View Full Version : Beautiful Ladies wearing Han Fu

07-07-2005, 06:33 PM
warning: if you say these are kimonos, i'll stick an arrow in your eye

educate yourself first with this site on the evolution of Chinese clothing

then enjoy pictures of beautiful women wearing them :)






07-07-2005, 08:13 PM
What lovely kimono... :p

How about Han bikini instead?

07-08-2005, 04:52 AM
this is one weird thread


Judge Pen
07-08-2005, 06:20 AM

Great thread!

07-09-2005, 12:24 AM
My fetish has been realized

07-09-2005, 01:40 AM
The first lady is really wearing a kimono. The others wear Chinese costumes.

07-09-2005, 08:41 AM
The first lady is really wearing a kimono. The others wear Chinese costumes.

its not a kimono

its a Han era aristocrat Han Fu

the actress wearing it is Yang Tong Shu and its for the TV drama Han Wu Da Di (based on the life of Emperor Han Wu Di)

where the hell do you think kimonos come from? did you even read the first link (history of Chinese costumes)

kimono in Kanji is 吳服, Wu refers to the three kingdoms era Wu kingdom which the Yamato kingdom in Japan was in close contact with

07-09-2005, 10:08 AM
the actress wearing it is Yang Tong Shu and its for the TV drama Han Wu Da Di (based on the life of Emperor Han Wu Di)

Saw Da Han Tianzi with Huang Xiaoming, haven't saw this one though.

the hell do you think kimonos come from? did you even read the first link (history of Chinese costumes)

Read it, lousy Pinyin. It's ZhOU Dynasty, not ZhAO Dynasty.

kimono in Kanji is 吳服, Wu refers to the three kingdoms era Wu kingdom which the Yamato kingdom in Japan was in close contact with

No sh!t? Being a Sinologist myself and having studied Chinese history at Peking University, I guess I don't need you to lecture me on the Chinese origins of the kimono.

During the Three Kingdoms Period, the Queen of the Yamato Kingdom sent envoys to the Kingdom of Wei. Emperor Cao Pi received the emissaries and gave them gifts in return, including precious swords. This was the first recorded contact between China and Japan in history. To say that the Yamato Kingdom was in close contact with the Kingdom of Wu is a gross simplification and a wild claim. There's no historical evidence whatsoever.

its not a kimono

its a Han era aristocrat Han Fu

Sigh, the crew of Han Wu Da Di just took a Japanese heian style kimono, changed it a bit, and called it a Han era dress. You're not really thinking they used an ancient Han dynasty garment, are you?

Never mind... :rolleyes:

Mr Punch
07-09-2005, 09:52 PM
Laviathan: I'm no expert but I asked my girlfriend (Japanese) whether she was wearing Chinese or Japanese clothing and she said old Chinese and looked at me like I was nuts.

Do you have a chip on your shoulder about the Japanese and the fact that many of their cultural artefacts come from China, YangLiCheng?

Nice pics btw.

07-12-2005, 12:19 AM
my humble generalizations.

The Chinese made great contributions to Japanese culture. Nowdays, the Japanese are way more advanced in technology, fashion and creative achievements. Although its changing, if I see an Asian guy with a mickey mouse T-shirt, I can bet his knock off rolex that he's from the mainland. Chinese people learn about the Tang and Song dynasties and look down their noses at the Japanese. But its Japan that had the last laugh in Nanking. And then laughed their way to the first world, while China gunned down her cultural heritage in the name of communism.

Once the power shift happens and China takes over, they will probably put the Japanese on Native reserves and view Japanese culture with quaint interest. In the mean time, there's a chip on the collective Chinese shoulder.

my humble and uneducated opinion on Chinese inferiority complex.

turning a kimono thread into a political debate reminds me of the fat annoying kids in kindergarden arguing over candy. just saying

Mr Punch
07-12-2005, 06:14 AM
Kristoffer, long time no see! :)
turning a kimono thread into a political debate reminds me of the fat annoying kids in kindergarden arguing over candy. just sayingBut that's just it mate: as YangLiCheng has pointed out very pointedly - they aren't kimono! So you're about to get in trouble there!

In fact, this is the third thread he's started with a very firm statement that he is talking about Chinese culture, NOT Japanese, which is fair enough, but I ain't gonna walk on eggshells!

That's why I want to know the reasons for his attitude. Not debating anything, just asking him, friendly like!

07-12-2005, 07:50 AM
Hey Mat, what's up? I'm just trying to survive the heat over here.

Actually I was gonna write Han Fu but it didn't have the same stingy feeling to it. ;)
I understand what your getting at having read YangLiChengs other threads.. I liked his chinese archery thread though, I used to hunt trees as a kid.

Mr Punch
07-12-2005, 09:27 AM
Yeah, I like his threads... I just wondered where he's coming from.

Where's "over here?"!

It's pretty da.mn horrible over here too!

07-12-2005, 01:00 PM

you are pretentious and stupid. Do you think you are a real expert? Are you so smart that when someone tries to tell you something you are offended. You are pretentious and stupid.

07-12-2005, 03:03 PM
Stockholm, Sweden. Beleive me when I say I'm not used to the heat

David Jamieson
07-12-2005, 03:26 PM
I'll tell you what's stupid.

Those chicks are dressed anklt to neck in what is equal to victorian robes on a round eye.

not sexy.

could've been more borderline pornish if ya ask me.

I mean, you guys in this forum are porn freaks aren't ya?

robes! pshaw!

07-12-2005, 07:58 PM
Saw Da Han Tianzi with Huang Xiaoming, haven't saw this one though.

Read it, lousy Pinyin. It's ZhOU Dynasty, not ZhAO Dynasty.

No sh!t? Being a Sinologist myself and having studied Chinese history at Peking University, I guess I don't need you to lecture me on the Chinese origins of the kimono.

During the Three Kingdoms Period, the Queen of the Yamato Kingdom sent envoys to the Kingdom of Wei. Emperor Cao Pi received the emissaries and gave them gifts in return, including precious swords. This was the first recorded contact between China and Japan in history. To say that the Yamato Kingdom was in close contact with the Kingdom of Wu is a gross simplification and a wild claim. There's no historical evidence whatsoever.

Sigh, the crew of Han Wu Da Di just took a Japanese heian style kimono, changed it a bit, and called it a Han era dress. You're not really thinking they used an ancient Han dynasty garment, are you?

Never mind... :rolleyes:

actually, no. its not a Kimono. Heian era Kimono designs weren't even close to diverging from the Chinese originals.

the only thing that would indicate its uniquely a Kimono (based on stereotypes, not facts) is the wide sash

which is MISCONCEPTION. theres this strange idea that Chinese never used large sashes to tie Han Fu and preferred belts to the point where sashes were never used. sashes were quite popular in the eastern Zhou dynasty, Qin and Han. their use only declined in the eastern han dynasty but quickly made a comback during the age of fragmentation

as you can see from this example


do you really think i'm impressed that you went to Beijing university? or are a self proclaimed Sinologist?

07-12-2005, 10:40 PM

you are pretentious and stupid. Do you think you are a real expert? Are you so smart that when someone tries to tell you something you are offended. You are pretentious and stupid.

OK OK, I did sounded like a jerk. Sorry. But I got a little offended by YangLiCheng's tone (which was quite patronizing IMO), that's all. We must "educate ourselves first" before replying to his topic? I might be stupid but come on, who is being pretentious here?

do you really think i'm impressed that you went to Beijing university? or are a self proclaimed Sinologist?

I don't know you, and I honestly couldn't care less about whether or not you're impressed. Also, a lot of people go to Beida and Tsinghua nowadays, nothing special. But if you tell me out right to educate myself first, then I guess I am entitled to point out which university I attended and what I studied. Self proclaimed Sinologist? Oh, never mind...

Sorry that I sounded like a jerk, my sincere apologies. I will refrain from further posting on the subject of Han Fu, 'cause obviously I am not "educated enough"... *sarcasm*

Bye and have fun.

07-13-2005, 05:19 PM
Hey man
i'm sorry too. Wow, now i feel like a jerk. sorry man! :(

07-14-2005, 02:44 AM
To bodhitree:

Hey it's ok man, my tone was quite offensive so your reaction was understandable. No hard feelings. :)

