyi teacher of notoriety and they practice this. Mantak Chia practices and teaches this as well. The "big names" who DON'T practice this are in the minority.

i'd be curious as to what specific Nei Jia masters in the past two hundred years have actually decried this practice.

As for saying "There's not really any practical martial use for iron crotch," the moderators and owners of this site disagree with you. Stick around in the Nei Jia scene for a while and you'll find out just how inaccurate that statement is :)

11-18-2007, 05:46 PM
Actually this is a very common practice and MOST Nei Jia masters throughout the centuries have practiced this. The practice is documented in the Shaolin Temple, as well as by Daoist hygienists for over 1000 years. The Celestial Masters and the Yellow Turbans specifically responded to groups that grew too aggressive from this practice and became "Qi Vampires" raping women. The practice existed, but is generally only taught to Inner Door students.

Name just about ANY Xingyi teacher of notoriety and they practice this. Mantak Chia practices and teaches this as well. The "big names" who DON'T practice this are in the minority.

i'd be curious as to what specific Nei Jia masters in the past two hundred years have actually decried this practice.

As for saying "There's not really any practical martial use for iron crotch," the moderators and owners of this site disagree with you. Stick around in the Nei Jia scene for a while and you'll find out just how inaccurate that statement is :)

Uh huh. And you've been in the Nei Jia scene just how long?

11-18-2007, 05:56 PM
Been training in Martial Arts since 1994 and specifically the Nei Jia since 2000. i am a multi-lineaged instructor in two styles of Xingyi, one of Bagua and two (working on the third), of T'aiji, i'm employed by local parks (which offer courses), and Career Centers on a regular, quarterly basis, as well as teaching for my Shifu.

As a Daoist lineage holder i've been taught "Iron Crotch," practice it mildly (usually not using over 50 lbs), and i teach it as well. In addition to this, i have studied (and continue to study), historical Daoist cultivation methods at the University level with a Harvard Graduate PhD who is far more knowledgeable about the historicity of these practices than myself.

11-18-2007, 06:01 PM
Whatever i am, i am someone who follows my impulse at venting simultaneous amusement and annoyance with people who come on to a Nei Jia forum and don't believe that the Nei Jia are anything "Nei" at all (a little bit of heat, if you are lucky, and otherwise, just axial mechanics). What i'm not is someone who cares to argue with you or prove myself. Venting and arguing are two totally different things: all done.

so you were just venting, huh? ok, fair enough...as to arguing, there is no argument - you come on as an unknown individual to a forum with an air of superiority making some statements critical of how many people perceive / embody internal practice, in a way that implied that you are "in the know" as to what the real deal is; I'm simply asking what qualifies you to take that posture; certainly, you are under no obligation to "prove" anything, but if you present yourself as someone with some authority on a subject, then it only follows reasonably that others will ask for you to support your claims; what is interesting is that after coming on in a rather opinionated manner that you default to the old "I don't have to prove anything to anyone" bit instead of stating straight out what the nature of your experience and background is; so hey, answer, don't answer, no difference really, that's certainly your purview; of course, sooner or later everyone's perspective becomes apparent either directly or otherwise via their posts here, so it all comes out in the wash one way or another

11-18-2007, 06:04 PM
Been training in Martial Arts since 1994 and specifically the Nei Jia since 2000. i am a multi-lineaged instructor in two styles of Xingyi, one of Bagua and two (working on the third), of T'aiji, i'm employed by local parks (which offer courses), and Career Centers on a regular, quarterly basis, as well as teaching for my Shifu.

As a Daoist lineage holder i've been taught "Iron Crotch," practice it mildly (usually not using over 50 lbs), and i teach it as well. In addition to this, i have studied (and continue to study), historical Daoist cultivation methods at the University level with a Harvard Graduate PhD who is far more knowledgeable about the historicity of these practices than myself.

now there ya go!

just a follow-up question: what exactly do you mean by "lineage holder"? and what sect do you hold it in?

11-18-2007, 06:42 PM
so you were just venting, huh? ok, fair enough...as to arguing, there is no argument - you come on as an unknown individual to a forum with an air of superiority making some statements critical of how many people perceive / embody internal practice, in a way that implied that you are "in the know" as to what the real deal is; I'm simply asking what qualifies you to take that posture; certainly, you are under no obligation to "prove" anything, but if you present yourself as someone with some authority on a subject, then it only follows reasonably that others will ask for you to support your claims; what is interesting is that after coming on in a rather opinionated manner that you default to the old "I don't have to prove anything to anyone" bit instead of stating straight out what the nature of your experience and background is; so hey, answer, don't answer, no difference really, that's certainly your purview; of course, sooner or later everyone's perspective becomes apparent either directly or otherwise via their posts here, so it all comes out in the wash one way or another

Yep, just venting; and trying to dodge debates, to be honest. i've seen plenty of tautological debating on the internet, and it usually doesn't benefit anyone.

My take is that MOST people into Nei Jia ARE IN THE KNOW that there IS more to the Nei Jia than advanced mechanics and a mild increase in circulation of qi to the extremities. i don't claim to be "in the know" of something that isn't common knowledge amongst most well known Nei Jia instructors.

What i do claim to be in the know of is what many message forum frequenters are not in the know of. This isn't meant to single anyone specifically out... i just saw it as being the case with a lot of the posts on this thread. i don't normally frequent this forum (or any for that matter), but this thread was brought to my attention by someone who i taught the practice to.

Unfortunately, many people take a seminar here and there, and then speak like they have some authority with which to dismiss advanced Nei Kung practices. Frankly, this is both irritating and is a disservice to instructors and students of Nei Jia. There is MUCH that we can ALL learn if we open our minds to the possibilities that the arbitrary limitations we have come to place on our practices are not necessarily anything but self-imposed limitations.

As i said, i don't know of ANY Xingyi teachers who do not either practice "Iron Crotch" or accept that it is a very beneficial Nei Kung practice which they should do more often. This is not some obscure practice, nor is it dangerous if one has been taught how to do it properly (just as most of Martial Arts are dangerous if not properly instructed). i'll be the FIRST to admit that the first time i heard of it i thought it was a joke (literally, as in made up). i also didn't take "Iron Shirt" practices very seriously in the beginning.

What i hate to see is people imagining that the Nei Jia are just a different approach to mechanics and some mild use of Qi Kung (when in fact all Chinese Martial Arts employ Qi Kung to some extent). Unfortunately, in the U.S. (and perhaps elsewhere), there is a new generation of Nei Jia practitioner who dismisses much of the potential of the systems as legend. That's fine, this is only their loss (and is perhaps Nature's way of selecting who attains what level of skill), but for whatever purpose, i felt the impulse to comment on the matter when the thread was shown to me.

now there ya go!

just a follow-up question: what exactly do you mean by "lineage holder"? and what sect do you hold it in?

At first i thought you meant which Nei Jia styles am i lineaged in, so i listed them (all of them being Daoist in origin according in one manner or another). i study and am lineaged in other systems, but all three of the "Nei Jia" as Sun, Lu-T'ang characterized them, and as relevant to this forum.

...however, after posting, i re-read and it seems you mean "Daoist" lineage in and of itself. While i meant primary lineages in Hebei Xingyi, Yang T'aiji and Cheng Bagua (as well as other variants of each, which i had listed), i think - as stated - that you might mean what Daoist sect itself. If this is what you mean, this is another issue altogether, and one that i'd be happy to discuss through email, as it's not an Order that has historically been public about itself (practically, or in terms of being Daoist), nor is it any major sect of Daoism (though it is Daoist). As such, i don't want to open up tangential avenues of discussion on the same thread.

doug maverick
11-18-2007, 09:54 PM
dude i wasn't talking about none of that swinging **** from your c ock nonsence. i was just saying that his thoughts were a bit insightful. my sifu never did that (one of his sifu's wang shu chin did thou, at least thats what i was told)

11-18-2007, 10:53 PM
dude i wasn't talking about none of that swinging **** from your c ock nonsence. i was just saying that his thoughts were a bit insightful. my sifu never did that (one of his sifu's wang shu chin did thou, at least thats what i was told)

If your Shifu is still connected to someone in his lineage who teaches this, then there's a good chance that in time you'll be instructed in the practice. Whether or not your Shifu practices this, i'm quite sure he doesn't disparage it if his Shifu practiced it as you said.

If you haven't been doing Nei Kung for a while (and able to move Qi as needed), then you will not be taught about this and will be discouraged from it. Almost no one at my school knows that anyone at our school even does it. Most have never even heard of it. It is generally an Inner Door student practice.

Of the three major Nei Jia, it is most popular in Xingyi and though i don't likely know your Shifu, i've yet to meet a Xingyi teacher who doesn't practice it, or who doesn't agree that they SHOULD practice it, as i noted (of course this doesn't mean they all DO practice it, but i've yet to meet anyone who disparages it in Xingyi). That's all.

doug maverick
11-18-2007, 11:29 PM
well my sifu studied with a few xing yi teachers but it was two of them that he says had the most influence on him. one is wang shu chin(i never met him but how could you not be influenced by a man who showed that chi was real and made believers out of skeptics) and the other is wang ji wu(who i actually never heard of until i saw trim cartmells book) grandmaster wang taught his own series of nei gung(tims book shows the primary 16 but my sifu actually showed me 20)he told me nei gung was essiential to xing yi. he himself has never practiced the crotch thing and to my knoweldge neither has any of wang shu chins students. as i have never heard of his students being able to take a hit to the nuts like use to. but yeah the xing yi my sifu teaches starts with at least 3-6months nei gung beofre you move on to do anything else and you still have to do nei gung before and after practice.

11-19-2007, 06:00 AM
As i have never heard of his students being able to take a hit to the nuts like use to.

Good stuff! Incidentally, most people who practice wouldn't necessarily invite a kick to the nuts :) While i know many people who practice it, i haven't seen any take a kick intentionally. The purpose of the practice is health, related to martial practice, not to necessarily make your testicles able to withstand a full force kick.

doug maverick
11-19-2007, 10:14 AM
Good stuff! Incidentally, most people who practice wouldn't necessarily invite a kick to the nuts :) While i know many people who practice it, i haven't seen any take a kick intentionally. The purpose of the practice is health, related to martial practice, not to necessarily make your testicles able to withstand a full force kick.

in any case i heard about this practice back in the day, via the mantak chia sex books. and not saying it doesn;t work just saying it does have side effects and i don;t know about you but i don;t want no side effects happening in my junk. so i'm good with not doing it.and you don;t need it to become a well rounded internalist.

11-19-2007, 12:16 PM
in any case i heard about this practice back in the day, via the mantak chia sex books. and not saying it doesn;t work just saying it does have side effects and i don;t know about you but i don;t want no side effects happening in my junk. so i'm good with not doing it.and you don;t need it to become a well rounded internalist.

The side effects are harder, longer, wider and quicker responsive erections haha

All jokes (serious jokes), aside, the other benefit is higher testosterone levels, stronger prostate, bladder, kidneys, etc. (and as the Kidneys are the "King of the Organs" in TCM, stronger everything).

One particular Xingyi teacher i know of literally "snaps" his fingers and goes from limp to full erection in the time it takes to snap. i've spoken with people who attest to this.

i've got no complaints, and neither does anyone that i've talked to. The "side effects" that can happen are if people do not practice properly. Mantak Chia warns of this, but also assures readers that these are not things that will happen if practiced correctly.